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Thursday, March 27, 2025 at 4:47 AM
Luisiana State

Public Notices


Sealed bids are invited and will be received by invitation by the Town of Mangham at the Town of Mangham Municipal Building until 2:00 P.M. (local time) on Monday, December 9, 2024 for the construction project entitled “Mangham Recreation Complex Phase II”. Bids shall be accepted from Contractors who are licensed under LA R.S.:2150-2192 for the classification of Municipal and Public Works Construction.  Bids will be publicly opened and read aloud by Charlotte Boone, Mayor, at this time.  Any bid received after the closing time above stated will be returned unopened. 

Each bid shall be either hand delivered by the bidder or his agent in which case the deliverer shall receive a written receipt, or such bid shall be sent by registered or certified mail with a return receipt requested. Bids should be submitted in a sealed envelope addressed to Town of Mangham, Attention: Charlotte Boone, Mayor, and marked on the outside of the envelope as “Bid for Mangham Recreation Complex Phase II”. The contractor’s Louisiana license number shall also be listed on the envelope.  If sent by mail, the sealed bid shall be enclosed in another envelope addressed to Town of Mangham, P. O. Box 94, Mangham, Louisiana, 71259.  Bids may also be submitted electronically through Civcast (www.civcastusa.com).  Instructions for electronic submittal are provided on the site.

The required documents for submittal with the Bid include the completed latest Louisiana Uniform Public Works Bid Form; Bid Security or Bid Bond; Acknowledgement of Addenda; Base Bid; Alternates; Signature of Bidder, Name, Title and Address of Bidder; Name of Firm or Joint Venture; Corporate Resolution or Written Evidence of the Authority of the Person Signing the Bid; and Louisiana Contractor’s License Number (must also be on the envelope). Other required Certifications, Compliances and Affidavits, included in Part I of the Bid Documents, must be submitted by the apparent low bidder only within 10 days after bid opening or sooner.  Failure by the apparent low bidder to submit all required forms shall make the bid “Non-responsive”.  This project has not been set up as a “Tax Exempt” project.  All sales taxes are to be paid by the Contractor and/or Sub-Contractor.  Bid Bonds will be returned to unsuccessful bidders immediately after award of the work.  Award of the Contract will be within 45 days of bid opening.

Bids will be for the construction project entitled “Mangham Recreation Complex Phase II”.  The Base Bid for this Phase II project consists of providing site grading as indicated on the plans for the Dixie Belle (High School) Softball Field, constructing the Dixie Belle (High School) Softball Field complete with finish grading/dirtwork, seeding, fencing, backstop, dugouts, press box, bases and scoreboard; but no field lighting, no sprinkler system and no bleachers or bleacher canopies. Add Alternate No. 1 will be to install the Dixie Belle (High School) Field Lighting as indicated on the plans.  Add Alternate No. 2 will be to install 200 lf of 6 ft perimeter fencing, two 12 ft double gates and two 3 ft gates as indicated on the plans. Add Alternate No. 3 will be to install 400 lf of sanitary sewer, one manhole and tie-in to existing manhole as indicated on Plan Sheet C5.1. Also add 365 lf of 2 inch potable water service line, 70 lf of 1 inch potable water service line and two ¾ inch hose bibs as indicated on Plan Sheet C5.1.

The Phase I work has been previously bid and constructed.  Thus, no Phase I work is a part of this construction.

Bids shall be according to plans and specifications prepared by S. E. Huey Co., Consulting Engineers. Copies of the Contract Documents may be viewed and downloaded for free through Civcast (www.civcastusa.com), or via a link found at www.sehuey.com. Free registration is required. A fee is charged for printing and shipping contract documents. See website for details. 

Alternatively, copies of the contract documents may be requested from the office of the Engineer, S. E. Huey Co., by calling 318-325-1791 and picked up at 1111 North 19th Street in Monroe, LA 71201.  A deposit of $100.00 is required for each set.  Deposits on the first set of documents furnished prime bidders shall be fully refunded upon return of the documents no later than ten days after receipt of bids.  On other sets of documents furnished to bidders, the deposit less the actual cost of reproduction shall be refunded upon return of the documents no later than ten days after receipt of bids. 

The Specifications in this document were developed to allow for construction of all component parts of this project. Some specifications included may only apply to one phase of the project while others may apply to all phases of the project. The Contractor must coordinate the project plans and the invitation to bid with the complete set of specifications to determine which specifications apply to the phase being bid. The Specification Table of Contents can be used as a guide to determine which specification sections apply to the Phase 1I construction.

Each bid shall be accompanied by a certified check or Bid Bond in the amount of five percent (5%) of the bid, payable without condition to the Owner as guarantee that the bidder, if awarded the contract, will promptly execute the contract in accordance with the proposal in a manner and form required by the specifications.  The successful Bidder will be required to furnish and pay for satisfactory Performance and Payment bonds.  Bidders are advised that a Performance and Payment Bond in the amount of 100 percent (100%) of the contract price will be required.  No bid may be withdrawn for at least forty-five (45) days after the scheduled closing time for the receipt of bids or as extended by mutually written consent in accordance with Louisiana Public Bid Law.  The Town of Mangham or any other entity cannot waive certain informalities per LA RS 38.2212 (B) (1).  The Town of Mangham reserves the right to reject any or all bids for just cause, in accordance with State Bid Law, LA RS 38.2214. There will be a non-mandatory pre-bid meeting held at 10:00 A.M. on Wednesday, December 4, 2024 at the office of the Mayor on Main Street in Mangham, Louisiana for the opportunity of bidders to ask questions about the project followed by a visit to the project site.

Town of Mangham

Charlotte Boone, Mayor 

11/7, 11/14, 11/21






SEALED bids will be received by the Richland Parish Police Jury, Secretary-Treasurer, at P.O. Box 668 or 35 Lynn Gayle Robertson Road, Courthouse Annex Building, Rayville, LA, 71269, until 10:30 A.M., (local time) Friday, December 6, 2024. Bids will be opened on Monday, December  9, 2024 at 10:00 A.M. by the Parish Manager and Secretary. Bids will be awarded December 9, 2024, at the Regular Meeting at 6:00 PM, as the item is listed on the agenda. Please mail bids (no fax bids) to Richland Parish Police Jury, P.O. Box 668, or you may hand deliver bids to Secretary-Treasurer’s office at 35 Lynn Gayle Robertson Road, Rayville, Louisiana, 71269.



 318-728- 2061


Laura Mulhern


11/14, 11/21, 11/28



Separate sealed bids (no faxed bids) for furnishing the following materials for a period of one (1) year, effective January 1, 2025 through December 31, 2025 will be received by the Richland Parish Police Jury, Secretary-Treasurer, 35 Lynn Gayle Robertson Rd, Annex Building, Rayville, La. until 10:30 PM, (Local Time) Friday, December 6, 2024.  Bids will be opened Monday, December 9, 2023 at 10:00 AM. Bids will be awarded (as item listed on the agenda) at the regular monthly meeting December 9, 2024, beginning at 6:00 PM.

Item 1. High Sulfur Diesel – bulk price

Item 2. High Sulfur Diesel – transport load price

Item 3. Galvanized Metal Culverts

Item 4. Asphaltic Cold Mix

Item 5. Asphaltic Hot Mix

Item 6. Railroad Tank Cars

Item 7. CRS-2 Emulsified Asphalt

Item 8. Asphalt Emulsion Primer

Item 9. Tire Repair 

Item 10. Flume Sand

Item 11. Pit Run (Sand Clay Gravel)

Item 12. Washed Maintenance Gravel – FOB Pit

Item 13. Washed Maintenance Gravel – Delivered

Item 14. Crushed Limestone #57 - FOB Pit

Item 15. Crushed Limestone #57 – Delivered

Item 16. Crushed Limestone #7 – FOB Pit

Item 17. Crushed Limestone #7 – Delivered

Item 18. Crushed Limestone # 8 – FOB Pit

Item 19. Crushed Limestone #8 – Delivered

Item 20. Seal Coat Aggregate Size 3 – FOB Pit

Item 21. Seal Coat Aggregate Size 3 – Delivered

Item 22. Washed Oversized Gravel – FOB Pit

Item 23. Washed Oversized Gravel – Delivered

Item 24 Plastic Culverts

Items listed above shall be bid separately. All Bids shall be marked on the outside of envelope as a “Sealed Bid”.  Bid prices shall include itemized cost of delivery charges and all other incidental cost thereto.  Specifications for the materials may be obtained from the Secretary-Treasurer or Parish Manager, Richland Parish Police Jury, Annex Building, 35 Lynn Gayle Robertson Rd, Courthouse Building, Rayville, Louisiana. 

The Richland Parish Police Jury is exempt from all state and local sales tax.

The Richland Parish Police Jury reserves the right to waive any and/or all informalities and accept or reject any or all bids.

The Richland Parish Police Jury reserves the right to do business with anyone during the year due to pricing or transport their own materials.


Laura Mulhern


11/14, 11/21, 11/28

Richland Parish Police Jury

Special Meeting – 9:00 A.M.

October 24, 2024

The President called the meeting to order with the invocation given by Mr. Lively.

Pledge of Allegiance 

Roll call revealed the following:

Present: Messrs.: Craig, Powell, Jones, Colvin, Reddick, Lively and Adcock

Absent:  Ms. Carroll and Mr. Wiggins

Mr. Jones made a motion to approve the agenda.  Mr. Adcock seconded the motion and it passed with no opposition.

Motion by Mr. Lively, seconded by Mr. Powell approve the Sales and Use Tax rebate agreement.  Mr. Lively then amended his motion to approve the Sales and Use Tax rebate agreement and to give the President (Mr. Reddick) the authority to sign the agreement.  This was seconded by Mr. Adcock and passed with no opposition.

A motion to adjourn was made by Mr. Lively and seconded by Mr. Craig.  Motion passed with no opposition.

/s/ Laura Mulhern  


/s/ Cecil Reddick





The Richland Parish Police Jury will hold a public hearing for the Proposed Combined Budget for the FYE December 31, 2025 on Monday, December 9, 2024 at 5:45 P.M., in the Richland Parish Police Jury board room, Courthouse Annex Building 35 Lynn Gayle Robertson Road, Rayville, Louisiana, 71269.

Any interested party may inspect the Budget at the Police Jury office between the hours of 7:30 A.M. to 5:00 P.M. Monday – Thursday and Friday from 7:30 A.M. to 11:30 A.M. 


Laura Mulhern


11/14, 11/21, 11/28, 12/5






MONDAY 5:45 P.M.

DECEMBER 9, 2024

The Richland Parish Police jury will hold a public hearing on Monday 5:45 p.m., December 9, 2024:

Discuss closing a portion of White Roack Road (from Bee Bayou Road to Summers Road).



11/14, 11/21, 11/28, 12/5



The Richland Parish Police jury meeting for December will be held on December 9, 2024.

11/14, 11/21, 11/28, 12/5


Richland Parish Police Jury

Public Hearing – 5:45 P.M.

November 4, 2024

The President called the meeting to order with the invocation given by Mr. Adcock.

Pledge of Allegiance 

Roll call revealed the following:

Present: Ms. Carroll and Messrs.: Craig, Jones, Colvin, Reddick, Lively, Wiggins, and Adcock

Absent:  Mr. Powell

Mr. Lively made a motion to approve the agenda.  This was seconded by Mr. Jones and passed with no opposition.

Mr. Reddick opened the floor to the public for comments on closing Burn Road and a portion of Wade Road (from Jaggers Lane to Hwy 183).  There were comments.

Mr. Lively made a motion to adjourn.  Mr. Colvin seconded the motion and it passed with no opposition.

Richland Parish Police Jury

Regular Meeting – 6:00 P.M.

November 4, 2024

The President called the meeting to order.

Roll call revealed the following:

Present: Ms. Carroll and Messrs.: Craig, Jones, Colvin, Reddick, Lively, Wiggins, and Adcock

Absent:  Mr. Powell

Mr. Colvin gave an update that the Economic Development Committee had met to discuss current projects in the parish.

Mr. Colvin made a motion to amend the agenda to: 

-remove the language on item #11 and replace it with Request from the Clerk of Court

-under Secretary Treasurers Report – replace request from Request from Clerk of Court Office with LGAP Split and to add December meeting date

-change item 18 Public Hearing to discuss the development agreement and change item 19 to Discuss development agreement, 20 to Discuss cooperative endeavor agreement on roadway project and add item 21 Adjourn

This was seconded by Mr. Lively and approved with no opposition

Mr. Lively made a motion to approve the amended agenda and this was seconded by Mr. Colvin.  Motion passed with no opposition.

Motion by Mr. Lively, seconded by Mr. Colvin to approve the minutes of the Richland Parish Police Jury Regular Meeting of October 8, 2024 and Special Meeting of October 15, 2024 as presented to the official journal - The Richland Beacon News. Motion passed with no opposition.

At this time the president asked visitors to address the jury.  A resident thanked Mr. Lively for taking care of streets in his district and asked to have some No Littering signs placed on Pecan Drive and Horne Road.  Steve Gibson and Charlie White from Jaggers Lane asked question about project in their area.  Wes Vanderhoff asked for help with stray animals in the parish.   

Ms. Jenkins presented the jury with the options for health insurance for 2025.  Mr. Jones made a motion to approve BCBS option 1 Group Care Copay 60/40 $1,500L.  This was seconded by Mr. Lively and passed with no opposition.  

Mr. Colvin made a motion to renew the Dental, Vision and Gap insurance policies.  This was seconded by Mr. Lively and passed with no opposition.

Mr. Lively made a motion the keep the Medicare plan with the increase.  This was seconded by Mr. Craig and passed with no opposition.

Mr. Wiggins made a motion to adopt the annual certification of compliance off system bridge replacement resolution and resolution priority list.  This was seconded by Mr. Lively and passed with no opposition.

RESOLUTION 24-11-04-03


WHEREAS, the Code of Federal Regulations are enacted by the United States Congress mandates that all structures defined as bridges located on all public roads shall be inspected, rated for safe load capacity and posted in accordance with the National Bridge Inspection Standards and that an inventory of these bridges be maintained by each state; and

WHEREAS, the responsibility to inspect, rate and load post those bridges under the authority of Richland Parish in accordance with those Standards is delegated by the Louisiana Department of Transportation and Development to Richland Parish.

THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED by the governing authority of Richland Parish (herein referred to as the parish) that the Parish in a regular meeting assembled does hereby certify to the referred (as the DOTD) that for the period November 4, 2024 through October 31, 2025.

1. The Parish will perform all interim inspections on all Parish own or

Maintained bridges in accordance with the National Bridge Inspection Standards.

2. All bridges owned or maintained by the Parish will be structurally 

analyzed and rated by the Parish as to the safe load capacity in accordance with AASHTO Manual for Maintenance Inspections for Bridges. The load posting information that has been determined by LA. DOTD for all bridges where the maximum legal load under Louisiana State Law exceeds the local permitted under the operating rating as determined above will be critically reviewed by the Parish Load posting information will be updated by the Parish to reflect all structural changes, any obsolete structural ratings or any missing structural ratings.

3. All Parish owned or maintained bridges where required load posting  

or closing shall be load posted or closed in accordance with the table in the DOTD Engineering Directives and Standards Manual Directive No. All DOTD supplied load posting information concerning a bridge shall be critically reviewed by the Parish Engineer prior to load posting.

4. All Bridges owned or maintained by the Parish are shown on the 

 Attached list in the format specified by the DOTD. Corrections to data    supplied to the Parish by the LA. DOTD are noted.

5. All brides owned and maintained by the Parish are accessible to the DOTD for all routing bridge inspections.  Parish will clear vegetation as required upon DOTD request.     


I Laura Mulhern, Secretary of the Police Jury of the Parish of Richland State of Louisiana hereby certify that the above and foregoing to be a true and correct copy of a Resolution adopted by this Police Jury in Regular Session on this 4th day of November 2024, at which a quorum was present and voting.

Mr. Adcock made a motion to close Burn Road and a portion of Wade Road (from Jaggers Lane to Hwy 183).  Mr. Lively seconded the motion and it passed with no opposition.

Mr. Lively made a motion to table reopening Bullock Road.  Mr. Adcock seconded the motion and it passed with no opposition.

The Clerk of Court asked that the jury purchase software for their office from i3 Verticals.  Mr. Colvin made a motion to purchase computer software for the Clerk of Court office for $2,700 using funds from the Courthouse Maintenance account.  Mr. Adcock seconded the motion and it passed with no opposition.

A motion was made by Mr. Lively, seconded by Mr. Wiggins to call for a Public Hearing at 5:45 at the next regular Police Jury meeting to discuss closing a portion of White Rock Road (from Bee Bayou Road to Summers Road).  Motion passed with no opposition.

Mr. Lively made a motion the name Parish Rd #2201B – Edgar Roberts Road (per approval from Ms. Piro).  This was seconded by Mr. Wiggins and passed with no opposition.

Mr. Craig made a motion to approve the renewal of the following beverage permits for FY 2025.Mr. Jones seconded the motion and it passed with no opposition.

Applicant: Rani LLC

3430 Hwy 80, Rayville, La 71269

Business: Smart 4

Rayville, LA 71269

Class: B $35.00

Applicant: Thomas McKinley

1345 WPA Rd, Delhi, LA 71232

Business: Champions Bistro LLC

253 Black Bear Drive

Delhi, La 71232

Class: A $47.00 /Whiskey $547.00

The Secretary-Treasurer handed out the Revenue and Expenditures report (budget vs actual) and the bank balances for the month of October 2024. No action taken.

Mr. Colvin made a motion to call for a Special Meeting on Thursday, November 7 at 10:00. This was seconded by Mr. Lively and passed with no opposition.

The Secretary Treasurer presented the jury with a couple of options for the 22 23 LGAP split.  Mr. Wiggins made a motion to go with the second option which awards the funds as follows: Mangham Fire $4,050, Start Fire $25,000, Delhi Police Department $21,200, River Road Water $17,375 and Archibald Water $17,375.  This was seconded by Mr. Colvin and passed with no opposition.

Mr. Lively made a motion to appoint Mr. Powell and Mr. Jones to the North Delta Regional Planning and Development District Board.  Mr. Craig seconded the motion and it passed with no opposition.

A motion was made by Mr. Craig, seconded by Mr. Jones to move the December meeting from December 2nd to December 9th due to the Thanksgiving holiday.  Motion passed with no opposition.

Mr. Lively made a motion to bid out Materials and Supplies for 2025.  Mr. Craig seconded the motion and it passed with no opposition.

Motion by Mr. Craig, seconded by Mr. Lively to put a new motor costing approximately $24,000 in a dump truck and to pay using ARPA funds.  Motion passed with no opposition. 

Mr. Evans stated that we have had several requests from the towns for help with road and drainage and that the jury can provide the labor and equipment but the towns should purchase the supplies.

A motion was made by Mr. Colvin, seconded by Mr. Craig to hire an architect to draw plans for the LSU Ag center addition to the Health Unit and a cold storage facility.  Motion passed with no opposition.

Mr. Evans asked for funds to complete the Alto Barn.  Mr. Wiggins made a motion to spend approximately $40,000 from ARPA to finish the building.  This was seconded by Mr. Lively and passed with no opposition.

Motion by Mr. Craig, seconded by Mr. Adcock to re bid for a tar truck and to use ARPA funds to purchase.  Motion passed with no opposition.

Mr. Colvin made a motion to approve Resolution 24-11-04-01 for the building permit fee.  This was seconded by Mr. Lively and passed with no opposition.



WHEREAS, the Richland Parish Police Jury (“Jury”) being the authority for issuing of Commercial Building Permits in Richland Parish, received a request for variance on the Commercial Building Permit Fee, submitted by Laidley, LLC (“Company”), pertaining to a project that the Company intends to develop in Holly Ridge, Louisiana, (hereinafter “Project”); 

WHEREAS, the Jury has determined, on a fact specific basis related to this Project only, that due to the size and scope of the Project and the potential economic development opportunities it will provide to the Parish, a variance to the Commercial Building Permit Fee due from the Company on the Project is warranted (hereinafter “Variance”); 

WHEREAS, the Jury is in the process of considering a Development Agreement and Cooperative Endeavor Agreement related to the Project, and negotiating the terms of the same, the Jury states that the Variance granted herein, which is to be more specifically described in the Development Agreement, is to include the issuance of Parish Permits for the construction activities to be described in the Development Agreement and Cooperative Endeavor Agreement;

NOW, THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED, that the Jury, in regular session, duly convened on this 4th day of November, 2024, hereby determines that based on the scope of the Project and economic development opportunities that are likely to occur in the Parish as a result of the same, a Variance to the Commercial Building Permit Fee of Richland Parish shall be granted to the Company, such that the Commercial Building Permit Fee for the Project and the Roadway Improvements, as to be more specifically defined in the Development Agreement to be entered into by the Jury and the Company, shall be one-tenth of one percent (.001%) of the current projected total cost of the Project and Roadway Construction, with the scope and payment procedure for said fee to be stated in the Development Agreement, but it is specifically stated that if the Development Agreement and Cooperative Endeavor Agreement described above are never entered into by and between the Jury and the Company, the Jury shall revoke this Resolution approving the above described variance, but that if said agreements are entered into by the Jury and the Company that this Resolution shall apply.

The above and foregoing Resolution was introduced via a motion made by Mr. Colvin, seconded by Mr. Lively, and the same being considered by a quorum of the Jury present on this 4th day of November, 2024, with the following vote recorded:

Yeas: __7__

Nays: __0__

Absent: __1__

Abstain: __0__

WHEREFORE, the presiding officer and the Secretary-Treasurer of the Jury attest that the above and foregoing Resolution was duly adopted, in full, on the 4th day of November, 2024.

/s/ Laura Mulhern


/s/ Cecil Reddick 


Mr. Colvin made a motion to go into a Public Hearing to discuss the Development Agreement.  This was seconded by Mr. Craig and passed with no opposition.  Mr. Gibson expressed concerns about what was going on and any long-term effects.  Mr. White asked to be kept in the loop.  Mr. Craig made a motion to adjourn the Public Hearing.  This was seconded by Mr. Colvin and passed with no opposition.

Mr. Colvin made a motion to discuss the Development agreement and allow for public comments at a Special Meeting to be held on November 7 at 10:00.  Mr. Lively seconded the motion and it passed with no opposition. 

Motion by Mr. Lively, seconded by Mr. Craig to approve Resolution 24-11-04-02 for the Cooperative Endeavor Agreement between the Richland Parish Police Jury and Laidly.  Motion passed with no opposition.



WHEREAS, the Richland Parish Police Jury (“Jury”) possesses the right-of-way for and maintains certain public roads located in Richland Parish, Louisiana, known as Jaggers Lane, Smalling Road, and Fortenberry Road; 

WHEREAS, Laidley, LLC, (“the Company”), intends to invest in the Parish to create an economic development project, and in relation to the same, has requested approval from the Jury to make certain improvements to Jaggers Lane, Smalling Road, and Fortenberry Road, by improving and widening the same (hereinafter “Roadway Improvements”); 

WHEREAS, the Company has agreed to pay the costs relating to the development of plans and the construction of the above referenced Roadway Improvements, based on the terms more specifically outlined in a Cooperative Endeavor Agreement to be entered into by and between the Jury and the Company relating to the Roadway Improvements, which defines the obligations of the Jury and the Company relating to the Roadway Improvements;

NOW, THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED, that the Jury, in regular session, duly convened on this 4th day of November, 2024, and after a review of the Cooperative Endeavor Agreement to be entered into by and between the Jury and the Company, hereby determines that it is in the best interest of Richland Parish for the Jury to enter into the above described Cooperative Endeavor Agreement with the Company, based on the terms outlined therein, and hereby approves the execution of said Cooperative Endeavor Agreement by Cecil Reddick, as President of the Jury, upon the resolution and agreement of question relating to Section 2.01(f) or the same and the approval and execution of a Development Agreement to be entered into by and between the Jury and the Company related to the overall economic development project that these improvements are being made related to, but that if said Development Agreement is not entered into and approved by the Jury and the Company, that at a later meeting, the Jury shall revoke this Resolution approving the execution of the Cooperative Endeavor Agreement referenced herein, however, if the Development Agreement is entered into by the Jury this Resolution shall apply.

The above and foregoing Resolution was introduced via a motion made by Mr. Lively, seconded by Mr. Craig, and the same being considered by a quorum of the Jury present on this 4th day of November, 2024, with the following vote recorded:

Yeas: __7__

Nays: __0__

Absent: __1__ 

Abstain: __0__          

WHEREFORE, the presiding officer and the Secretary-Treasurer of the Jury attest that the above and foregoing Resolution was duly adopted, in full, on the 4th day of November, 2024.

/s/ Laura Mulhern


/s/ Cecil Reddick 


A motion to adjourn was made by Mr. Lively and seconded by Mr. Craig.  Motion passed with no opposition.

/s/ Laura Mulhern


/s/ Cecil Reddick 




Public Notice

I, Michael Shelley, #315127, have applied for clemency for my conviction of Schedule II. If you have any comments, contact the Board of Pardons (225) 342-5421.

11/14, 11/21, 11/28a

Public Notice

Richland Parish:

 1) I Ravinder Pal Singh, For the Business of  RA PETRO LLC DBA  RJ PETRO 2,  am applying to the collector of Revenue of the State of Louisiana for a permit to sell tobacco & beverages of high and low content products as defined by law at the municipal address, located at 110 Broadway St, Mangham, LA 71259 in the Richland Parish.

Location Address, city, state, zip :  110 Broadway St, Mangham, LA 71259

Mailing Address :  110 Broadway St, Mangham, LA 71259

Name of Business: RA PETRO LLC


Member/Manager: Ravinder Pal Singh

11/14, 11/21, 11/28a


Public Notice

Notice is hereby given of a special called meeting for the members of New Bethel Baptist Church, which meeting is to be held on November 26, 2024 at 11:30 a.m. at the New Bethel Church, Richland Parish, Louisiana, to consider transferring immovable property to the heirs of Ira Bradley, Jr., etux, pursuant to a reversionary clause.

11/7, 11/14


Public Notice

Although it is believed not necessary, out of an abundance of caution notice is hereby given, pursuant to Article IV, Section 2l(D)(l) of the Louisiana Constitution and Louisiana Public Service Commission General Order 7/112019 · (Docket R-34738), that on October 30, 2024, Entergy Louisiana, LLC (“ELL”), a public utility providing retail electric and gas service in various parishes throughout the State of Louisiana, filed with the Louisiana Public Service Commission (“LPSC”) its Application for Approval of Generation and Transmission Resources Proposed in Connection with Service to a Significant Customer Project in North Louisiana, including Proposed Rider, and Request for Timely Treatment.

The filing seeks certification of various generation and transmission-related resources to serve a new customer proposing to site a facility in northeast Louisiana. The filing sets forth that no new rate schedule or rider is being proposed for those resources and that the recovery of costs for those resources is anticipated to come largely from the new customer through a Contribution in Aid of Construction Agreement and the customer’s participation in ELL’s standard Large Load, High Load Factor Power Service Rate Schedule. The filing further outlines the terms of a Corporate Sustainability Rider, which is an arrangement available only to the new customer and that sets forth the process for procuring and seeking certification of various renewable or low carbon resources and how the new customer will be assessed additional fees to recover the costs thereof. The filing sets forth the cost recovery treatment for the new transmission, generation, and renewable resources, and further explains that the customer’s payments are expected to result in net economic benefits to all of ELL’s customers.

For questions and comments regarding ELL’s filing, please call the LPSC toll free at (800) 256-2397. Additionally, the filing, including its attachments may be viewed in the Records Division of the LPSC at the following address:


Records Division

602 N. 5’11 Street, J2ih Floor

Baton Rouge, Louisiana 70802

Telephone: (225) 342-3157



Richland Parish Hospital Service District No. 1-A Resolution 

Regarding SELECTION OF Construction Manager at-Risk and related matters

WHEREAS, the District, in accordance with state law, has elected to utilize the alternative delivery model of Construction Manager At-Risk (“CMAR”) rather than the typical design, bid, build process in connection with its plan to replace its Critical Access Hospital (“CAH”); and 

WHEREAS, in connection with the selection of the CMAR, in accordance with state law, the Board of Commissioners have created a Selection Committee to provide it with a review of contractor proposals to serve as the CMAR, and the scoring and ranking of the proposals and also to recommend award to a CMAR contractor; and

WHEREAS, the Selection Committee has completed its assigned task and made its recommendations to the District. 

NOW, THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED, that the Board of Commissioners of the Richland Parish Hospital Service District No. 1-A hereby authorizes Interim CEO Jinger Greer, to notify The Lemoine Company, LLC that it has been selected as the CMAR for the District’s capital improvement project of replacing its CAH and to acknowledge and thank all who participated in the competition; and 

BE IT FURTHER RESOLVED, that Interim CEO Mildred Greer, upon the advice of counsel, is hereby authorized to begin negotiations with The Lemoine Company, LLC to develop a contract to provide such CMAR services and to return to the Board with her recommendations on said contract for the Board’s final approval.

FURTHER, that any and all action taken before the adoption of this resolution be and is hereby ratified in connection with this matter.

The vote on the resolution was as follows:

YEAS: Paul Lipe, Barbara Roark, Nathan Monroe, Dr. Corey Albritton  

NAYS: None  

ABSENT: Annie Guine

The resolution was approved and adopted this 23rd day of August, 2024

Paul Lipe, Board Chairman

Mildred Greer, Secretary




Special Minutes meeting – Friday, August 23, 2024

The Richland Parish Hospital Board of Commissioners met in a regular meeting session at 12:00 P.M, in the meeting room at the Richland Parish Hospital – Delhi.  The meeting was called to order by Chairman, Paul Lipe.

The following members were present:

Mr. Nathan Monroe, Mrs. Barbara Roark, Dr. Corey Albritton, 

Mr. Paul Lipe, Mrs. Mildred Greer              

Old Business:


New Business:

Mrs. Greer presented the following resolution to the Board for adoption:


BE IT RESOLVED, that the following millage(s) are hereby levied on the 2023 tax roll on all property subject to taxation by HOSPITAL SERVICE DISTRICT 1A OF THE PARISH OF RICHLAND STATE OF LOUISIANA:



BE IT FURTHER RESOLVED that the proper administrative officials of the Parish of RICHLAND, State of Louisiana, be and they are hereby empowered, authorized, and directed to spread said taxes, as hereinabove set forth, upon the assessment roll of said Parish for the year 2023, and to make the collection of the taxes imposed for and on behalf of the taxing authority, according to law, and that the taxes herein levied shall become a permanent lien and privilege on all property subject to taxation as herein set forth, and collection thereof shall be enforceable in the manner provided by law.

The foregoing resolution was read in full, the roll was called on the adoption thereof, and the resolution was adopted by the following votes:

YEAS: Mr. Nathan Monroe, Dr. Corey Albritton, Mrs. Barbara Roark, Rev. Paul Lipe

NAYS: None


ABSENT: Mrs. Annie Guine


I hereby certify that the foregoing is a true and exact copy of the resolution adopted at the board meeting held on August 23rd, 2024, at which meeting a quorum was present and voting.

Delhi, Louisiana, this 23rd day of August 2024.

Paul Lipe, Chairman

As there was no further business, motion was made by Mr. Monroe, seconded by Mrs. Roark, to adjourn the meeting. 

Motion carried unanimously. 

Chairman, Paul Lipe 

Mildred Greer, Secretary

Richland Parish Hospital Service                                           

District #1A Parish of Richland,

State of Louisiana




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