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Wednesday, March 26, 2025 at 11:41 PM
Luisiana State

Public Notices

Public Notices

Public Notice

Anyone knowing the whereabouts of  Lamonica Lashae Craig, please contact the office of  Michael R. Ellington, Attorney at Law , 6658 Kinloch Street, Winnsboro, LA 71295, (318)-367-0799, or via email mrellingtonlaw@gmail.com

10/31, 11/7


Public Notice

Anyone knowing the whereabouts of  the heirs of  Randall H. Stephens a/k/a Randall Stephens , please contact the office of  Michael R. Ellington, Attorney at Law, 6658 Kinloch Street, Winnsboro, LA 71295, (318)-367-0799, or via email mrellingtonlaw@gmail.com

10/31, 11/7






MONDAY 5:45 P.M.

NOVEMBER 4, 2024

The Richland Parish Police jury will hold a public hearing on Monday 5:45 p.m., November 4, 2024:

Discuss closing Burn Road and a portion of Wade Road (from Jaggers Lane to Hwy 183).



10/17, 10/24, 10/31





The Richland Parish Police Jury is considering the adoption of a commercial development agreement.



10/17, 10/24, 10/31


Town of Delhi

Final Notice and Public Explanation of a Proposed Activity in a Floodplain and Wetlands.

This is to give notice that the Town of Delhi has conducted an evaluation as required by Executive Order 11988 and 11990, in accordance with HUD regulations at 24 CFR 55.20 Subpart C Procedures for Making Determinations on Floodplains and wetlands, to determine the potential affect that its activity in a floodplain and wetland will have on the human environment for street improvements under the Louisiana Community Development Block Grant Program. 

The funding will construct storm water retention improvements in order to reduce flood risk within the Town. The construction activities will consist of the following: berm excavation, embankment and grading, retention pond excavation and grading, outlet control structure, planting habitat area of pond, parking area, tables, and benches, clearing and grubbing, excavation, regrade channel, 24” RCP Culvert, 30” RCP Culvert, CIPP Line 48” box culvert, CIPP Line  60” RCP Pipe, Temporary Haul Roads.

The Town has reevaluated the alternatives to building in a floodplain and wetland and has determined that it has no practicable alternatives to the proposed action.  Environmental files that document compliance with steps 3 through 6 of Executive Order 11988 and/or 11990, are available for public inspection, review and copying upon request at the times and location delineated in the last paragraph of this notice for receipt of comments. This activity will have no significant impact on the environment for the following reasons: (i) there are no historical or cultural deposits within the project, (ii) there are no man-made or natural hazards that will endanger the public, (iii) there are no activities that will adversely affect endangered species and/or scenic streams/rivers, (iv) the floodplain and wetlands will not be adversely affected by any activity.

There are three primary purposes for this notice. First, people who may be affected by activities in the floodplain and wetland.  Those who have an interest in the protection of the natural environment should be given an opportunity to express their concerns and provide information about these areas. Second, an adequate public notice program can be an important public educational tool. The dissemination of information about the floodplain and wetland can facilitate and enhance Federal efforts to reduce the risks associated with the occupancy and modification of these special areas. Third, as a matter of fairness, when the Federal government determines it will participate in actions taking place in the floodplain and wetlands, it must inform those who may be put at greater or continued risk.

Written comments must be received by the Town of Delhi at the following address on or before : October 31, 2024 by  Jesse Washington, Mayor, Town of Delhi, P.O. Box 277, Delhi, LA 71232-0277.  The Town can be contacted by phone at 318-878-3792. A full description of the project may also be reviewed at the Delhi Town Hall. 

The Town of Delhi is an Equal Opportunity Employer. 



Public Notice

I, Melissa Morris, Fifth District Court and Jury Commissioners, do hereby certify that the following is a true and correct list of the GRAND JURY VENIRE drawn by the Jury Commission to serve during the term of Court beginning November 13, 2024

1. Adams, Brandon Keith

2. Alexander, Milton Henry

3. Ausberry, Daisy Lee

4. Bates, Marjorie Watkins

5. Bembenick, Brook Lynanne

6. Benson, Lavine Laruth

7. Boston Jr, Samuel Lee

8. Bracknell, Crystal Jane

9. Brown, Charlotte Ann

10. Brown, Mariole L

11. Butler, Eddie Ray

12. Cheek, Lisa P

13. Clement, Bettye Undine

14. Cooper, Dorothy Marie

15. Cooper, Michael E

16. Daily, Ashley Martin

17. Davis, Tony Sherell

18. Day, Sherniqua S

19. Dexter, Carolyn Lenorest

20. Doughty, Carolyn Allen

21. Dugan, April Nicole

22. Freeland, Frances Louise

23. Frith, Jeannie Williams

24. Fulmer, Jenny Nicole

25. Gibson, Mandy Lively

26. Glass, Alisha Gail

27. Goodman, Rickey Paul

28. Grant, Jasmine

29. Grissom, Melanie Lofton

30. Hale, Troy Jacob

31. Halley, Jessica Nicole

32. Harris, Jermichael Dazell

33. Harrison, Joy Emma Lea

34. Hendrix, Dina Renee

35. Henry, Kevin Lamar

36. Hicks, Dellie Bardwell

37. Hillis, James Lamar

38. Hudson Sr, Bennie James

39. Jackson, Shirley E

40. Jackson, Waquita Danielle

41. Jinks, Eddie Lee

42. Johnson, Onyae Danielle

43. Jones, Chad Micheal

44. Jones, Christopher Ty’heim

45. Jones, Claude Mitchell

46. Jones, Ricky Donald

47. Jones, Teresa Lynn

48. Jordan, Mitchell L

49. Kelley, Marion L

50. Kelley-Gee, Sharon Denise

51. King, Madison Crawford

52. Kirby, Jeremy Lawrence

53. Knox, Kelsey Stephens

54. Lawson, Noel Leavelle

55. Lee, Benjamin Bernard

56. Leonard, Noah Ray

57. Long, Megan Elizabeth

58. Loring, Rosetta Ausberry

59. Lowery, Abbie Gail

60. Mathieu, Cindy Lee

61. Matthews, Angie Minchew

62. May, Larachel

63. Mccormick, Georgia Ardale

64. Mcdermitt, Ronald Glenn

65. Mcdonald, Maria Victoria

66. Mceacharn, Patricia

67. Mckinney, Karen T

68. Mitchell, Ja’mariah Tremeal

69. Monroe, Bruce Edward

70. Moore, Willie O

71. Morris, Richard Donald

72. Natt, James E

73. Peters Ii, Donald R

74. Pierce, Alan Matthew

75. Rainwater, Vivian Sheila

76. Ratcliff, Jacob Rowland

77. Reynolds, Jerome L

78. Robinson, Tina Gauna

79. Rockett, William Ford

80. Rogers, Tanika Tashall

81. Sanders, Candie Walker

82. Sanders Jr, Kenneth Ray

83. Sharbono, Shandalyn Monroe

84. Smith, Zacery Kayne

85. Southern, Sawyer Blaine

86. Strong, Katherine Danee

87. Summers, John Ethan

88. Thomas, Taylor Kristen

89. Thornton, Tiewatha N

90. Tibbs, Vanessa Ann

91. Vincent, Lyndi Yates

92. Walker Jr, William Sam

93. Ward, Tomeka Lashay

94. Washington, Darrell Craig

95. Washington, Latonya Michell

96. White, Ronnie R

97. Wilkes, Anthony Wayne

98. Williams, Amanda Louise

99. Williams, Robert

100 Wroten, Noah Alan

IN FAITH WHEREOF, Witness my signature and Official Seal of Office on the 2nd day of October, 2024.

Melissa Morris

Clerk, Fifth District Court

Richland Parish, Louisiana

10/31, Nov. 7



The Town of Rayville has been presented with a proposed ordinance, the title of which is as follows:


That said ordinance proposes to sell Lots 18 and 19 of the Rayville Industrial Park to J.R. Simplot Company for the sum of $95,263.00.

A copy of the Cash Deed regarding this sale is filed in the office of the Town Clerk at the Rayville Town Hall and is available for public inspection.

Any opposition to this ordinance must be made in writing to the Town Clerk within fifteen (15) days after this notice is first published.

The Town will consider adoption of said ordinance at 6:00 P.M. November 11, 2024, at the Rayville Town Hall, at which time a public hearing shall be held on said proposed ordinance in accordance with Louisiana Revised Statue 33:406.

10/24, 10/30, 11/7






Louisiana Department of Wildlife and Fisheries has available for lease, a tract of approximately 1,781 acres of agricultural lands, to-be-farmed, on Russell Sage WMA.  This property is located in Caldwell Parish, identified as the South Bosco Tract.  

Awarded contract will be for a period beginning January 1, 2025 and ending December 31, 2025.

Sealed bids will be publicly opened and read at the LDWF Headquarters Building, c/o Steve Smith, 1995 Shreveport Highway, Pineville, LA.  Bids may be hand delivered or mailed.  Bids must be received at the above address before 11:00 am, November 14, 2024.  For additional information or to receive a bid package, contact Lowery Moak or Mitch McGee at (318)343-4044. 

10/24, 10/31






TIME- 5:30 P.M.

The Mayor and Board of Aldermen, Town of Delhi, Louisiana, met in regular session on Monday, October 14, 2024. The meeting was called to order by Mayor Washington with an invocation and pledge led by Alderman McDowell. The roll was called with the following answering:  Mayor Washington, Alderman McKinney, Alderman McDowell, Alderman Rancher, Alderman Smith and Alderman Burgess. Alderman Rancher made a motion to approve the agenda, second by Alderman McKinney. Upon being put to a vote the motion carried. The vote was unanimous.


Item #1- Approve Minutes-

Alderman Rancher made a motion to approve the minutes, second by Alderman McKinney. Upon being put to a vote the motion carried. The vote was unanimous.

Item #2-Financials- The board was provided draft financials through July 2024. After discussions, Alderman McKinney made a motion to accept the financials, second by Alderman Rancher. Upon being put to a vote the motion carried. The vote was unanimous.

Item #3- CENLA-Absent

Item #4- MML&H- Josh Barrett was on hand and provided a written report and reviewed the updates on the ongoing projects for the Town of Delhi.

Resolution:  Alderman Rancher made a motion to approve the resolution for the 2025 Airport CIP, second by Alderman McDowell. Upon being put to a vote the motion carried. The vote was unanimous.

Item # 5-David Doughty-Mr. Doughty was present and gave an update on condemnation letters. 

Alderman Burgess made a motion to condemn property at 202 Detroit, second by Alderman Smith. Upon being put to a vote the motion carried. The vote was unanimous.

Alderman Rancher made a motion to condemn property at 439 Church, second by Alderman McDowell. Upon being put to a vote the motion carried. The vote was unanimous. 

Alderman Rancher made a motion to condemn property at 435 Church, second by Alderman McDowell. Upon being put to a vote the motion carried. The vote was unanimous. 

Alderman Rancher made a motion to condemn property at 222 E First, second by Alderman McKinney. Upon being put to a vote the motion carried. The vote was unanimous. 

Business Continued:

Item #1- Mayor Washington-Increase rates on rental buildings

Mayor Washington addressed the board regarding increasing the rates on the renal buildings by $50. 

Item #2- Introduce Ordinance 753-Lamb Weston Rates

Alderman Rancher made a motion to introduce Ordinance 753, second by Alderman Burgess. Upon being put to a vote the motion carried. The vote was unanimous. 

Item # 3- Alderman Smith-Clean up old water department premises.

Alderman Smith expressed concerns of cleaning up the building and possibly replacing the glass. Mayor Washington advised the building may have asbestos and to put in a work order for the vines and grass.

Item #4- Police Department-Chief Nathaniel Williams. Chief advised of 2 applicants he would like the committee to interview and requested a special meeting if necessary.

Item #5-Public Works- Sean Parker- Mr. Parker was present and provided a written report.

Adjournment-Alderman Rancher made a motion to adjourn, second by Alderman Burgess Upon being put to a vote, the motion carried. The vote was unanimous. Meeting adjourned.

Jesse Washington, Mayor

Nandeaner McDowell, Clerk








TIME- 8:30 A.M.

The Mayor and Board of Aldermen, Town of Delhi, Louisiana, met in special session on Friday, October 18, 2024. The meeting was called to order by Mayor Washington with an invocation and pledge led by Alderman Smith. The roll was called with the following answering:  Mayor Washington, Alderman McKinney, Alderman McDowell, Alderman Rancher, Alderman Smith. Alderman Burgess was absent. Alderman Rancher made a motion to approve the agenda, second by Alderman McKinney. Upon being put to a vote the motion carried. The vote was unanimous.


Item #1- Resolution- Authorizing the Mayor to sign any and all documents to submit funding applications, execute agreements and related documents necessary to secure funding through the State of Louisiana Capital Outlay program.  

Alderman Rancher made a motion to approve the resolution for the civic center renovations, second by Alderman McDowell. Upon being put to a vote the motion carried. The vote was unanimous.

Alderman Rancher made a  motion for the Sapa Drive/Hydro Way ext., second by Alderman Smith. Upon being put to a vote the motion carried. The vote was unanimous.

Adjournment-Alderman Rancher made a motion to adjourn, second by Alderman McKinney. Upon being put to a vote, the motion carried. The vote was unanimous. Meeting adjourned.



Official Minutes


Regular meeting – June 2024 held July 19th, 2024

The Richland Parish Hospital Board of Commissioners met in a regular meeting session at 12:00 P.M, in the meeting room at the Richland Parish Hospital – Delhi.  The meeting was called to order by Chairman, Paul Lipe.

The following members were present: Mr. Paul Lipe, Mrs. Barbara Roark, Mr. Nathan Monroe, Mrs. Annie Guine, Mildred Greer, Corey Albritton, M.D.

Motion was offered by Mrs. Roark, seconded by Mr. Monroe to approve the minutes of the previous meeting. 

Motion carried unanimously. 

The Committee Reports were presented and discussed. The Delhi Medical Staff Committee Reports were presented and discussed.  The Reports presented were as follows: CQI, Transfusion, Surgery Review, Medical Records Review, Emergency Room Review, Utilization Review, Pharmacy & Therapeutics and Rural Health Clinic Review. The Safety Committee minutes were presented to the Board.                                                                                                                                          

No items were presented to the Board for action/recommendation or follow-up.

The Statistical & Financial Reports were presented and discussed with comparisons for the Hospital and DCHC.  

Motion was offered and seconded to accept the financial report as presented.

Motion carried unanimously. 

Old Business:  None

New Business:

The Engagement agreement for the 2024 Audit, AUP and FQHC was presented to the Board for review and approval. 

Motion was made and seconded to approve the audit agreement for 2024 as presented. 

Motion carried unanimously. 

The ratification of the CMAR Design and Construction Committee members was presented the Board for review and approval. 

Motion was made by Mrs. Guine, and seconded by Mr. Monroe, to approve the Design and Construction Committee members as presented. 

The resolution to purchase the property located at Ohio St. was presented to the Board for review and adoption.

Motion was made by Mrs. Roark, and seconded by Mrs. Guine to adopt the resolution as presented. 

Motion carried unanimously. 

The following Contract Renewal were presented to the Board for review and approval. 

Deerfield Nursing Home Transportation Services

LSU Health Science Center Clinical Education and Community Services

Colonial Manor Nursing Home

Ten Mile Enterprises LLC

Delta Technical College

Motion was made and seconded to approve the contract renewals as presented. 

Motion carried unanimously.  

The contract renewal for Scott Mayers, M.D. Collaborating Psychiatrist NP Oversight was presented to the Board for review and approval. 

Motion was made and seconded to approve the contract renewal as presented. 

Motion carried unanimously. 

A Professional Service Agreement to read Pulmonary Function Studies was presented to the Board for review and approval.  

Motion was made and seconded to approve the agreement as presented. 

Motion carried unanimously. 

A request for approval to enter into Executive Session for Strategic Planning was presented.

Motion was made and seconded to exit Executive Session.

Motion carried unanimously.  

A Resolution and Engagement with Foley and Judell was presented to the Board for review and approval. 

Motion was made and seconded to approve the Resolution and Engagement as presented. 

Motion carried unanimously.   

DCHC June 25th, 2024

The Community Outreach Report was presented to the Board for Review.

The DCHC Agenda Items were presented to the Board for review, discussion and approval.  

Motion was made by Mrs. Roark, seconded by Mr. Monroe to approve the DCHC Agenda items as presented.  

Motion carried unanimously.  Dr. Albritton abstained.

As there was no further business, Motion was made and seconded to adjourn the meeting. 

Chairman Paul Lipe

Mildred Greer, Secretary

Richland Parish Hospital Service 

District #1A of the Parish of Richland

State of Louisiana




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Luisiana State
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