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Wednesday, March 26, 2025 at 7:09 PM
Luisiana State

Public Notices


Proposed Constitutional Amendments to be voted on at the Open General/Congressional Election December 07, 2024


CODING:  Words which are struck through are deletions from existing law; words in boldface type and/or underscored are additions.

Proposed Amendment No. 1

Regular Session, 2024


ACT No. 405





Proposing to amend Article V, Section 25(C) and to add Article V, Section 25(A)(4) of the Constitution of Louisiana, relative to the judiciary commission; to require the judiciary commission to conduct certain investigations; to provide for membership of the judiciary commission; to specify an election for submission of the proposition to electors; and to provide a ballot proposition.

Section 1. Be it resolved by the Legislature of Louisiana, two-thirds of the members elected to each house concurring, that there shall be submitted to the electors of the state, for their approval or rejection in the manner provided by law, a proposal to amend Article V, Section 25(C) and to add Article V, Section 25(A)(4) of the Constitution of Louisiana, to read as follows:

§25. Judiciary Commission 

Section 25.(A) Composition. The judiciary commission shall consist of

* * *

(4) two appointees of the speaker of the Louisiana House of Representatives, two appointees of the president of the Louisiana Senate, and one appointee of the governor.

* * *

(C) Powers. On recommendation of the judiciary commission, the The supreme court may, after an investigation by the judiciary commission, which shall be instituted on recommendation by the judiciary commission or by directive of a majority of the supreme court, censure, suspend with or without salary, remove from office, or retire involuntarily a judge for willful misconduct relating to his official duty, willful and persistent failure to perform his duty, persistent and public conduct prejudicial to the administration of justice that brings the judicial office into disrepute, malfeasance while in office, conduct while in office which would constitute a felony, or conviction of a felony. On recommendation of the judiciary commission, the The supreme court may, on recommendation of the judiciary commission, or on its own motion, disqualify a judge from exercising any judicial function, without loss of salary, during pendency of proceedings in the supreme court. On recommendation of the judiciary commission, the The supreme court may, after an investigation by the judiciary commission, which shall be instituted on recommendation by the judiciary commission or by directive of a majority of the supreme court, retire involuntarily a judge for disability that seriously interferes with the performance of his duties and that is or is likely to become permanent. The supreme court shall make rules implementing this Section and providing for confidentiality and privilege of commission proceedings.

* * *

Section 2. Be it further resolved that this proposed amendment shall be submitted to the electors of the state of Louisiana at the statewide election to be held on December 7, 2024.

Section 3. Be it further resolved that on the official ballot to be used at said election there shall be printed a proposition, upon which the electors of the state shall be permitted to vote YES or NO, to amend the Constitution of Louisiana, which proposition shall read as follows: 

Do you support an amendment to allow the supreme court to sanction a judge upon an investigation by the judiciary commission, and provide that the recommended sanction shall be instituted by the judiciary commission or by a majority of the supreme court, and to provide for the appointment of five members of the judiciary commission?

(Amends Article V, Section 25(C); adds Article V, Section 25(A)(4))

Proposed Amendment No. 2

Regular Session, 2024


ACT No. 406







Proposing to add Article III, Section 16(F) of the Constitution of Louisiana, to provide relative to consideration of appropriations bills; to provide for time periods and required information relative thereto; to provide for submission of the proposed amendment to the electors; and to provide for related matters. 

Section 1. Be it resolved by the Legislature of Louisiana, two-thirds of the members elected to each house concurring, that there shall be submitted to the electors of the state of Louisiana, for their approval or rejection in the manner provided by law, a proposal to add Article III, Section 16(F) of the Constitution of Louisiana, to read as follows:

§16. Appropriations

Section 16.

* * *

(F) Coordination of resources and expenditures. No conference committee report or amendment from the Senate on a bill appropriating money shall be considered for concurrence until at least forty-eight hours after the bill, a summary detailing the proposed changes to the bill, and any additional information required by the joint rules of the legislature and the rules of the house of the legislature considering concurrence have been distributed to each member of that house of the legislature. 

Section 2. Be it further resolved that this proposed amendment shall be submitted to the electors of the state of Louisiana at the statewide election to be held on December 7, 2024.

Section 3. Be it further resolved that on the official ballot to be used at the election, there shall be printed a proposition, upon which the electors of the state shall be permitted to vote YES or NO, to amend the Constitution of Louisiana, which proposition shall read as follows: 

Do you support an amendment to require that the legislature wait for at least forty-eight hours prior to concurring in a conference committee report or amendments to a bill appropriating money? (Adds Article III, Section16(F))

Proposed Amendment No. 3

Regular Session, 2024


ACT No. 407





Proposing to amend Article III, Section 2(A)(3)(a) and (4)(a) of the Constitution of Louisiana and to add Article III, Section 2(A)(5) of the Constitution of Louisiana, relative to regular sessions of the legislature, to allow the legislature to extend a regular session for a limited time period for specific purpose; to provide for submission of the proposed amendment to the electors; and to provide for related matters. 

Section 1. Be it resolved by the Legislature of Louisiana, two-thirds of the members elected to each house concurring, that there shall be submitted to the electors of the state of Louisiana, for their approval or rejection in the manner provided by law, a proposal to amend Article III, Section 2(A)(3)(a)and (4)(a) of the Constitution of Louisiana and to add Article III, Section 2(A)(5) of the Constitution of Louisiana, to read as follows:

§2. Sessions 

Section 2.(A) Annual Session.

* * *

(3)(a) All regular sessions convening in even-numbered years shall be general in nature and shall convene at noon on the second Monday in March. The legislature shall meet in such a session for not more than sixty legislative days during a period of eighty-five calendar days. No such session shall continue beyond six o’clock in the evening of the eighty-fifth calendar day after convening except as provided in Subparagraph (5) of this Paragraph. No new matter intended to have the effect of law shall be introduced or received by either house after six o’clock in the evening of the twenty-third calendar day. No matter intended to have the effect of law, except a measure proposing suspension of law, shall be considered on third reading and final passage in either house after six o’clock in the evening of the fifty-seventh legislative day or the eighty-second calendar day, whichever occurs first, except by a favorable record vote of two-thirds of the elected members of each house.

* * *

(4)(a) All regular sessions convening in odd-numbered years shall convene at noon on the second Monday in April. The legislature shall meet in such a session for not more than forty-five legislative days in a period of sixty calendar days. No such session shall continue beyond six o’clock in the evening of the sixtieth calendar day after convening except as provided in Subparagraph (5) of this Paragraph. No new matter intended to have the effect of law shall be introduced or received by either house after six o’clock in the evening of the tenth calendar day. No matter intended to have the effect of law, except a measure proposing a suspension of law, shall be considered on third reading and final passage in either house after six o’clock in the evening of the forty-second legislative day or fifty-seventh calendar day, whichever occurs first, except by a favorable record vote of two-thirds of the elected members of each house.

* * *

(5) Notwithstanding any contrary provision of Subsubparagraphs (3)(a) and (4)(a) of this Paragraph and only if necessary to finally pass a bill appropriating money, the legislature, by a favorable record vote of two-thirds of the elected members of each house, may extend a regular session in increments of two legislative or calendar days. During the time a regular session has been extended, the legislature shall not consider any matter having the effect of law other than those contained in a bill appropriating money. No regular session shall be extended more than six calendar days beyond the original time and day for the session to adjourn sine die. 

Section 2. Be it further resolved that this proposed amendment shall be submitted to the electors of the state of Louisiana at the statewide election to be held on December 7, 2024.

Section 3. Be it further resolved that on the official ballot to be used at the election, there shall be printed a proposition, upon which the electors of the state shall be permitted to vote YES or NO, to amend the Constitution of Louisiana, which proposition shall read as follows: 

Do you support an amendment to allow the legislature to extend a regular session in increments of two days up to a maximum of six days if necessary to pass a bill appropriating money? (Amends Article III, Sections 2(A)(3)(a) and(4)(a); Adds Article III, Section 2(A)(5))

Proposed Amendment No. 4

Regular Session, 2024


ACT No. 409






Proposing to amend Article VII, Section 25 of the Constitution of Louisiana, relative to ad valorem tax; to provide for the administration of tax sales of immovable property; to provide for the postponement of taxes under certain circumstances; and to specify an election for submission of the proposition to electors and provide a ballot proposition. 

Section 1. Be it resolved by the Legislature of Louisiana, two-thirds of the members elected to each house concurring, that there shall be submitted to the electors of the state, for their approval or rejection in the manner provided by law, a proposal to amend Article VII, Section 25 of the Constitution of Louisiana, to read as follows:

§25. Tax Sales Administration 

Section 25.(A) Tax Sales Immovables. (1) There shall be no forfeiture of property for nonpayment of taxes. However, the assessment of ad valorem taxes and other impositions on immovable property shall constitute a lien and privilege on the property assessed in favor of the political subdivision to which taxes and other impositions are owed. The legislature shall provide, by law, for the efficient administration of tax sales, which shall include at a minimum:

(a) Imposition of interest on the delinquent taxes and other impositions not to exceed one percent per month on a noncompounding basis.

(b) Imposition of penalty not to exceed five percent of the delinquent taxes and other impositions.

(c) A period of time during which the lien cannot be enforced.

(d) A procedure for claiming the excess proceeds from the sale of the property, as a result of the enforcement of the lien.

(2) The legislature may, by law, provide authority to the tax collector to waive penalties for good cause.

at the expiration of the year in which the taxes are due, the collector, without suit, and after giving notice to the delinquent in the manner provided by law, shall advertise for sale the property on which the taxes are due. The advertisement shall be published in the official journal of the parish or municipality, or, if there is no official journal, as provided by law for sheriffs’ sales, in the manner provided for judicial sales. On the day of sale, the collector shall sell the portion of the property which the debtor points out. If the debtor does not point out sufficient property, the collector shall sell immediately the least quantity of property which any bidder will buy for the amount of the taxes, interest, and costs. The sale shall be without appraisement. A tax deed by a tax collector shall be prima facie evidence that a valid sale was made.

(2) If property located in a municipality with a population of more than four hundred fifty thousand persons as of the most recent federal decennial census fails to sell for the minimum required bid in the tax sale, the collector may offer the property for sale at a subsequent sale with no minimum required bid. The proceeds of the sale shall be applied to the taxes, interest, and costs due on the property, and any remaining deficiency shall be eliminated from the tax rolls.

(B) Redemption. (1) The property sold shall be redeemable for three years after the date of recordation of the tax sale, by paying the price given, including costs, five percent penalty thereon, and interest at the rate of one percent per month until redemption.

(2) In the city of New Orleans, when such property sold is residential or commercial property which is abandoned property as defined by R.S.33:4720.12(1) or blighted property as defined by Act 155 of the 1984 Regular Session, it shall be redeemable for eighteen months after the date of recordation of the tax sale by payment in accordance with Subparagraph (1)of this Paragraph.

(3) In any parish other than Orleans, when such property sold is vacant residential or commercial property which has been declared blighted, as defined by R.S. 33:1374(B)(1) on January 1, 2013, or abandoned, as defined by R.S. 33:4720.59(D)(2) on January 1, 2013, it shall be redeemable for eighteen months after the date of recordation of the tax sale by payment in accordance with Subparagraph (1) of this Paragraph.

(C) Annulment. No sale of property for taxes shall be set aside for any cause, except on proof of payment of the taxes prior to the date of the sale, unless the proceeding to annul is instituted within six months after service of notice of sale. A notice of sale shall not be served until the final day for redemption has ended. It must be served within five years after the date of the recordation of the tax deed if no notice is given. The fact that taxes were paid on a part of the property sold prior to the sale thereof, or that a part of the property was not subject to taxation, shall not be cause for annulling the sale of any part thereof on which the taxes for which it was sold were due and unpaid. No judgment annulling a tax sale shall have effect until the price and all taxes and costs are paid, and until ten percent per annum interest on the amount of the price and taxes paid from date of respective payments are paid to the purchaser; however, this shall not apply to sales annulled because the taxes were paid prior to the date of sale.

(D) Quieting Tax Title. The manner of notice and form of proceeding to quiet tax titles shall be provided by law.

(E)(B) Movables; Tax Sales. When taxes on movables are delinquent, the tax collector shall seize and sell sufficient movable property of the delinquent taxpayer to pay the tax, whether or not the property seized is the property which was assessed. Sale of the property shall be at public auction, without appraisement, after ten days advertisement, published within ten days after date of seizure. It shall be absolute and without redemption. 

If the tax collector can find no corporeal movables of the delinquent to seize, he may levy on incorporeal rights, by notifying the debtor thereof, or he may proceed by summary rule in the courts to compel the delinquent to deliver for sale property in his possession or under his control.

(F)(C) Postponement of Taxes. The legislature may postpone the payment of taxes, but only in cases of an emergency declared by the governor or a parish president pursuant to the Louisiana Homeland Security and Emergency Assistance and Disaster Act, overflow, general conflagration, general crop destruction, or other public calamity, and may provide for the levying, assessing, and collecting of such postponed taxes. In such case, the legislature may authorize the borrowing of money by the state on its faith and credit, by bond issue or otherwise, and may levy taxes, or apply taxes already levied and not appropriated, to secure payment thereof, in order to create a fund from which loans may be made through the Interim Emergency Board to the governing authority of the parish where the calamity occurs taxes are postponed. The money loaned shall be applied to and shall not exceed the deficiency in revenue of the parish or a political subdivision therein or of which the parish is a part, caused by postponement of taxes. No loan shall be made to a parish governing authority without the approval of the Interim Emergency Board. 

Section 2. Be it further resolved that the provisions of the amendment contained in this Joint Resolution shall become effective January 1, 2026.

Section 3. Be it further resolved that if a proposed amendment to Article VII, Section 25 of the Constitution of Louisiana which authorizes liens and privileges on immovable property for nonpayment of taxes is adopted at statewide election prior to December 7, 2024, then the amendment to the constitution proposed in this Joint Resolution is hereby withdrawn, and the secretary of state is hereby ordered not to include this proposed amendment on the ballot on December 7, 2024.

Section 4. Be it further resolved that this proposed amendment shall be submitted to the electors of the state of Louisiana at the statewide election to be held on December 7, 2024.

Section 5. Be it further resolved that on the official ballot to be used at said election there shall be printed a proposition, upon which the electors of the state shall be permitted to vote YES or NO, to amend the Constitution of Louisiana, which proposition shall read as follows: 

Do you support an amendment to eliminate mandatory tax sales for nonpayment of property taxes and require the legislature to provide for such procedures by law; to limit the amount of penalty and interest on delinquent property taxes; and to provide for the postponement of property tax payments under certain circumstances?

(Amends Article VII, Section 25)





The Richland Parish Police Jury is considering the adoption of a commercial development agreement.



10/17, 10/24, 10/31





MONDAY 5:45 P.M.

NOVEMBER 4, 2024

The Richland Parish Police jury will hold a public hearing on Monday 5:45 p.m., November 4, 2024:

Discuss closing Burn Road and a portion of Wade Road (from Jaggers Lane to Hwy 183).



10/17, 10/24, 10/31


Public Notice

The following ordinance was submitted for introduction by Blake Marchbank and seconded by LeNette Romero in a regular session convened on October 14, 2024.

The following ordinance, having been previously introduced and published, was offered for the final adoption by ________________________ and seconded by ______________in a regular session convened on ______________.

Ordinance No 2024-1


BE IT ORDAINED, by the board of alderman of the Town of Mangham, convened in a regular session that the following ordinance shall be adopted:

SECTION 1. This ordinance does hereby establish a speed rate of twenty-five (25) miles per hour on any streets owned by the municipality within residential areas from Horace Street to Hixon Street. Including all residential streets in between.

SECTION 2. The speed limit set forth in this Ordinance shall not apply to vehicles when operated with due regard for safety, under the directions of the Louisiana Department of Public Safety or other peace officer, in the chase or apprehension of violators of the law or of any person charged with or suspected of any such violation, nor to any fire department or fire patrol vehicles when traveling in emergencies. This exemption shall not, however, protect the driver, owner, or operator of any such vehicle from the consequences of reckless disregard of the safety of others.

SECTION 3. The necessary “Speed Limit” signs shall be erected as deemed necessary.

SECTION 4. The school zones on Hixon Street and Ballpark zones from Magnolia to Horace and in between shall have speed bumps lowering the speed to ensure the safety within these high pedestrian areas and school zone areas.

SECTION 5. The necessary “Speed Bumps” shall be installed as deemed necessary.

SECTION 6. The Sheriff of the Parish and the Chief of Police is hereby specifically requested to assist in the enforcement of the provisions of this ordinance.

SECTION 7. If any section, clause, paragraph, provision or portion of these regulations shall be held invalid by any court of competent jurisdiction, such holding shall not affect any other section, clause, paragraph, provision or portion of these regulations.

SECTION 8. This Ordinance, having been submitted in writing, and published and having been submitted for official vote at a public meeting of the said Council the vote thereon as follows:

SECTION 9. This Ordinance shall become effective immediately upon its adoption.

Upon motion made by ___________________ and seconded by _______________ the above ordinance was adopted at the legal meeting of the board of alderman of the Mangham, Louisiana held on the _____ day of ______ 20___, by the following vote:






Public Notice

The following ordinance was submitted for introduction with changes by _Blake Marchbank_ and seconded by _Pam Vaughn_ in a regular session convened on October 14, 2024.

The following ordinance, having previously been introduced and published, was offered for the final adoption by __________________ and seconded by ________________ in a regular meeting session convened on ___________________________.



An ordinance establishing comprehensive zoning regulations for the Town of Mangham, Louisiana, and providing for the administration and enforcement. and amendment thereof, in accordance with the provisions of R.S.33:4721-4732 inclusive, and the repeal of all ordinances in conflict herewith.

Whereas, Louisiana Revised Statutes Title 33, Part I, Sub-Part A, Municipal Zoning Regulations, empowers the Town Council of the Town of Mangham to enact a zoning ordinance and to provide for its administration, enforcement, and amendment, and

Whereas the Town Council of the Town of Mangham deems it necessary for the purpose of promoting the health, safety, convenience, order, prosperity, and general welfare of the town to enact such an ordinance, and

Whereas, by appointment by the Town Council of the Town of Mangham, the Mangham zoning commission was created to recommend the boundaries of the various districts and the appropriate regulations to be enforced therein, and

Whereas, the zoning commission has divided the town into numerous districts and has prepared regulations pertaining to such districts in accordance with a comprehensive plan and designed to lessen congestion in the public streets, secure safety from fire, panic, and other dangers, to provide adequate light and air, to prevent the overcrowding of land, to avoid undue concentration of populations, and to facilitate the adequate provision of transportation, water, sewerage, schools, parks, and other public requirements, and

Whereas, they have been made with reasonable consideration, among other things, as to the character of each district and its peculiar suitability for particular uses, and with a view to conserving the value of buildings and encouraging the most appropriate use of land, and

Whereas the zoning commission has made and certified to the town council a zoning plan for its territory, including both the full text of the zoning ordinance and the map representing the recommendations of the planning commission, and

Whereas all requirements of R.S. 33:4721-4732, with regard to the preparation of the repo1i of the zoning commission and the subsequent action of the town council, have been met.

Now, therefore, be it enacted by the Town Council of the Town of Mangham, Louisiana:



Sec. 1.1. Establishment of districts.

All the area within the corporate limits of the Town of Mangham is hereby divided into districts, as shown on the Official Zoning Map which, together with all explanatory matter thereon, is hereby adopted by reference and declared to be a part of this ordinance. Districts may overlap. These districts are as follows:

R-1 Residence District

R-2 Residence District

R-3 Residence District

B-1 Local Business

B-2 Highway Business District

AG Agriculture Land

Sec. 1.2. Identification of zoning map.

The Official Zoning Map shall be identified by the signature of the mayor of the Town of Mangham, attested to by the town clerk, and the chairman of the Mangham Zoning Commission, and shall bear the following words: “This is to certify that this is the Official Zoning Map referred to in Article 1, Section 1.1 of Ordinance Number 1140 of the Town of Mangham, Louisiana, adopted on June 18, 2012.

Sec. 1.3. Changes in the zoning map.

Changes made in the district boundaries or other matter portrayed on the Official Zoning Map in accordance with the provision of this ordinance shall be made on the Official Zoning Map promptly after the amendment has been approved by the legislative body of the municipality. It will be the duty of the town clerk, or secretary, to file with the chairman of the Mangham Zoning Commission a copy of the ordinance amending the Official Zoning Map within five (5) days after such an amending ordinance is adopted by the town council. It will be the duty of the chairman to have recorded the district boundary change on the Official Zoning Map, together with the number of the amending ordinance and the date of its passage, within five

(5) days after the amending ordinance has been transmitted to him by the town clerk, or secretary. Any amendment involving changes in the district boundaries or involving a change in the zoning classification of the land shall not become effective until after such an entry has been made on said map. The final authority as to the current zoning status of lands, buildings, and other structures shall be the Official Zoning Map which shall be located at City Hall.

Sec. 1.4. Changes in the zoning text.

When an ordinance is adopted which amends the text of the zoning ordinance, it will be the duty of the town clerk, or secretary, to prepare an addendum to the zoning ordinance text and to transmit a suitable number of copies of such an addendum to the chairman of the Mangham Zoning Commission for the purpose of distribution to interested parties. It will be the duty of the director or chairman to make an entry in the copies of the zoning text reserved for distribution to the public calling attention to the article and section which has been amended.


Sec. 2.1. Zoning affects every structure and use.

No structure or land shall hereafter be used, and no structure or part thereof shall be erected, reconstructed, converted, moved, or structurally altered unless in conformity with the regulations as set forth in this ordinance.

Sec. 2.2. Only one principal building on any lot.

On each lot, there shall be no more than one main building and its customary accessory buildings, except as provided for in this ordinance. Lots shall not be divided in an attempt to circumvent this ordinance.

Sec. 2.3. Classification of annexed territory.

All territory not zoned which may be hereafter annexed shall be automatically classified as a temporary combination of R-1 Residence District and B-1 Business District until otherwise changed by ordinance after public hearing.

However, it is the intention of the Town of Mangham to annex certain territories and properties located on its northern city boundaries, along Highway 15 in the near future. When annexed, these properties shall automatically be designated as B-2 Business Districts.

Sec. 2.4. Provisions of ordinance declared to be minimum requirements.

In their interpretation and application, the provisions of this ordinance shall be held to be minimum requirements, adopted for the promotion of the public health, safety, or general welfare. Wherever the requirements of this ordinance are at variance with the requirements of any other lawfully adopted rules, regulations, ordinances, deed restrictions or covenants, the most restrictive, or that impose the highest standards, shall apply.



Sec. 3.1. Intent.

The lawful use of a building or premises exactly as such use existed at the time of the enactment of this ordinance may be continued although such use does not conform with the provisions of this ordinance.

Sec. 3.2. Continuation of nonconforming uses of land and/or structures.

Any use of a structure and/or land existing at the time of enactment or subsequent amendment of this ordinance, but not in conformity with its provisions, may be continued subject to the following provisions:

1. The use of the building and land cannot be changed to another nonconforming use.

2. If the nonconforming use has ceased for a period of twelve (12) continuous calendar months, it shall not be re-established, provided that if the lessee of any building or place used or occupied for nonconforming purposes under a bona fide lease shall at any time before the expiration of said lease discontinue occupancy or use of said building or land, it shall not be considered vacant until the owner of said building or place shall again obtain control of its occupancy and use. This exception shall not apply, however, if the lessor for any reason is entitled legally to regain possession and does not by legal or other effective means attempt to do so.

3. A building of nonconforming use can be sold or inherited and continue to be nonconforming, provided the use does not change to another nonconforming. A building of nonconforming use cannot be rebuilt or repaired after damages exceeding seventy-five (75) per cent of the replacement value of said building prior to damages, and work to repair the structure has not begun within twelve (12) calendar months from date of damages. If substantial construction has begun before the twelve (12) calendar month period, then the use can continue to be nonconforming with the exception that it cannot be changed to another nonconforming use.

4. A nonconforming use of a building or portion thereof, or land or a portion thereof, shall not be extended or enlarged except in conformity with this ordinance.


Within all R-1 Residence Districts, as shown on the Official Zoning Map, the following regulations shall apply:

Uses Permitted.

1. Single-family dwellings.

2. Parks or playground (publicly owned and operated). These parks or playgrounds may include recreation centers (need not be enclosed within structure).

3. Public libraries or museums.

4. Public schools, both elementary and high, or private schools having a curriculum essentially the same as ordinarily offered in a public elementary school or public high school, and private or public nursery schools or kindergartens.

5. Private recreational uses such as tennis courts, swimming pools, and golf courses operated exclusively for private use and not for commercial purposes.

6. Churches and temples.

7. Private gardens and nurseries for the propagation and cultivation of plants only when said plants, flowers or produce are not offered for sale.

8. Home occupations provided no nonresident employees are employed.

9. Accessory buildings and uses customarily incidental to any of the above uses, when located on the same lot and not involved in the conduct of business.

10. Bulletin boards for churches, temples, institutions, or public buildings only, and signs not exceeding twelve (12) square feet in area, pertaining to the rental, lease or sale of a building or land.

11. The renting of one room in a single-family residence for the accommodation of not more than two people, provided the room is not equipped with cooking facilities.

12. Accessory building with uses customarily incidental to the above listed uses.

13. A Mobile home, trailer coach, travel trailer or portable building for dwelling purposes provided that each may serve as a dwelling unit must be located on a separate lot, and that the dwelling and the lot be owned by the same individual or entity. Only one dwelling shall be allowed per lot, and the lot shall be a minimum of 100 feet deep, and 60 feet wide. For purposes of this section, if an owner owns two or more separate lots by description that are adjacent to each other, they shall be considered one lot. The dwelling must have a minimum width of 25 feet of yard space on all four sides of the home.

A. A mobile home, trailer coach, travel trailer or portable building for dwelling purposes must have adequate support for the placement and tie-down, thereby securing the superstructure against erosion, uplift, sliding and overturning.

B. A mobile home, trailer coach, travel trailer or portable building for dwelling purposes must have mobile home skirting that is white or beige in color.

C. A mobile home, trailer coach, travel trailer or portable building for dwelling purposes must have separate sewage, water and electricity.

Height regulations.

No building shall exceed thirty-five (35) feet in height.


Within all R-2 Residence Districts, as shown on the Official Zoning Map, the following regulations shall apply:

Uses permitted.

1. Any use permitted in R-1 Residence Districts.

2. Institutions of a religious, educational, eleemosynary, or philanthropic nature but not penal or mental institutions.

3. Boarding and lodging houses.

4. Private clubs and lodges with the exception of those whose chief activity is a service customarily carried out as a business.

5. Signs, not exceeding two square feet in area, of a temporary character and pertaining to the offering for sale or rent of rooms, trailers, apartments or homes.

6. Apartment complexes, Duplexes and new subdivisions consisting of two or more houses constructed by the same contractor or same owner.

7. Height regulations.

8. No building shall exceed thirty-five (35) feet in height.

Mobile home parks.

Mobile home parks are not allowed within the city limits.

Mobile Home Park Grandfather Clause:

Mobile home parks already located within the city limits of Mangham at the time of the enactment of the ordinance shall be accepted. The mobile homes in the park must meet the guidelines of a mobile home in ARTICLE 4. R-1 RESIDENCE DISTRICT #13 (A & B).

Mobile homes within grandfathered mobile home parks and the property surrounding the mobile homes must be in a well-maintained condition, safe, sanitary, functional and present no hazards to the occupant or neighbors. Each dwelling must have separate trash, water, sewer and electricity.

Should any grandfathered mobile home park located in the city limits of Mangham cease to be used as a mobile home park, then the property will revert to use under R-1 Residence District requirements.

Should any existing mobile home be removed from the grandfathered mobile home park the mobile home can only be replaced by a mobile home that is one year old or newer. This requires a permit through Town Hall and must be established prior to the removal and replacement of the mobile home.


Within all B-1 Local Business Districts, as shown on the Official Zoning Map, the following regulations shall apply:

Uses permitted.

1. Bakeries (products sold retail on premises).

2. Banks, also drive-in banks.

3. Barber shops, beauty parlors, chiropodies, massage and similar service shops.

4. Bicycle sales and repair shops.

5. Camera shops.

6. Clothes pressing and repair.

7. Clothing stores.

8. Dance studios.

9. Delicatessens.

10. Dry cleaning pick-up stations.

11. Drugstores and pharmacies.

12. Florist shops.

13. Gift shops.

14. Grocery stores, selling meats, fruits and vegetables.

15. Hardware stores.

16. Laundromats.

17. Laundry pick-up stations.

18. Locksmith shops.

19. Messenger, telegraph and telephone offices.

20. Offices.

21. Photographer’s studios.

22. Radio and television studios.

23. Restaurants and cafes. -Restaurants or cafes will not be allowed to serve alcohol.

24. Shoe repair shops.

25. Shoe stores.

26. Shops for the repair of radios, televisions, and similar commodities.

27. Stationery and bookstores.

28. Tailoring, millinery and custom dressmaking shops.

29. Theaters (not drive-in).

30. Variety stores.

31 Other businesses may be permitted if not in conflict with or prohibited

32. Accessory buildings with uses customarily incidental to the above-listed uses.

Height regulations.

No building shall exceed thirty-five (35) feet in height.


Within all B-2 Highway Business Districts, as shown on the Official Zoning Map, the following regulations shall apply:

Uses permitted.

1. Any use permitted in B-1 Business District.

2. Auto sales rooms

3. Auto repair or auto washing establishments.

4. Bowling alleys.

5. Building material storage building and yards.

6. Bus depots.

7. Bus garages or car barns.

8. Business schools.

9. Chemical companies

10. Clothing manufacturers.

11. Dairies.

12. Department stores.

13. Drive-in theaters.

14. Dry goods stores.

15. Frozen food lockers.

16. Funeral homes.

17. Furniture stores.

18. Gas stations.

19. Grain elevators.

20. Gyms.

21. Hotels.

22. Laundries and dry cleaners.

23. Lumber yards.

24. Machinery and equipment sales and service.

25. Manufacturers of any type.

26. Markets.

27. Motels and trailer courts.

28. Musical instrument shops.

29. Nurseries.

30. Office equipment stores.

31. Paint shops.

32. Plumbing shops.

33. Printing shops.

34. Produce warehouses.

35. Seed companies.

36. Sheet metal shops.

37. Sporting goods stores.

38. Used car lots.

39. Veterinarians.

40. Wholesale offices and warehouses.

41. Other businesses may be permitted, as long as they are not prohibited or in conflict with this subsection and are approved by the zoning commission under standards described in this ordinance.

42. Accessory buildings with uses customarily incidental to the above listed uses.

Height regulations.

No building or structure shall exceed fifty (50) feet in height.

Future expansions.

The Town of Mangham is currently working on an annexation of properties located along Louisiana Hwy 15 on the North side of the city limits. Any future expansion or annexation of properties into the city limits located along Hwy 15 will automatically be zoned as B2, unless otherwise noted on the official zoning map.


Within all Agricultural Land, as shown on the Official Zoning Map, the following regulations shall apply:

Uses permitted.

1. The growing of crops or livestock (cattle and horses).

2. Any business whose sole purpose and means of making a profit is related to agriculture, such as a chemical supply store or feed/seed store.

3. Single family residence. However, not more than one single family residence per five (5) square acres will be allowed.

4. Cellular towers.


Sec. 10.1. Use regulations for both Residential and Business

The following uses may be located in any district, regardless of its designation:

1. Ambulances services.

2. Businesses related to energy and the transmission of electricity.

3. Cemeteries.

4. Dental and medical facilities, including hospitals (not mental).

5. Fire stations.

6. Police stations.

7. Services related to or falling under the jurisdiction of the Town of Mangham.

8. Public utilities, including electric substations, sewer and water pumping stations, drainage pumping stations, water towers, and buildings and structures of a similar nature.

Sec. 10.2. Height regulations in Residential and Business

The height limitations set forth in the residential and business· districts shall not apply to:

1. Chimneys.

2. Churches.

3. Fire towers.

4. Flag poles.

5. Monuments.

6. Radio, cellular and television towers, antennas and aerials.

7. Transmission towers.

8. Water towers.


Sec. 11.1. Building committee.

The provisions of this ordinance shall be administered and enforced by a committee made up of the mayor and two zoning commission members chosen by the town council. This board shall have the power to make inspections of buildings or premises, as well as site plans or plats or other drawings, necessary to carry out their duties to enforce this ordinance.

Sec. 11.2. Building permit.

l. Building Permit Required. It shall be unlawful to commence excavation for the construction of any building or an addition to any building including accessory buildings, or to commence the moving or alteration of any building, including accessory buildings, until the building committee has issued a building permit for such work.

2. Issuance of a building permit. In applying to the building committee for a building permit the applicant shall submit a dimensional sketch or a scale plan indicating the shape, size, and location of all buildings to be erected, altered, or moved and of any buildings already on the lot. All required parking areas and access driveways must be shown.

The applicant shall also state the existing and intended use of all buildings and supply such other information as may be required by the building inspector to determine whether the provisions of this ordinance are being observed. If the proposed excavation or construction as set forth in the application are in conformity with the provisions of this ordinance and other ordinances of the Town of Mangham then in force, the building committee shall issue a building permit for such excavation and /or construction. If a building permit is refused, the building committee shall state such refusal in writing with the cause.

The issuance of a building permit shall in no case be construed as waiving any provision of this ordinance.

Sec. 11.3. Issuance of certificate of occupancy.

No land or building or part thereof hereafter erected or altered in its use of (or) structure shall be used until the building committee shall have issued a certificate of occupancy stating that such land, building, or part thereof, and the proposed use thereof are found to be in conformity with the provisions of this ordinance.

Within three (3) days after written notification that a building or premises or part thereof is ready for occupancy or use, it shall be the duty of the building committee to make a final inspection thereof and to issue a certificate of occupancy if the land, building, or part thereof are found to conform with the provisions of this ordinance; or, if such certificate is refused, the building committee shall state refusal in writing with the cause.

Sec. 11.4. Records.

A complete record of such applications, sketches, and plans shall be maintained in City Hall, based in whole or in part upon the provisions of this ordinance.

Sec. 11.5. Penalties.

Any person violating any provision of this ordinance shall be guilty of a misdemeanor and upon conviction shall be fined not less than ten dollars ($10.00) nor more than one hundred dollars ($100.00) for each offense. Each day that a violation is permitted to exist shall constitute a separate offense; payment of fine shall not constitute compliance.

Sec. 11.6. Remedies.

In case any building or structure is erected, constructed, reconstructed, repaired, converted, or maintained, or any building, structure, or land is used in violation of this ordinance, the building committee or any other appropriate authority or any adjacent or neighboring property owner who would be damaged by such violation, in addition to other remedies, may institute injunction, mandamus, or other appropriate action in proceeding to prevent the occupancy or use of such building, structure, or land.


Sec. 12.1. The zoning commission shall have the following powers and duties:

1. Administrative review. The entire zoning commission will hear and decide appeals where it is alleged by the applicant that there is error in any order, requirement, permit, decision, implication, determination, or refusal made by the building committee in the carrying out or enforcement of any provision of this ordinance; and to interpret the zoning map and ordinance.

2. Special Exceptions. To hear and decide special exceptions to the terms of the ordinance upon which the zoning commission is required to pass under such ordinance.

A. The zoning commission shall decide special exceptions without consideration of the identity of the person or entity requesting the same.

B. The zoning commission will take into consideration the location of the property, and whether the exception will benefit the community, increase public safety, cause dissension within neighborhoods, improve the physical appearance of the town, and impair or promote the intent and purposes of this ordinance.

3. Variances. To hear and decide applications for variances from the terms of this ordinance, but shall grant variances only where by reason of exceptional narrowness, shallowness, or shape of a a specific piece of property which at the time of adoption of this ordinance was a lot of record, or where by reason of exceptional topographic situations or conditions of a piece of property the strict practical difficulties to or undue hardship upon the owner of such property; provided that such relief may be granted without substantial detriment to the public good and without substantially impairing the intent and purposes of this ordinance.

A. In granting a variance the board may attach thereto such conditions regarding the location, character, and other features of the proposed building, structure, or use as it may deem advisable in furtherance of the purpose of this ordinance.

B. Before any variance is granted, it shall be shown that special circumstances attached to the property do not generally apply to other properties in the neighborhood.

Sec. 12.2. Appeals, how taken.

1. Zoning Commission. Any person, firm or corporation aggrieved by any decision of the building committee may within two (2) weeks of that decision file a written appeal to the entire zoning commission, specifying the grounds of the appeal, and specifically designating what parts of the decision of the building committee are being appealed. Within three (3) weeks, the entire zoning commission shall meet to review all permits, plats, sketches or other documents filed by the applicant; the decision of the building committee and its reasons; therefore, and the basis for the appeal.

Within two (2) weeks of said meeting, the zoning commission shall issue a written decision either affirming or reversing the decision of the building committee, which should be mailed to the party filing the appeal.

2. Town Council. The Mangham town council is hereby designated as the board of appeals and adjustments of last resort. Meetings of the board of appeals shall be held only after the closing of the town council meeting or at any other called time. The town council meeting shall be closed to declaration of the Mayor of Mangham. The minutes of the town council meeting shall be closed, and at this time the board of appeals may tend to business at hand.

An appeal to the board of appeals and adjustments may be taken by any person, firm, or corporation aggrieved, or by any governmental officer, department, other board, or bureau affected by any decision of the zoning commission based in whole or in part upon the provisions of this ordinance. Said appeal must be filed within two (2) weeks of the written decision of the zoning commission being mailed to the party who filed said appeal. Such an appeal shall be taken by filing a written appeal with the town clerk, who shall notify the board of appeals. Said appeal shall specify the grounds of the appeal, and designate the error made in previous decisions regarding the property.

The building committee and zoning commission shall transmit to the board of appeals and adjustments all papers constituting the record upon which the appeal action was taken. The zoning commission will also transmit to the board of appeals and adjustments their findings and recommendations on this same case. The board of appeals and adjustments shall fix a reasonable time for the hearing of the appeal, within one (1) month of the filing of the appeal; and give proper notice one (1) time of a public appeal hearing before the town council by publishing such notice in the Richland Beacon, at least ten (10) days prior to the date set for the public hearing. Written notice to the applicant shall be sent at least ten (10) days prior to the date set for the hearing. Any appeal shall be decided within one (1) month of the hearing. At the hearing, any person or party may appear and be heard in person, by an agent, or by an attorney.

Sec. 12.2. Fee.

A fee of one hundred dollars ($100.00) shall be paid to the town clerk for the cost of said appeal.


Sec. 13.1. (Generally.)

The Mangham town council may, from time to time, amend, supplement, or change the regulations, restrictions, or boundaries herein or subsequently established. Such amendments may be initiated:

1. By action of the legislative body, or by action of the zoning commission; or

2. On petition by property owners, by filing with the legislative body through the planning commission, a petition in writing which conforms with the standards and requirements of the zoning commission, provided that such petition is duly signed and acknowledged by the owners or authorized agents of not less than fifty (50) percent of the area of land in which a change of classification is requested.

Sec. 13.2. Review by the planning and zoning commission.

No amendment shall become effective unless it is first submitted for approval, disapproval, or suggestions to the zoning commission.

If the zoning commission within sixty (60) days of such submission disapproves the amendment, it shall require a majority vote of the membership of the town council to override it and cause the amendment to become effective. Failure of the zoning commission to either approve or disapprove the amendment within ninety (90) days of its submission shall be deemed approval.

Sec. 13.3. Procedure.

No amendment shall become effective until:

Review of the amendment by the zoning commission as discussed above.

1. Notice of the proposed change and of the time and place of the public hearing shall have been published once a week for three (3) weeks in the Richland Beacon. At least twenty (20) days shall elapse between the first publication and the date of the hearing.

2. There shall have been a public hearing in relation thereto before the legislative body, at which time interested citizens and parties shall have had an opportunity to be fully heard.

3. A final yea or nay vote shall have been taken on the proposal by the legislative body within one hundred twenty (120) days dated from the original action of the legislative body, or from the final filing of the petition of property owners or owner in correct form.

4. The provisions of this section do not apply in cases where there is a proposal to enact an entire new ordinance, to change the text as a whole, or to change all the Official Zoning Map, or both, in which event the procedure set out in Revised Statutes 33:4721 - 4732 shall be followed.

5. The planning and zoning commission shall not consider any future petition requesting a change or amendment within six (6) months of the date of a prior petition to the planning and zoning commission for the same change or amendment.

6. No person shall be deemed to be a party to a petition unless his ownership interest appears on record accord1ng to the recording laws of Louisiana, or he is retained as legal counsel for the petitioners.

Sec. 13.4. Fee.

A fee of one hundred fifty dollars ($150.00) due and payable at the time of filing of petition shall be posted with request to amend the zoning ordinance; said fee to be used by the Town of Mangham to defray costs resulting from such petition and any subsequent amendment to the zoning ordinance.


Sec. 14.1. Conflict with other ordinances.

In case of conflict between this ordinance or any part thereof, and the whole or part of any existing or future ordinance of the Town of Mangham, the most restrictive provision shall in all cases apply.

Sec. 14. 2. Validity.

If any section, clause, provision, or portion of this ordinance is held to be invalid or unconstitutional by any court of competent jurisdiction, such holding shall not affect any other section, clause, provision, or portion of this ordinance which is not of itself invalid or unconstitutional.


For the purpose of this ordinance, certain terms and words are hereby defined. Words in the present tense shall include the future, the singular number shall include the plural and the plural, the singular, the word “structure” shall include the word “building”, and the word “shall” is mandatory and not directory.

Accessory building: A subordinate building, attached to or detached from the main building, the use of which is incidental to that of the main building on the same lot.

Building: Any structure designed or built or used for the support, enclosure, shelter, or protection of persons, animals, chattels or property of any kind.

Building, height of the vertical distance from the established average sidewalk grade or street grade, or finished grade at the building line, whichever is the highest, to the highest point of the coping of a flat roof, or to the deck line of the mansard, or the mean height level between the eaves and ridge for gable, hip, and gambrel roofs.

Dwelling: Any building or portion thereof designed or used exclusively as the residence or sleeping place of one or more families.

Dwelling, single-family: A building designed for, constructed for, altered for, or occupied exclusively by not more than one immediate family; provided, however, that such building is attached permanently to the ground and is never equipped with axles or wheels.

Dwelling, two-family: A building designed for, constructed for, altered for, or occupied by not more than two (2) immediate families provided, however, that such a building is attached permanently to the ground and is never equipped with axles or wheels.

Dwelling, multiple family: A building designed for, constructed for, altered for, or occupied by three (3) or more families; provided, however, that such building is attached permanently to the ground and is never equipped with axles or wheels.

Family: One or more persons related by blood or marriage, occupying a premise and living as a single housekeeping unit.

Lot: A parcel of land acquired through one document occupied or to be occupied by one principal building and its accessory buildings.

Nonconforming use: A land lawfully used, and /or structure legally existing and/or used at the time of adoption of this ordinance, or any amendment thereto, which does not conform with the height, lot area, yard requirements, or use regulations of the district in which it is located.

Street: A public way set aside for public travel which affords the principal means of access to abutting property. The word “street” shall include the words avenue, road, highway and thoroughfares, or any other similar terms.

Structure: A combination of materials forming a construction which requires permanent location on the ground and includes, among other things, buildings, stadiums, platforms, radio towers, sheds, dwellings, storage bins, fences and display signs.

Violation/ violating: Any action, or use of land, which is in breach or dereliction of any term or provision of this ordinance.



Town Clerk 




Richland Parish Police Jury

Regular Meeting – 6:00 P.M.

October 8, 2024

The President called the meeting to order with the invocation given by Mr. Lively.

Pledge of Allegiance 

Roll call revealed the following:

Present: Ms. Carroll and Messrs.: Craig, Powell, Jones, Reddick, Lively, Wiggins, Colvin and Adcock

Mr. Colvin gave an update that a meeting was held by the Economic Development Committee to discuss solar projects.

Mr. Lively made a motion to amend the agenda to include McLemore Road bridge, Herring Road culvert and to discuss hospital board.  This was seconded by Mr. Colvin and it passed with no opposition.  This was added as item 8a.

Motion by Mr. Wiggins, seconded by Mr. Colvin to approve the minutes of the Richland Parish Police Jury Regular Meeting of September 9, 2024 as presented to the official journal - The Richland Beacon News. Motion passed with no opposition.

At this time the president asked visitors to address the jury.  Charlie White from Jaggers Lane asked if a speed limit sign and no littering sign be put up on the road.  Nate Jennings from the LSU Ag center gave an update.  

Mr. Lively made a motion to declare October Dysautonomia recognition month.  This was seconded by Mr. Colvin and passed with no opposition.

Mrs. Roanita Jenkins presented the jury with the options for health insurance for next year.  She is waiting on quotes from another carrier and a decision will be made at the next meeting.

Mr. Lively made a motion to purchase two railcars and temporarily place them on McLemore Road where the bridge is out until the state can get the bridge replaced (pending no complications from the state).  This was seconded by Mr. Adcock and passed with no opposition.

A motion was made by Mr. Adcock, seconded by Mr. Powell to remove the gate at Herring Road.  This passed with no opposition.

Mr. Colvin made a motion to request the hospital board districts to report to the jury at least once a quarter.  This was seconded by Mr. Lively and passed with no opposition.

Mr. Colvin made a motion to give Mr. Evans the authority to remove the culvert was approved at the April 8th meeting.  This was seconded by Mr. Lively.  Ms. Caroll opposed and the motion passed. 

A motion was made by Mr. Colvin, seconded by Mr. Lively to rescind the motion from the May 2nd meeting to purchase a railcar for A1 Sheetmetal.  Motion passed with no opposition.

Mr. Wiggins made a motion to purchase a water truck for less than $60,000.  This was seconded by Mr. Lively and passed with no opposition.

A motion to adjourn was made by Mr. Colvin and seconded by Mr. Craig.  Motion passed with no opposition.

/s/ Laura Mulhern


/s/ Cecil Reddick


Dysautonomia is a group of medical conditions that result in a malfunction of the autonomic nervous system, which is responsible for “automatic” bodily functions such as, but not limited to: respiration, heart rate, blood pressure, digestion, bone marrow production, and temperature control.

Whereas, Dysautonomia affects people of any age, gender, race or background, negatively impacting over 70 million people around the world, including many individuals living right here in our wonderful state of Louisiana. 

There are 15 different forms of dysautonomia.  These include Neuropathy, Vasovagal Syncope, Pure Autonomic Failure, and Postural Orthostatic Tachycardia Syndrome (commonly known as POTS), just to list a few. People who have been diagnosed with some form of dysautonomia often have secondary conditions such as: Lupus, Multiple Sclerosis (MS), Parkinson’s disease, Sjogren’s syndrome or Diabetes.

Whereas, Dysautonomia can be very disabling and is a life changing diagnosis; this chronic illness can result in the inability to work or attend school, may cause social isolation, depression and /or anxiety. It’s not just physically affecting people, it’s an emotionally and financially draining ailment as well. It’s extremely stressful on the families of those impacted.

Dysautonomia Louisiana Inc. is a 501c3 non-profit organization that advocates on behalf of patients living with dysautonomia and those individuals suffering from its symptoms and still struggling for a diagnosis. Our goal is to bring much needed awareness to the community and information to the medical professionals across Louisiana.  Increased awareness about dysautonomia will help patients obtain an earlier diagnosis and treatment plan, save lives, and foster support for individuals and families already coping with dysautonomia in our community.

NOW, THEREFORE, I, Cecil Reddick, President of the Richland Parish Police Jury, do hereby proclaim the month of October as, DYSAUTONOMIA AWARENESS month throughout Louisiana.

Therefore, We are encouraging communities to celebrate Dysautonomia Awareness Month each October in the state of Louisiana.



Richland Parish Police Jury

Special Meeting – 9:00 A.M.

October 15, 2024

The President called the meeting to order with the invocation given by Mr. Lively.

Pledge of Allegiance 

Roll call revealed the following:

Present: Messrs.: Craig, Colvin, Reddick, Lively, Wiggins and Adcock

Absent:  Ms. Carroll, Messrs.: Powell and Jones

Mr. Lively made a motion to approve the agenda.  Mr. Adcock seconded the motion and it passed with no opposition.

Motion by Mr. Colvin, seconded by Mr. Lively to table building permit variance request Motion passed with no opposition.

Mr. Lively made a motion to table discussion of cooperative endeavor agreement on roadway projects.  This was seconded by Mr. Wiggins and passed with no opposition. 

Mr. Craig made a motion to table discussion of approval of tax rebate agreement.  Mr. Lively seconded the motion and it passed with no opposition.

A motion was made by Mr. Lively, seconded by Mr. Adcock to call for a public hearing at 5:45 at the next regular meeting to close Burn Road and a portion of Wade Road (from Jaggers Lane to Hwy 183).  Motion passed with no opposition.

Mr. Colvin made a motion for the publication of intent to enter into a development agreement.  Mr. Lively seconded the motion and it passed with no opposition.

A motion to adjourn was made by Mr. Colvin and seconded by Mr. Craig.  Motion passed with no opposition.

/s/ Laura Mulhern


/s/ Cecil Reddick





The Town of Rayville has been presented with a proposed ordinance, the title of which is as follows:


That said ordinance proposes to sell Lots 18 and 19 of the Rayville Industrial Park to J.R. Simplot Company for the sum of $95,263.00.

A copy of the Cash Deed regarding this sale is filed in the office of the Town Clerk at the Rayville Town Hall and is available for public inspection.

Any opposition to this ordinance must be made in writing to the Town Clerk within fifteen (15) days after this notice is first published.

The Town will consider adoption of said ordinance at 6:00 P.M. November 11, 2024, at the Rayville Town Hall, at which time a public hearing shall be held on said proposed ordinance in accordance with Louisiana Revised Statue 33:406.

10/24, 10/30, 11/7






Louisiana Department of Wildlife and Fisheries has available for lease, a tract of approximately 1,781 acres of agricultural lands, to-be-farmed, on Russell Sage WMA.  This property is located in Caldwell Parish, identified as the South Bosco Tract.  

Awarded contract will be for a period beginning January 1, 2025 and ending December 31, 2025.

Sealed bids will be publicly opened and read at the LDWF Headquarters Building, c/o Steve Smith, 1995 Shreveport Highway, Pineville, LA.  Bids may be hand delivered or mailed.  Bids must be received at the above address before 11:00 am, November 14, 2024.  For additional information or to receive a bid package, contact Lowery Moak or Mitch McGee at (318)343-4044. 

10/24, 10/31


Town of Rayville Council Minutes 

Mayor- Board of Aldermen

Monday, October 14, 2024

The Town of Rayville held a Regular Council Meeting with Mayor - Board of Aldermen, Town of Rayville State of Louisiana, taken Monday, October 14, 2024, at the Town Hall 109 Benedette St. Rayville LA  71269 at 6:00 PM.  With a quorum present, Board received agenda, public notice posted on Friday, October  11, 2024, the meeting was called to order by  Mayor Harry Lewis at 6:00 p.m. Prayer was led by Mayor Harry Lewis, and Pledge was led by Mayor Pro Tem Jerry Gordon.    

Present: Mayor Harry Lewis, Town Attorney: Damon Kervin, Chief of Police: Markus Turner, 

Mayor Pro Tem: Jerry Gordon; Alderman Joseph Fletcher, Town Clerk: Deborah T. Nealon; Alderwomen: Paula Cumpton, Alderwoman Consuela Hunter and Debra James.

Absent:, None

Approval of the Minutes & Bills

Upon a motion by Alderman Fletcher, seconded by Alderwoman Hunter, the Board agreed to approve last month minutes and bills from regular Council meeting.

Yeas: Cumpton, Fletcher, Gordon, Hunter James 

Nays: None

Absent: None

With a unanimous vote and consent from the Board, Mayor Harry Lewis declared the motion carried.

Financial Reports

Upon a motion by Alderman Fletcher, seconded by Alderwoman Hunter, the Board agreed to approve last month minutes and bills from regular Council meeting.

Yeas: Cumpton, Fletcher, Gordon, Hunter, James

Nays: None

Absent: None

With a unanimous vote and consent from the Board, Mayor Harry Lewis declared the motion carried.

Chief of Police Report

Chief Turner stated fines collected for the month of September $9,301.00

Upon a motion by Alderman Fletcher, the Board agreed to introduce Ordinance #1004; An Ordinance to sell of certain property for Simplot sale.

Yeas: Cumpton, Fletcher, Gordon, Hunter, James

Nays: None

Absent: None

With a unanimous vote and consent from the Board, Mayor Harry Lewis declared the motion carried.

Upon a motion by Alderman Gordon, seconded by Alderwoman Hunter, the Board agreed to adopt Resolution 2024-13; A Resolution to increase travel expense, effective immediately.   

Yeas: Cumpton, Fletcher, Gordon, Hunter, James

Nays: None

Absent: None

With a unanimous vote and consent from the Board, Mayor Harry Lewis declared the motion carried.

Attorney’s Report

Clerk’s Report

Town Clerk Deborah T. Nealon stated that Sales Tax Collections for July $326,830.54

Mayor’s Report

Mayor reported the Recreation volleyball court is complete. Repairs are underway for Gin Road.  Water system is in better shape.  We are receiving quotes on restoring lights at Rayville Ball Park. Town is preparing for upcoming storm.

• Each Ordinance and Resolution was read aloud separately by the clerk Deborah T. Nealon with a request for any comments from the public; the following were discussed and passed.


Upon a motion by Alderwoman James seconded by Alderwoman Hunter the Board agreed to adjourn regular council meeting.

Yeas: Cumpton, Fletcher, Gordon, Hunter, James 

Nays: None

Absent: None

With a unanimous vote and consent from the Board, Mayor Harry Lewis declared the motion carried

Harry Lewis, Mayor

Deborah T. Nealon, Clerk



Official Minutes


A Regular meeting – May 2024 held June 19th, 2024

The Richland Parish Hospital Board of Commissioners met in a regular meeting session at 12:00 P.M, in the meeting room at the Richland Parish Hospital – Delhi. The meeting was called to order by Chairman, Paul Lipe.

The following members were present: Mr. Paul Lipe, Mrs. Barbara Roark, Mr. Nathan Monroe, Mrs. Annie Guine, Dr. Corey Albritton, Mrs. Mildred Greer

Motion was offered by Mrs. Roark, seconded by Dr. Albritton to approve the minutes of previous meeting. 

Motion carried unanimously. 

Mr. Lipe asked that the Committee Reports be presented to the Board for review and approval. The Delhi Medical Staff Committee Reports were presented and discussed. The Reports presented were as follows: CQI, Transfusion, Surgery Review, Medical Records Review, Emergency Room Review, Utilization Review, Pharmacy & Therapeutics and Rural Health Clinic Review. The Safety Committee minutes were presented to the Board. 

No items were presented to the Board for action/recommendation or follow-up. 

Mr. Lipe instructed the CFO to present the Statistical & Financial Reports to include budget to actual comparisons for the hospital and DCHC. 

Motion was offered by Mrs. Roark and seconded by Mr. Monroe to accept the financial report as presented. 

Motion carried unanimously. 

Old Business: None 

New Business: 

The Physician Employment Agreement for Joseph Enriquez, D.O. was presented to the Board for review and approval. 

Motion was made and seconded to approve the Employment Agreement as presented. 

Motion carried unanimously. 

The Buy Sell Agreement for the property located at 403 Ohio St. was presented to the Board for review and approval. 

Motion was made and seconded to approve the Buy Sell agreement as presented. 

Motion carried unanimously. 

The Physician Contract Agreement for Dr. David Halinski, Pulmonologist was presented to the Board for review and approval.  

Motion was made and seconded to approve the agreement as presented. 

Motion carried unanimously. 

An addendum to the Employment Contract for ER Physician was presented to the Board for review and approval. 

Motion was made and seconded to approve the addendum as presented. 

Motion carried unanimously. 

An addendum to the Physician Employment contracts was presented to the Board for review and approval. 

Motion was made and seconded to approve employment contracts as presented. 

Motion carried unanimously. Dr. Albritton abstained

The following credentialing appointments to the Telemed staff for Salient teleradiology for: Dr. William M. Wilder, Dr. Jessica Carraway and Dr. Matthew Smith was presented to the Board for review and approval 

Motion was made and seconded to approve the appointments as presented. 

Motion carried unanimously. 

The approval of consulting staff credentialing and privileges for Dr. Manish Dhawan-Hematology/Oncology was presented to the Board for review and approval.

Motion was made and seconded to approve the Consulting staff credentialing as presented. 

Motion carried unanimously. 

The approval for re-appointment to the consulting staff for Dr. Raj Bhandari – Gastroenterology was presented to the Board for review and approval. 

Motion was made and seconded to approve the re-appointment to the consulting staff as presented. 

Motion carried unanimously. 

The following contract renewals were presented to the Board for review and approval: a.  Brit Pac

b. LOPA Louisiana Organ Procurement Agreement 

c. Joy Regan Dietitian

d. Up to Date with inflationary increase

Motion was made and seconded to approve the contract renewals as presented. 

Motion carried unanimously. 

The contract renewal with Legacy Rehab Therapy Services was presented to the Board for review and approval. 

Motion was made and seconded to approve the contract as presented. 

Motion carried unanimously. 

The contract renewal with Crossroads Hospice was presented to the Board for review and approval. 

Motion was made and seconded to approve the contract as presented. 

Motion carried unanimously. 

The contract with Decomm Answering Services agreement was presented to the Board for review and approval. 

Motion was made and seconded to approve to agreement as presented. 

Motion carried unanimously. 

A request to go into Executive Session for strategic planning was requested. 

Motion was made and seconded to enter into executive session as requested. 

Motion carried unanimously. 

Motion was made and seconded to return to regular session. 

Motion carried unanimously.  

Official Minutes

May 2024 held June 19th, 2024

Page 5

The DCHC Agenda Items were presented to the Board for review, discussion and approval.  

Review and Approval to submit Living Well Grant, Behavioral Health expansion Grant and Expanded Hours Grant was presented to the Board. 

Motion was made by Mrs. Roark, seconded by Mr. Monroe to approve the DCHC Agenda items as presented to include approval of submission of grants. 

Motion carried unanimously. Dr. Albritton abstained. 

Chairman Paul Lipe

Mildred Greer, Secretary

Richland Parish Hospital Service District #1A of the Parish of Richland 

State of Louisiana




The Town of Delhi, Louisiana, Richland Parish has been presented with a proposed Ordinance No. 733 the title of which is as follows: 

Ordinance # 753 


That the Town of Delhi will consider adoption of said proposed Ordinance at the regular council meeting of the Mayor and Board of Aldermen at 5:30 pm on Monday, November 11, 2024 Delhi City Hall, 209 Broadway Street, Delhi, Louisiana, at which time a public hearing shall be held on said proposed ordinance according to R.S. 33:406.  If said ordinance is adopted, it shall take effect immediately. 

Nandeaner M. McDowell 




Richland Beacon News
Luisiana State
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