State of Louisiana, Parish of Richland-Fifth District Court
By virtue of a WRIT OF SEIZURE AND SALE issued out of the Honorable FIFTH District Court in and for the Parish of RICHLAND, State of Louisiana, in the above styled and numbered cause and to me directed as Sheriff, I have seized and taken into my possession and will offer for sale at public auction at the east door of the courthouse in the Town of Rayville, Louisiana, within legal hours of sale, on
August 21,2024
At 10:00 am the following property, to-wit:
A certain lot or parcel of ground situated in that part of South Half of Northwest Quarter (S 1/2 of NW 1/4), Section 21, Township 17 North, Range 7 East, lying West ofLouisiana Highway No. 47, more particularly described as follows: From an iron stake at the Northeast corner of Southwest Quarter of Northwest Quarter (SW 1/4 of NW 1/4) of said section measure in a southerly direction, parallel to the westerly right of way line of Louisiana Highway No. 47, a distance of 20 feet, to a point; thence measure in a southerly direction, perpendicular to said westerly right-of-way line a distance of 15 feet to a point which is the Northeast corner of that certain parcel of land sold to Dixie Liquid Fertilizer Company, Notarial Book 154, Page 434; thence measure in a southerly direction along the west side of the said right-of-way of Louisiana Highway No. 47, a distance of 208.75 feet to the POINT OF BEGINNING, which point of beginning is the Southeast corner of that said parcel of land sold to Dixie Liquid Fertilizer Company; thence run in a westerly direction perpendicular to said right-of-way, along the south boundary of said parcel of land sold to Dixie Liquid Fertilizer Company, a distance of 208.75 feet; thence in a southerly direction parallel with said westerly right of way line of Louisiana Highway No. 47 a distance of 104 feet; thence in an easterly direction perpendicular to said right-of-way line a distance of 208.75 feet; thence north along the west line of said right-of-way a distance of 104 feet, to the point of beginning, containing one-half (1/2) acre, more or less.
Seized as the property of the defendant and will be sold to satisfy said WRIT OF SEIZURE AND SALE and all costs. Terms of sale: Cash to the last and highest bidder, WITH the benefit of appraisement.
7/18 8/8
State of Louisiana, Parish of Richland-Fifth District Court
By virtue of a WRIT OF SEIZURE AND SALE issued out of the Honorable FIFTH District Court in and for the Parish of RICHLAND, State of Louisiana, in the above styled and numbered cause and to me directed as Sheriff, I have seized and taken into my possession and will offer for sale at public auction at the east door of the courthouse in the Town of Rayville, Louisiana, within legal hours of sale, on
August 21, 2024
At 10:00 am the following property, to-wit:
The east 20 feet of Lot 1 and the west 30 feet of Lot 2 of Block 9 of Booker T. Addition to the Town of Rayville, as per plan of said addition on file of record in notarial book 140, the records of Richland Parish, Louisiana. This being the same property acquired under registry number 198804 and being duly recorded in Book 220 of the records of the clerk’s office, Richland Parish, Louisiana
Seized as the property of the defendant and will be sold to satisfy said WRIT OF SEIZURE AND SALE and all costs. Terms of sale: Cash to the last and highest bidder, WITH the benefit of appraisement.
7/18 8/8
State of Louisiana, Parish of Richland-Fifth District Court
By virtue of a WRIT OF SEIZURE AND SALE issued out of the Honorable FIFTH District Court in and for the Parish of RICHLAND, State of Louisiana, in the above styled and numbered cause and to me directed as Sheriff, I have seized and taken into my possession and will offer for sale at public auction at the east door of the courthouse in the Town of Rayville, Louisiana, within legal hours of sale, on
August 21,2024
At 10:00am the following property, to-wit:
A parcel of land near Alto, Louisiana, situated in portions of SW 1/4 of NE 1/4, and NE 1/4 of NW 1/4, Sec. 21, T16N, R6E, containing 6.49 acres, more or less, more particularly described as follows: Commence at the NE corner of the SW1/4 of NE 1/4, Sec. 21, T16N, R6E, run thence West a distance of 37 ft, thence run South 10 deg. 48 min. West a distance of 233 ft., thence run South 0 deg. 1 min. West a distance of 397.27 ft., thence run North 85 deg. 36 min. 39 sec. West a distance of 316.3 ft. to the POINT OF BEGINNING thence continue on same course a distance of 514.68 ft. to a point, thence run North 83 deg. 23 min. 28 sec. East a distance of 532.73 feet to a point, thence run North 1 deg. 28 min. 33 sec. East a distance of 270.95 ft. to a point, thence run South 88 deg. 37 min. 40 sec. East a distance of 303.24 ft. to a point, thence run North 80 deg. 44 min. 44 sec. East a distance of 373.0 ft. to a point, thence run South 81 deg. 14 min. 42 sec. East a distance of 87.5 ft. to a point, thence run South 40 deg. 43 min. 27 sec. East a distance of 244.45 ft. a point, thence run South 4 deg. 27 min. 42 sec. West a distance of 164.64 ft. to the POINT OF BEGINNING and being the same parcel of land sat over to Elbert L Diffey in compromise of that certain suit styled “Elbert Len Diffey vs. Mary Nell Cashlon, et al.”, bearing No 21151 Richland Parish Civil Docket and more particularly shown and delineated in plat of survey made by John G. Maroney, annexed to Quitclaim a ratification deed executed 6/26/80 by Elbert Lee Diffey to and with Charles M. Thomason, et al, duly recorded in Bk. 290, Pg. 180, Richland Parish Conveyance Records.
Seized as the property of the defendant and will be sold to satisfy said WRIT OF SEIZURE AND SALE and all costs. Terms of sale: Cash to the last and highest bidder, WITH the benefit of appraisement.
7/18 8/8
The Housing Authority of the Town of Rayville will receive bids on 2022-2023 CFP for the Housing Authority of the Town of Rayville, until 11:00 a.m. on the 8th of August, 2024, at the offices of the Housing Authority of the Town of Rayville, 202 Waldorf Street, Rayville, Louisiana 71269, at which time and place all bids will be publicly opened and read aloud.
Proposed forms of Contract Documents, including plans and specifications may be examined at:
Via electronic documents from SGB Architects
If hard copies are required, the cost will be $100 (non-refundable)
Copies of the bidding documents shall be secured by contacting SGB Architects, LLC, 1935 Airline Drive, Suite 200, Bossier City, Louisiana 71112 for each set of bidding documents obtained. Design professional will maintain a list of all prime bidders for the purpose of addenda.
A certified check or bank draft, payable to the Housing Authority of the City of Rayville, U.S. Government bonds, or a satisfactory bid bond executed by the bidders and acceptable sureties in an amount equal to five percent of the bid shall be submitted with each bid.
Bids shall be submitted on “Louisiana Uniform Bid Form” in Section E of the specifications located in the bidding documents, specifically referenced to this project.
The successful bidder will be required to furnish and pay for a performance and payment bond equaling the contract sum issued by a Bonding Company licensed to operate in the State of Louisiana.
Attention is called to the provisions for equal employment opportunity, and payment of not less than the minimum salaries and wages as set forth in the Specifications must be paid on this project.
Per La. R.S. 38:2214, withdrawal of a bid must be within 48 hours of bid time, by sworn affidavit, and only for patently obvious unintentional, and substantial clerical or mathematical errors. All other withdrawals will cause forfeiture of bid bond.
A pre-bid conference will be held at 11:00 am on the 30th of July, 2024, at the project site.
In accordance with the omnibus drug legislation enacted November 19, 1988, Drug-Free Workplace Act of 1988 (Pub. L. 100-690, Title V. Subtitle D) contractors and grantees of Federal Agencies must certify that they will provide drug-free workplaces. This required certification is a precondition of receiving a contract with the Housing Authority.
On any bid submitted in the amount of $50,000 or more, the Contractor shall certify that he holds an active license under Louisiana Revised Status 38:2150-2163 and show his license number on the bid and on the outside of the bid envelope. The licensee shall not be permitted to bid or perform any type or types of work not included in the classification under which his license was issued. The project classification for this project is “Building Construction” or “Plumbing”.
The Housing Authority of the city of Rayville reserves the right to reject any and all bids as the interest of the Housing Authority may require.
Housing Authority of the Town of Rayville
/s/Donna Ellis
By: Donna Ellis, Executive Director
7/11, 7/18, 7/25
Start Water System, Inc., will be holding an Annual Public Meeting on Monday July 22, 2024 at 6:00 PM. The meeting will be held at the Start Fire Department located on Owl Loop. Anyone needing reasonable accommodation to attend Annual Meeting or if further information is required or needed please contact our office at 318-728-5145 at least five days prior to the meeting date.
“This institution is an equal opportunity employer.”
7/11, 7/18
Mangham Town Hall
Mangham Community Center
Special Call Meeting
June 17, 2024
6:00 PM
The Mangham Town Council met in a Special Call Session at the Mangham Community Center, Mangham, Louisiana on June 17th of 2024.
Pledge was led by Mayor Killian
Invocation was led by Rhymes
Meeting was called to order by Mayor Killian
Present: Charlotte Boone
Lennette Romero
Pamela Vaughn
Eddie Rhymes
Absent: Courtney Brunson
A motion by Rhymes and seconded by Vaughn to approve the budget for 2024-2025.
Yeas: Lennette Romero, Pam Vaughn, Charlotte Boone, Eddie Rhymes
Motioned carried - Unanimously
Motion to Adjourn was given by Boone seconded by Rhymes.
Yeas: Eddie Rhymes, Lennette Romero, Pam Vaughn
Motion Carried – Unanimously
Anthony Killian, Mayor
Rachel Aulds, Town Clerk
Mangham Town Hall
Mangham Town Hall
Special Call Meeting
June 26, 2024
6:00 PM
The Mangham Town Council met in a Special Call Session at the Mangham Town Hall, Mangham, Louisiana on June 26th of 2024.
Pledge was led by Vaughn
Invocation was led by Romero
Meeting was called to order by Boone
Present: Charlotte Boone
Lenette Romero
Pamela Vaughn
Absent: Eddie Rhymes
A motion by Boone and seconded by Vaughn to approve the agenda.
Yeas: Lenette Romero, Pam Vaughn, Charlotte Boone
Motioned carried – Unanimously
A motion by Boone seconded by Vaughn to add Revised Budget to the agenda.
Yeas: Lenette Romero, Pam Vaughn, Charlotte Boone
Motioned carried – Unanimously
A motion by Boone seconded by Vaughn to approve the Revised Budget.
Yeas: Lenette Romero, Pam Vaughn, Charlotte Boone
Motioned carried – Unanimously
An alderman’s seat can be declared vacant, pursuant to RS 33:385 and Attorney General opinions number 04-0364 and 92-350 when an alderman moves out of the district and an interim may be appointed by the council.
Motion to declare Courtney Brunson’s alderman seat vacant and nominate Mary Nichols as interim alderman was given by Romero seconded by Boone.
Yes: Lenette Romero, Pam Vaughn, Charlotte Boone
Motioned carried – Unanimously
Melissa Morris, Richland Parish Clerk of Court, swore in Mrs. Mary Nichols.
Motion by Romero seconded by Nichols to appoint Charlotte Boone as interim mayor.
Roll call was Romero- YEA
Nichols- YEA
Motion Carried – Unanimously
Public Comments- Town resident wanted to know what is the difference in aldermen between a town and village. Boone answered.
Motion to adjourn was given by Vaughn seconded by Nichols
Yeas: Lenette Romero, Pam Vaughn, Mary Nichols
Motion Carried – Unanimously
Charlotte Boone, Interim Mayor
Rachel Aulds, Town Clerk
Mangham Town Hall
Mangham Town Hall
Special Call Meeting
July 1, 2024
6:00 PM
The Mangham Town Council met in a Special Call Session at the Mangham Town Hall, Mangham, Louisiana on July 1st of 2024.
Pledge was led by Vaughn
Invocation was led by Romero
Meeting was called to order by Boone
Present: Charlotte Boone
Lenette Romero
Pamela Vaughn
Mary Nichols
Absent: Eddie Rhymes
A motion by Romero and seconded by Vaughn to add a proclamation for special elections for alderman and a proclamation for special elections for mayor to the agenda.
Yeas: Lenette Romero, Pam Vaughn, Mary Nichols
Motioned carried – Unanimously
A motion to approve the agenda by Romero seconded by Nichols.
Yeas: Lenette Romero, Pam Vaughn, Mary Nichols
Motioned carried – Unanimously
A motion to nominate Charlotte Boone for the mayor vacancy by Romero seconded by Vaughn.
Yeas: Lenette Romero, Pam Vaughn, Mary Nichols
Motioned carried – Unanimously
A motion to approve Proclamation 1 of 2024 for special elections for mayor was given by Romero seconded by Vaughn.
Yes: Lenette Romero, Pam Vaughn, Mary Nichols
Motioned carried – Unanimously
A motion to approve Proclamation 2 of 2024 for special elections for alderman was given by Romero seconded by Nichols.
Yes: Lenette Romero, Pam Vaughn, Mary Nichols
Motioned carried – Unanimously
Motion to adjourn was given by Boone seconded by Romero
Yeas: Lenette Romero, Pam Vaughn, Mary Nichols
Motion Carried – Unanimously
Charlotte Boone, Mayor
Rachel Aulds, Town Clerk
Town of Delhi
Final Notice and Public Explanation of a Proposed Activity in a Wetland
This is to give notice that the Town of Delhi has conducted an evaluation as required by Executive Order 11988 and 11990, in accordance with HUD regulations at 24 CFR 55.20 Subpart C Procedures for Making Determinations on wetlands, to determine the potential affect that its activity in a wetland will have on the human environment for street improvements under the Louisiana Community Development Block Grant Program.
The LCDBG funding will be used to reconstruct the following streets within the Town: Arkansas Street, St. Louis Street, Hedgeman Street, and McCall Street. The proposed improvements consist of base course cement, asphaltic concrete, and ancillary improvements including drainage items, curb & gutter, driveways, and utility conflicts.
The Town has reevaluated the alternatives to building in a wetland and has determined that it has no practicable alternatives to the proposed action. Environmental files that document compliance with steps 3 through 6 of Executive Order 11988 and/or 11990, are available for public inspection, review and copying upon request at the times and location delineated in the last paragraph of this notice for receipt of comments. This activity will have no significant impact on the environment for the following reasons: (i) there are no historical or cultural deposits within the project, (ii) there are no man-made or natural hazards that will endanger the public, (iii) there are no activities that will adversely affect endangered species and/or scenic streams/rivers, (iv) the wetlands will not be adversely affected by any activity.
There are three primary purposes for this notice. First, people who may be affected by activities in the wetlands. Those who have an interest in the protection of the natural environment should be given an opportunity to express their concerns and provide information about these areas. Second, an adequate public notice program can be an important public educational tool. The dissemination of information about the wetlands can facilitate and enhance Federal efforts to reduce the risks associated with the occupancy and modification of these special areas. Third, as a matter of fairness, when the Federal government determines it will participate in actions taking place in the wetlands, it must inform those who may be put at greater or continued risk.
Written comments must be received by the Town of Delhi at the following address on or before July 25, 2024: Jesse Washington, Mayor, Town of Delhi, P. O. Box 277, Delhi, Louisiana 71232. The Town can be contacted by phone at 318-878-3792. A full description of the project may be reviewed at the Delhi Town Hall, located at 209 Broadway, Delhi, Louisiana.
The Town of Delhi is an Equal Opportunity Employer.
Town of Rayville Council Minutes
Mayor- Board of Aldermen
Monday, July 08, 2024
The Town of Rayville held a Regular Council Meeting with Mayor - Board of Aldermen, Town of Rayville State of Louisiana, taken Monday, July 08, 2024, at the Town Hall 109 Benedette St. Rayville LA 71269 at 6:00 PM. With a quorum present, Board received agenda, public notice posted on Friday, June 3, 2024, the meeting was called to order by Mayor Harry Lewis at 6:00 p.m. Prayer was led by Mayor Harry Lewis, and Pledge was led by Mayor Pro Tem Jerry Gordon.
Present: Mayor Harry Lewis, Chief of Police: Markus Turner, Mayor Pro Tem: Jerry Gordon; Town Clerk: Deborah T. Nealon; Alderwomen: Paula Cumpton, Consuela Hunter and Debra James.
Absent: Town Attorney: Damon Kervin, Alderman Joseph Fletcher
Approval of the Minutes & Bills
Upon a motion by Alderman Gordon, seconded by Alderwoman Hunter, the Board agreed to approve last month minutes and bills from regular Council meeting.
Yeas: Cumpton, Gordon, Hunter, James
Nays: None
Absent: Fletcher
With a unanimous vote and consent from the Board, Mayor Harry Lewis declared the motion carried.
Financial Reports
Upon a motion by Alderman Gordon, seconded by Alderwoman Hunter, the Board agreed to approve last month minutes and bills from regular Council meeting.
Yeas: Cumpton, Gordon, Hunter, James
Nays: None
Absent: Fletcher
With a unanimous vote and consent from the Board, Mayor Harry Lewis declared the motion carried.
Chief of Police Report
Chief Turner stated fines collected for the month of June $12,304.50
Upon a motion by Alderwoman Cumpton, seconded by Alderwoman Hunter, the Board agreed to adopt Resolution 2024-6; A Resolution authorizing Mayor Harry Lewis to execute an agreement with Louisiana Department of Transportation and Development for Improvements at the John H. Hooks, Jr. Memorial Airport required by the Federal Aviation Administration and state.
Yeas: Cumpton, Fletcher, Gordon, Hunter, James
Nays: None
Absent: Fletcher
With a unanimous vote and consent from the Board, Mayor Harry Lewis declared the motion carried.
Attorney’s Report
Clerk’s Report
Town Clerk Deborah T. Nealon stated that Sales Tax Collections for April $113,373.24
Mayor’s Report
Mayor reported the Recreation volleyball court is complete. Repairs are underway for Gin Road. Water system is in better shape. We are receiving quotes on restoring lights at Rayville Ball Park.
•Each Ordinance and Resolution was read aloud separately by the clerk Deborah T. Nealon with a request for any comments from the public; the following were discussed and passed.
Upon a motion by Alderman Gordon seconded by Alderwoman Hunter the Board agreed to adjourn regular council meeting.
Yeas: Cumpton, Fletcher, Gordon, Hunter, James
Nays: None
Absent: None
With a unanimous vote and consent from the Board, Mayor Harry Lewis declared the motion carried
Harry Lewis, Mayor
Deborah T. Nealon, Clerk
Public Notice
Anyone knowing the whereabouts of the heirs of Jimmie Harold Robbins, please contact the office of Michael R. Ellington, Attorney at Law, 6658 Kinloch Street, Winnsboro, LA 71295, (318)-367-0799, or via email [email protected].
7/18, 7/25
Official Minutes
Regular meeting February 2024 held March 15th, 2024
The Richland Parish Hospital Board of Commissioners met in a regular meeting session at 12:00 P.M, in the meeting room at the Richland Parish Hospital – Delhi. The meeting was called to order by Chairman, Paul Lipe.
The following members were present: Mr. Paul Lipe, Mrs. Barbara Roark, Mr. Nathan Monroe, Corey Albritton, M.D., Mrs. Annie Guine, Mrs. Mildred GreerMotion was offered by Mrs. Roark, seconded by Mr. Monroe to approve the minutes of the previous meeting.
Motion carried unanimously.
The Committee Reports were presented and discussed. The Delhi Medical Staff Committee Reports were presented and discussed. The Reports presented were as follows: CQI, Transfusion, Surgery Review, Medical Records Review, Emergency Room Review, Utilization Review, Pharmacy & Therapeutics and Rural Health Clinic Review. The Safety Committee minutes were presented to the Board.
No items were presented to the Board for action/recommendation or follow-up.
The Statistical & Financial Reports were presented and discussed with comparisons for the Hospital and DCHC.
Motion was offered and seconded to accept the financial report as presented.
Motion carried unanimously.
Old Business: None
New Business:
A request to declare dump trailer as excess was presented to the Board for review and approval.
Motion was made and seconded to approve the declaration of excess as presented.
Motion carried unanimously.
The Property Tax Reimbursement was presented to the Board for review and approval.
Motion was made and seconded to approve the reimbursement as presented.
Motion carried unanimously.
An Incentive Policy was presented to the Board for review and approval.
Motion was made and seconded to approve the incentive policy as presented.
Motion carried unanimously.
The Consulting Agreement for Joshua Caleb Bryan for Heathland Data Extraction Project was presented to the Board for review and approval
Motion was made and seconded to approve the agreement as presented.
Motion carried unanimously.
The following Temporary Privileges for Initial appointments to the Consulting Radiology Staff were presented to the Board for review and approval for:
Dr. Roland Prieto, MD (VRAD, by proxy) - Consulting Radiology Staff
Dr. Caleb Rivera, MD (VRAD, by proxy) – Consulting Radiology Staff
Motion was made and, seconded, to approve temporary privileges for initial appointments to the Consulting Radiology Staff as presented.
Motion carried unanimously.
The following Contract Renewals were presented to the Board for review and approval:
Optimum Behavioral Health, LLC
NELA Ambulance
Heartland Payment System
Somnoware Sleep Software as a Service Agreement
Tech Assurance with Updated Pricing
Dulcian CCM Contract
Motion was made and seconded to approve the contract renewals as presented.
Motion carried unanimously.
The Contract Renewal for J&H Cheema, LLC – Sleep Study and Scoring Services was presented to the Board for review and approval. Motion was made and seconded to approve the contract renewal as presented.
Motion carried unanimously.
The Community Outreach Report was presented to the Board for Review.
The DCHC Agenda Items were presented to the Board for review, discussion and approval.
(See attached DCHC Agenda and Minutes)
Motion was made by Mrs. Roark, seconded by Mr. Monroe to approve the DCHC Agenda items as presented.
Motion carried unanimously. Dr. Albritton abstained
As there was no further business, Motion was made and seconded to adjourn the meeting.
Chairman Paul Lipe
Mildred Greer, Secretary
Richland Parish Hospital Service
District #1A of the Parish of Richland
State of Louisiana
Regular Session
The Richland Parish School Board met at its Rayville, Louisiana, offices on Tuesday, June 11, 2024, at 6:00 p.m.
Agenda Item 1: Prayer and Pledge of Allegiance.
Agenda Item 2: Members present: Rev. William Cleveland, Mr. Reed Trisler, Mrs. Marie Lewis, Mr. Chris Pruitt, Dr. Georgia Ineichen, Mr. James Hough, Mrs. Emily Ogden, Mrs. Linda Jones (arrived 6:04)
Members absent: Mr. Scott McKay
Agenda Item 3: Mr. Reed Trisler moved, seconded by Mrs. Emily Ogden, to approve the agenda with the following addition: Agenda Item 5.
Receive the following new and revised policies:
JGCF-24, Behavioral Health Support for Students
JGCFA-24, Behavioral Health Services for Students
VOTE: Yeas: All Nays: None Absent: Mr. Scott McKay
Motion Carried
Agenda Item 4: Mrs. Marie Lewis moved, seconded by Mr. Chris Pruitt, to approve May 14, 2024, regular board meeting minutes before publishing in the Official Journal;
VOTE: Yeas: All Nays: None Absent: Mr. Scott McKay
Motion Carried
Agenda Item 5: The Richland Parish School Board received the following new and revised policies:
JGCF-24, Behavioral Health Support for Students
JGCFA-24, Behavioral Health Services for Students
Agenda Item 6: The Richland Parish School Board received a report from the Vocational Education Supervisor, Ms. Stephanie Walker;
Agenda Item 7: Mrs. Linda Jones moved, seconded by Mr. James Hough, to approve The Richland Beacon as the Official Journal of the Richland Parish School Board until June 2025;
VOTE: Yeas: All Nays: None Absent: Mr. Scott McKay
Motion Carried
Agenda Item 8: Mrs. Emily Ogden moved, seconded by Mr. Reed Trisler, to approve the Cooperative Endeavor Agreement between Richland Parish School Board and Richland Parish Sheriff’s Office to secure services of School Resource Officers;VOTE: Yeas: All Nays: None Absent: Mr. Scott McKay
Motion Carried
Agenda Item 9: The Richland Parish School Board received the following reports:
a) Personnel Chart
b) School Lunch Monthly Financial Statement
c) Sales Tax Revenue Statement
d) General Fund Monthly Financial Statement
Agenda Item 10: The Richland Parish School Board received information on upcoming district events;
Agenda Item 11: Mrs. Linda Jones moved, seconded by Mrs. Marie Lewis, to adjourn.
VOTE: Yeas: All Nays: None Absent: Mr. Scott McKay
Motion Carried
Rayville Self Storage will be conducting a sale of delinquent storage units on July 27, 2024, at 9:30 A.M. at the address of the company, which is 603 Julia Street, Rayville, Louisiana. The contents of the unit shall be sold at that particular unit located on the above-described premises.
Unit No. 2-15: Sherman Jones
Unit No. 6-11: Rebekah Jenkins
Unit No. 7-02: Demetria Barker
Unit No. 7-19: Douglas Boston
Unit No. 7-52: Courtney Parker
Unit No. 8-13: Brittany McClarty
Terms of the sale: The sale shall be to the highest bidder. Cash only. Items must be removed the day of the sale.
Jefferson Jean Storage will be conducting a sale of delinquent storage units on July 27, 2024, immediately following the sale at Rayville Self Storage at the address of the company, which is 310 Waldorf Street, Rayville, Louisiana. The contents of the unit shall be sold at that particular unit located on the above-described premises.
Unit No. A-22: Ramesha Natt
Unit No. B-58: Huber Kolton
Unit No. B-64: Thomas Demorio Jones
Terms of the sale: The sale shall be to the highest bidder. Cash only. Items must be removed the day of the sale.
7/18, 7/25
The Town of Delhi, Louisiana, Richland Parish has been presented with a proposed Ordinance No. 748 the title of which is as follows:
Ordinance # 748
That the Town of Delhi will consider adoption of said proposed Ordinance at the special council meeting of the Mayor and Board of Aldermen at 5:30 pm on Monday, August 12, 2024 Delhi City Hall, 209 Broadway Street, Delhi, Louisiana, at which time a public hearing shall be held on said proposed ordinance according to R.S. 33:406. If said ordinance is adopted, it shall take effect immediately.
A copy of the proposed amended budget can be obtained at Delhi City Hall.
Nandeaner McDowell, Clerk
MONDAY, JULY 8, 2024
TIME- 5:30 P.M.
The Mayor and Board of Aldermen, Town of Delhi, Louisiana, met in regular session on Monday, July 8, 2024. The meeting was called to order by Mayor Washington with an invocation and pledge led by Alderman McDowell. The roll was called with the following answering: Mayor Washington, Alderman McKinney, Alderman McDowell, Alderman Rancher, Alderman Smith & Alderman Burgess. Alderman Rancher made a motion to amend the agenda to add Dean Baugh of LED, second by Alderman McDowell. Upon being put to a vote the motion carried. The vote was unanimous.
Item #1- Approve Minutes-
Alderman McKinney made a motion to approve the minutes, second by Alderman McDowell. Upon being put to a vote the motion carried. The vote was unanimous.
Item #2-Financials- The board was provided with financials through April 2024. Alderman Rancher made a motion to accept the financials, second by Alderman Smith. Upon being put to a vote the motion carried. The vote was unanimous.
Item #3- CENLA-Absent
Item #4- MML&H- Josh Barrett was on hand to give the updates on the ongoing projects for the Town of Delhi.
Resolution – Authorizing Advertisement for Bids-Drainage Improvements
Alderman Rancher made a motion to authorize the advertisement of bids for the drainage improvement project, second by Alderman Smith. Upon being put to a vote the motion carried. The roll call vote was unanimous.
Water Sector Sewer-Compost bins are complete. Working on slab for belt press. Generators are coming.
Water Sector Water-Sapa tank completed. Sun Camp tank in process.
Treatment Plant-Clarifier is up and running.
Streets-Pre-Construction meeting July 30, 11am
Item # 5-David Doughty-Present
Business Continued:
Item #1-Jerrod Tinsley, CPA, HMV-Budget Line Items- Mr. Tinsley was not able to make the meeting but sent information via email.
Item #2-Introduce Ordinance 748-Budget Amendments
Alderman McDowell made a motion to introduce Ordinance 748, second by Alderman Rancher. Upon being put to a vote, the motion carried. The vote was unanimous.
Item # 3- Bud LaPrairie-Street Lights- Mr. LaPrairie raised concerns of the street lights in Sun Camp being out since January and the plans to get them restored. Mayor Washington informed that Cytnthia Gordon from Entergy was out to survey the area last week. The issue will have to be resolved by the Town. There are plans in the works to have the area bored to see the extent of the damage.
Item #4- Dean Baugh-LED- Mr. Baugh was introduced by Mr. Fred Eubanks. Information was given regarding Economic Development services to our area.
Item #5- D. Mooney-Broadway Street Property Condemnation-Mr. Mooney was present to give his plan for this property. Alderman McKinney made a motion to condemn the property at Broadway Street, second by Alderman McDowell. Upon being put to a vote, the motion carried. The vote was unanimous.
Item #6- Resolution- Revised CWSRF Sanitary Sewer Rehabilitation-Alderman Burgess made amotion to accept the revised CWDRF Sanitary Sewer Rehabilitation resolution, second by Alderman Smith. Upon being put to a vote, the motion carried. The vote was unanimous.
Item #7- Resolution-Town of Delhi-Procurement Policy- Alderman Smith made a motion to adopt the policy, second by Alderman Rancher. Upon being put to a vote, the motion carried. The vote was unanimous.
Item #8- Alderman Smith-Update on vacant lot adjacent to I-20.
Alderman Smith reported there is 3.8 acres available for $925, 000 and 4 acres available for $425,000 both are negotiable.
Item #9- Police Department- Chief Nathaniel Williams-Absent
Item #10- Public Works-Mr. Sean Parker-Mr. Parker provided a written report and reviewed each item.
Adjournment-Alderman Rancher made a motion to adjourn, second by Alderman Burgess. Upon being put to a vote, the motion carried. The vote was unanimous. Meeting adjourned.
Jesse Washington, Mayor
Nandeaner McDowell, Clerk
MONDAY, JUNE 24, 2024
TIME- 8:30 A.M.
The Mayor and Board of Aldermen, Town of Delhi, Louisiana, met in special session on Monday, June 24, 2024. The meeting was called to order by Mayor Washington with an invocation and pledge led by Alderman Smith. The roll was called with the following answering: Mayor Washington, Alderman McKinney, Alderman McDowell, Alderman Rancher and Alderman Smith and Alderman Burgess. Alderman Rancher made a motion to approve the agenda, second by Alderman McDowell. Upon being put to a vote the motion carried. The vote was unanimous, noting Alderwoman Oliver’s absence.
Item #1: Discuss Fuelman-Delhi Police Department
Alderman Rancher made a motion to have all hourly employees park the police vehicles at the station, second by Alderman Smith. Roll Call vote as follows: McKinney-Abstain, McDowell-Yes, Rancher-Yes, Smith-Yes, Burgess-No. Motion carried.
Alderman Rancher made a motion to adjourn, second by Alderman Smith. Upon being put to a vote, the motion carried. The vote was unanimous.
Jesse Washington, Mayor
Nandeaner McDowell, Clerk
Public Notice
I STEPHEUN ARKEAL NASH, have been convicted of 14:81 INDECENT BEHAVIOR WITH JUVENILES on Jul 20, 2015.
My address is 306 Dacaron St., Rayville, LA 71269.
Race: Black
Sex: Male
Date of Birth: 05/20/1994
Height: 6’4”
Weight: 418
Hair Color: Black
Eye Color: Brown
7/18, 7/25