I, Delores Price, do hereby give notice that I, located at 57 Collins Lane, am not, do not, am not a participant, nor am I responsible, for any activities, festivities or entertainments located on what’s called The Collins Place off Greer road from today’s date onwards.
4/4, 4/11, 4/18, 4/25
Public Notice
Sealed bids shall be received at the Purchasing Department of Richardson Medical Center, up until 4:30 P. M., January 5, 2024 at 254 Hwy 3048, Rayville, La. 71269 and at which time bids shall be publicly opened and read aloud for sale of the following:
40’ X 60’ X 16’ Metal Building with Fire Marshall Approval. This is to include all material including 3” white vinyl reinforced insulation for roof and walls, two steel walk through door with panic hardware, one 12’ X 12’ steel coiling overhead door, gutters and downspouts. To include erecting on a prepared site. For bid sheets and more information, contact Waymond Hales Richardson Medical Center, 254 Hwy 3048, Rayville, La. 71269. (318-728- 4181) [email protected]. Bids may be mailed or hand delivered to the above addresses. Richardson Medical Center will select the most advantageous bid or combination of bids based on the amount of the bids and any costs that would be incurred by Medical Center. Richardson Medical Center reserves the right to reject any and all bids and waive informalities. All bids received after the specified time shall be returned unopened. All bids shall be marked ‘SEALED BID” and name of item bidding on the outside of the envelope.
12/21, 12/28, 1/3
State of Louisiana, Parish of Richland-Fifth District Court
By virtue of a WRIT OF SEIZURE AND SALE issued out of the Honorable FIFTH District Court in and for the Parish of RICHLAND, State of Louisiana, in the above styled and numbered cause and to me directed as Sheriff, I have seized and taken into my possession and will offer for sale at public auction at the east door of the courthouse in the Town of Rayville, Louisiana, within legal hours of sale, on
April17, 2024
at 10 a.m. the following property, to-wit:
A 2.01 Acre, more or less, tract or parcel of land situated in Section 37, Township 15 North, Range 6 East of the Land District North of Red River, Richland Parish, Louisiana and is more particularly described as follows:
BEGINNING at the Southeast corner of that 1.04 acre, more or less, tract or parcel conveyed to Earl Pailette Jr. in Conveyance Book 240, Page 571 of the records of Richland Parish, Louisiana on the Westerly right~of-way of Louisiana Highway No. 132 monumented with a found 2” iron pipe; thence, proceed S 20°35’11” W, along the Westerly right-of-way of said Louisiana Highway No. 132, a distance of 450.13 feet to a found 3/4” iron pipe; thence, proceed N 70°18’17” W, a distance of 137.68 feet to a set 1/2” iron rod; thence, proceed N 03 °51 ‘31” E, a distance of 431.5 8 feet to a 1/2” iron rod; thence, proceed S77°52’29” E, a distance of 264.76 feet to the POINT OF BEGINNING.
The above described parcel of land is subject to any rights-of-way, easements or servitudes, either of record or of use and is based on a Property Boundary Survey [S138922] for Jeanette Stapleton, performed and prepared by Anderson Land Surveying, L.L.C., Bradford P. Anderson, P.L.S. #5078, dated October 4, 2022; subject, to restrictions, servitudes, rights-of-way and outstanding mineral rights of record affecting the property.
Seized as the property of the defendant and will be sold to satisfy said WRIT OF SEIZURE AND SALE and all costs. Terms of sale: Cash to the last and highest bidder, WITH the benefit of appraisement.
3/14, 4/4
The Richland Parish School Board will receive sealed bids until 2:00 p.m., CST, Friday, April 5, 2024, in the School Board complex, 411 Foster Street, Rayville, Louisiana, for lease of surface rights only for the property located in Ward 1 S16 NE4 T17N R9E lying north of U.S. Highway 80 containing approximately 5 acres.
The term of the lease shall be for five years commencing immediately upon award date. Proof of general liability insurance is required to be provided at time of lease signing and each anniversary date thereafter for the term of the lease. Bids shall be placed in a sealed envelope with the words “Land Lease Bid North” written on the envelope.
Lease shall be paid in advance by the year with the first year’s lease payment included in the bid envelope. Improvements and maintenance to property will be agreed upon by both parties.
Bids will be opened and read aloud at 2:00 p.m., CST, Friday, April 5, 2024. Only a bona fide, sealed proposal will be considered at opening time. The public is invited to attend the bid opening.
Bids may be mailed to the Richland Parish School Board, P O Box 599, Rayville, LA 71269, or may be hand delivered and must be received prior to 2:00 p.m., on opening date at the School Board Business Office, 411 Foster Street, Rayville, LA. Bids received after the opening time specified will be returned unopened. The Richland Parish School Board reserves the right to accept or reject any and all bids.
For further information contact the Richland Parish School Board Business Office at (318) 728-5964.
Bill Martin
Business Manager
3/21, 3/28, 4/4
The Richland Parish School Board will receive sealed bids until 2:00 p.m., CST, Friday, April 5, 2024, in the School Board complex, 411 Foster Street, Rayville, Louisiana, for lease of surface rights only for the property located in Ward 1 S16 T17N R9E lying south of U.S. Highway 80 containing approximately 383 acres.
The term of the lease shall be for five years commencing immediately upon award date. Proof of general liability insurance is required to be provided at time of lease signing and each anniversary date thereafter for the term of the lease. Bids shall be placed in a sealed envelope with the words “Land Lease Bid South” written on the envelope.
Lease shall be paid in advance by the year with the first year’s lease payment included in the bid envelope. Improvements and maintenance to property will be agreed upon by both parties.
Bids will be opened and read aloud at 2:00 p.m., CST, Friday, April 5, 2024. Only a bona fide, sealed proposal will be considered at opening time. The public is invited to attend the bid opening.
Bids may be mailed to the Richland Parish School Board, P O Box 599, Rayville, LA 71269, or may be hand delivered and must be received prior to 2:00 p.m., on opening date at the School Board Business Office, 411 Foster Street, Rayville, LA. Bids received after the opening time specified will be returned unopened. The Richland Parish School Board reserves the right to accept or reject any and all bids.
For further information contact the Richland Parish School Board Business Office at (318) 728-5964.
Bill Martin
Business Manager
3/21, 3/28, 4/4
Sealed bid proposals are invited and will be received by the Richland Parish Hospital in the office of Mildred Greer, CEO until 12:00 pm the 18th day of April 2024, applicable to the following: Excess equipment: 2006 Stagecoach Utility Dump Trailer. Contact Eric McKinney for details at (318) 878-6307 or [email protected]. The proposals received up to that hour shall be publicly opened and read aloud at 2:00 pm, the 18th day of April 2024. Any bid received after the closing time above stated will be returned unopened. The Board of Commissioners reserves the right to reject any and all bids and waive informalities.
Mildred Greer, CEO
Hospital Service District No. 1A of the Parish of Richland
On behalf of Delhi Community Health Center
3/28, 4/4, 4/11
Public Notice
Anyone knowing the whereabouts of Jermaine D Esters aka Jermaine Esters and Lora Esters , please contact the office of Michael R. Ellington, Attorney at Law , 6658 Kinloch Street, Winnsboro, LA 71295, (318)-367-0799, or via email [email protected]
Town of Delhi
Resolution to Declare Property as Surplus & Assignment to LPS Municipal Surplus Property Program for Online Sale
Council Meeting Date: March 11, 2024
Agenda Item: Surplus Property
Presented by: Mayor Jesse Washington
Let it be Resolved:
1. The City of Delhi declares that the following property used by the Public Works Department is no longer needed by the City and is declared surplus property, and is assigned to LaMATS through the LPS Surplus Property Program, 700 North Tenth Street, Baton Rouge, LA 70802 to be auctioned online. The listed property will be viewable and will be auctioned online at commencing the day of publication of this resolution for no fewer than 7 days until sold or withdrawn.
1) 2010 International DuraStar 4300 VIN: 1HTJSKN6AH277502
2) 2011 Chev Pickup 2500 VIN: 1GC1CVGXBF217945
2. Where the minimum value of an item is not reached or is not set, the City reserves the right to evaluate and to accept the highest bid if deemed to be the fair market value or to relist the unsold item.
[Richland Beacon News, Rayville LA; Darryl Riser; [email protected]] and forward to the LPS Municipal Surplus Property Program Administrator for listing and publication [email protected].
/S/ Nandeaner McDowell, Town Clerk
/S/ Jesse Washington, Mayor
Public Notice
The River Road Water System is currently in violation of the treatment technique requirements for minimum residual disinfectant level as set forth, by the State (Part XII of the Louisiana State Sanitary Code). Although this incident is not an emergency, as our customers, you have a right to know what happened and what we are doing to correct this situation.
The Louisiana Department of Health (LDH) has determined that the presence of microbiological contaminants is a health concern at certain levels of exposure and requires the disinfection of drinking water to kill disease-causing organisms. Inadequately treated water may contain disease-causing organisms. These organisms include bacteria, viruses, and parasites which can cause symptoms such as nausea, cramps, diarrhea, and associated headaches. These symptoms, however, are not just associated with disease-causing organisms in drinking water, but also may be caused by a number of factors other than your drinking water. LDH has set enforceable requirements for treating drinking water to reduce the risk of these adverse health effects. Treatment such as filtering and disinfecting the water removes and destroys microbiological contaminants. Drinking water which is treated to meet LDH requirements is associated with little to none of this risk and should be considered safe.
We are required to monitor your water for the residual disinfectant level. This tells us whether we are effectively treating the water supply. During the compliance monitoring periods of (1/1/2024) through (1/31/2024), and (2/1/2024) through (2/29/2024), the River Road Water System failed to provide the minimum residual disinfectant level in the treated water supplied to customers. The violation occurred because the treated water chlorine residual was less than 0.5 milligrams per liter in over five percent of the samples collected in the water system in two consecutive months.
You do not need to boil your water or take other corrective actions. However, if you have specific health concerns, consult your doctor.
Please share this information with all other people who drink this water, especially those who may not have received this notice directly (for example, people in apartments, nursing homes, schools, and businesses). You can do this by posting this notice in a public place or distributing copies by hand or mail.
Our chlorinator clogged up several times over the last two months, disrupting chlorine flow. Each time this has happened, we immediately resolved the issue and restored chlorine levels. After a detailed inspection from our service provider, they found a small hole in one of the screens that is meant to filter out debris. Since replacing the damaged screen, our equipment has been functioning without issue and we do not anticipate any further issues moving forward.
For more information, please contact Tracy Englerth at 318-728-6500.
This notice is being sent to you by River Road Water System
PWS ID# LA1083008.
Date distributed: 4/04/24
MONDAY, MARCH 11, 2024
TIME- 5:30 P.M.
The Mayor and Board of Aldermen, Town of Delhi, Louisiana, met in regular session on Monday, March 11, 2024. The meeting was called to order by Mayor Washington with an invocation and pledge, led by Mayor Washington. The roll was called with the following answering: Mayor Washington, Alderman McKinney, Alderman McDowell, Alderman Rancher, and Alderman Smith. Alderman Burgess was absent. Alderman Rancher made a motion to approve the agenda, second by Alderman McKinney. Upon being put to a vote the motion carried. The vote was unanimous, noting Alderman Burgess’ absence.
Item #1- Approve Minutes-
Alderman McDowell made a motion to approve the minutes, second by Alderman Rancher. Upon being put to a vote the motion carried. The vote was unanimous.
Item #2-Financials- Alderman Rancher made a motion to accept the financials, second by Alderman McDowell. Upon being put to a vote the motion carried. The vote was unanimous, noting Alderman Burgess’ absence.
Item #3- CENLA-Absent
Item #4- MML&H- Glenn Turner was on hand to review the projects for the Town of Delhi.
CDGB-Dress up work needed by contractor
Downtown Drainage-waiting on USDA to issue closing instructions.
WWTP-Composting is on going.
LWI-Salter St. Design Underway
Lead Service Training- March 12, 2024
Business Continued:
Item #1- Resolution: 2023 Municipal Water Pollution Prevention Plan
Alderman McDowell made a motion to approve said resolution, second by Alderman Smith. Upon being put to a vote the motion carried. The vote was unanimous, noting Alderman Burgess’ absence.
Item #2- Resolution: Authorizing Awarding ARPA/LASP10986 Elevated Tank Repainting
Alderman Rancher made a motion to award said bid to Dixie Painting & Sandblasting, Inc. in the amount of $669,582, second by Alderman Smith. Upon being put to a vote the motion carried. The vote was unanimous, noting Alderman Burgess’ absence.
Item #3- Approve travel
LASCP-Brusly LA, April 24-26-T. McCall
Alderman Rancher made a motion to approve travel, second by Alderman Smith. Upon being put to a vote the motion carried. The vote was unanimous, noting Alderman Burgess’ absence.
Item #4-D. Dixon-Regulations regarding the use of off-road vehicles on public streets
Mr. Dixon was absent. This item will be place on next month’s agenda.
Item #5- Mayor Washington
Surplus Property
2011 Chevy Silverado
2010 International (limb truck)
Alderman McKinney made a motion to declare these items surplus, second by Alderman McDowell. Upon being put to a vote the motion carried. The vote was unanimous, noting Alderman Burgess’ absence.
Item #6-Police Department-Chief Nathaniel Williams
Hiring of Kolby Shiers-police officer- Did not hire
Hiring of Herbert Allen-police officer- Did not hire
Hiring of Truman Penigar-police officer- Alderman McDowell made a motion to hire Mr. Penigar as a full time officer for the Town of Delhi, second by Alderman Smith. Upon being put to a vote, the motion carried. The vote was unanimous, noting Alderman Burgess’ absence.
META Traffic photo speed enforcement-
Mr. Soctt Fuqua presented the findings of the school zone traffic study. Alderman Smith made a motion to review this item after the legislative session, second by Alderman Rancher. Roll call vote as follows: McKinney (y), McDowell (y), Rancher (y), Smith (y) and Burgess (Absent). Motion carried.
Adoption of Delhi Police Department Policy
Alderman McKinney made a motion to approve the Delhi Police Department Policy manual, second by Alderman Rancher. Roll call vote as follows: McKinney (y), McDowell (y), Rancher (n), Smith (y) and Burgess (Absent). Motion carried.
The Board asked to receive a report on the damage to the door of DP2. Chief will provide it to the board.
Item #7-Public Works-Sean Parker
Mr. Parker provided a written report and reviewed each item.
Adjournment-Alderman Rancher made a motion to adjourn, second by Alderman Smith. Upon being put to a vote, the motion carried. The vote was unanimous, noting Alderman Burgess’ absence. Meeting adjourned.
Jesse Washington, Mayor
Nandeaner McDowell, Clerk
I, VICTOR LAMAR MITCHELL, have been convicted of
14:43.3 ORAL SEXUAL BAITERY on Aug 20, 2009
My Address is: 309 DEBORAH LN . RAYVILLE, LA 71269
Race· Black
Sex: Male
Date of Birth: 09/13/1984
Height: 5’5”
Weight: 130
Hair Color: Black
Eye Color: Brown
4/4, 4/11