Project No.: FY 2021 CDBG-CV LLO Program #2000816303
Tensas Parish Police Jury (herein referred to as the “Owner”)
Sealed bids marked “Sealed Bid” – Tensas Parish Police Jury, Louisiana, Community Development Block Grant -Coronavirus (CDBG-CV) project for Fiscal Year 2021 to be financed by the State of Louisiana CDBG Program will be received by the Owner for the construction of the project described as follows:
Tensas Parish Police Jury – Playground Improvements
Newellton, St. Joseph & Waterproof
FY 2021 CDBG-CV LLO Program #2000816303
Bids shall be addressed to the Tensas Parish Police Jury and received by the police jury located at 212 Hancock Street, St. Joseph, LA 71366, not later than 4:00 p.m., Local Time, on Thursday March 21, 2024. At that time, the Bids will be opened and read. Bids shall be designated as “Sealed Bid” – Tensas Parish Police Jury, Recreation Improvements, Newellton, St. Joseph & Waterproof, FY 2021 CDBG-CV LLO Program #2000816303 ” - Louisiana Community Development Block Grant – Coronavirus, Louisiana Outdoor Love Project for Fiscal Year 2021 to be financed by the State of Louisiana CDBG-CV LLO Program.
All bids must be submitted on the proper form. The contractor must display his contractor’s license number prominently on the outside of the envelope. Any bids received after the specified time and date will not be considered.
Complete bidding documents for this project are available in electronic form and can be downloaded from the following designated website: http://www.centralbidding.com under Bryant Hammett & Associates, LLC. Prospective Bidders are urged to register with http://www.centralbidding.com website as a plan holder, even if Bidding Documents are obtained from a plan room or source other than the designated website in either electronic or paper format. The designated website will be updated periodically with addenda, lists of registered plan holders, reports, and other information relevant to submit a bid for the Project. All official notifications, addenda, and other Bidding Documents will be offered only through the designated website. Prospective Bidders are solely responsible for obtaining the most up-to-date bidding Documents from the designated website. Construction documents can be obtained from Bryant Hammett & Associates (318-757-6576) upon payment of $200 dollars per set. Documents can be mailed to bidders for an additional $15.00 per set. Refunds will be given on the first set of documents furnished to bona fide prime bidders upon return of the clean, unmarked documents no later than ten days after receipt of bids. Neither Owner nor Engineer will be responsible for Bidding Documents, including addenda, if any, obtained from sources other than the designated website. Bids will not be accepted through the online bidding portal, they will be received by mail, and or delivery as stated above.
Contractors are responsible for reproduction/printing of Bidding Documents. Contractors desiring to bid shall provide evidence that they hold a State License of proper classification and in full force and effect. For contractor information, this project is classified as Heavy construction.
In accordance with RS 38:2212 G(2) plans and specifications shall be available to bidders until twenty-four hours before bid opening date.
The Corporate Resolution must be signed and sealed. The Owner reserves the right to reject any and all bids for just cause; such actions will be in accordance with title 38 of the Louisiana Revised Statutes.
All bidders must have an active Unique Entity ID Number, as verified on www.sam.gov, prior to the beginning of construction. The prime contractor is responsible for all Subcontractor’s. All subcontractor’s must also have an active Unique Entity ID Number, as verified on www.sam.gov, to be eligible to work on CDBG projects.
Attention to Bidders is particularly called to the requirements as to conditions of employment to be observed and minimum wage rates to be paid under the Contract, Section 3, Segregated Facilities, Section 109, Executive Order 11246, and all applicable laws and regulations of the Federal Government and State of Louisiana and bonding and insurance requirements.
Each bidder must deposit with his/her bid, security in the amount, form, and subject to the conditions provided in the Information for Bidders. Bid bonds shall be written by a surety or insurance company currently on the U.S. Department of the Treasury Circular 570 list of approved bonding companies which is published annually in the Federal Register.
No bidder may withdraw his/her bid within forty-five (45) days after the actual date of the opening thereof.
Any interpretation of the bid documents shall be in writing addressed to Bryant Hammett & Associates, L.L.C. at 6885 Hwy. 84 West, Ferriday, LA 71334 or emailed to [email protected] and to be given consideration must be received at least ten days prior to the date fixed for the opening of bids. No communication after this date.
The Contractor shall begin mobilization and procurement of materials within ten (10) working days of the receipt of the Notice to Proceed.
The attention of bidders is called particularly to the requirements for conditions of employment to be observed and minimum wage rates to be paid under the Contract. The successful bidder must submit executed copies of certification regarding Equal Employment Opportunity, Section 3 and Segregated Facilities, Section 3 Plan, Certification Concerning Labor Standards and all subcontractor’s certifications prior to contract award.
The successful bidder will be required to execute the Owner’s Standard Form of Agreement/Contract for construction together with the Performance and Payment Bonds within ten (10) working days after issuance of the Notice of Award. Sureties used for obtaining bonds must appear as acceptable on the U.S. Department of Treasury Circular 570.
All awarded contractors will be required to attend a monthly meeting, with mandatory attendance from the Project Engineer, Resident Inspector and Contractor, or their authorized representatives, at the beginning of each month to review quantities for pay estimates, process change orders, review work performed during the month and to discuss any problems which may have arisen.
Please notify the Tensas Parish Police Jury (318) 766-3542 seven (7) days in advance of the scheduled bid opening if special accommodations specified under ADA are required.
The Owner hereby notifies all offerors that in regards to any contract entered into pursuant to this advertisement, that Minority Business Enterprise will be afforded equal opportunity to submit offers in response to this invitation and will not be discriminated against on the grounds of race, color, sex, national origin or disability in consideration for an award.
Tensas Paris Police Jury
Bubba Rushing, President
212 Hancock Street
St. Joseph, LA 71366
2/21, 2/28, 3/6
FEBRUARY 14,2024
CALL TO ORDER: On February 14, 2024 at 5:30pm the board of alderwomen met in regular session for their monthly town meeting. Those present were Mayor Timothy Turner, Patricia Washington, Jacquelin Hankins, Mattie Sampson and Deborah Parson. Ben Britton was absent. Also, present was Odessa Chase, Jackie Ford, Elijah Washington, Chief Desmond Ford, Knola Ransome, Aletha Carter, Chris Baker, Jeffery Ford, Wanda Smith, Sharon Britton, Dorothy Bingham, Alberta Smith, and Iris Rollins.
PRAYER: There being a quorum present Jacquelin Hankins opened the meeting with a prayer at 5:37pm.
MINUTES: On a motion by Jacquelin Hankins seconded by Deborah parson and unanimously carried the minutes were approved.
BILLS: On a motion by Deborah Parson seconded by Mattie Sampson and unanimously carried the bills were approved for payment.
COMMUNITY LOVE PARADE: Mrs. Aletha Carter announced that Mrs. Carrie Smith Jackson would like to host a Community Love Parade on April 27, 2024 at 2pm. On a motion by Jacquelin Hankins seconded by Deborah Parson and unanimously carried permission was granted to host the parade.
NEWELLTON EASTER PARADE: The mayor announced that the Newellton Easter committee would like to host their annual Easter Parade on March 30,2024 on a motion by Jacquelin Hankins seconded by Deborah Parson an unanimously carried permission was granted to host the parade.
EXECUTIVE SESSION: On a motion by Jacquelin Hankins seconded by Mattie Sampson and unanimously carried the board members went out of regular session into executive session. On a motion by Jacquelin Hankins seconded by Mattie Sampson the board members went out of executive session back into regular session.
Action Taken: The board members reviewed their Financial Statements. On a motion by Jacquelin Hankins seconded by Deborah Parson and unanimously carried the Financial Statements were accepted and approved.
To review the Statewide Flood Control Program, the Airport Construction and Development Priority Program, the Port Construction and Development Priority Program, and the Short Line Railroad Infrastructure Improvement Program as follows:
BATON ROUGE, LOUISIANA: 9:00 A.M., Thursday, March 7, 2024, Louisiana State Capitol, House Committee Room 6.
These Public Hearings will be conducted in accordance with Act 351 of the 1982 Regular Session of the Louisiana Legislature by the House and Senate Legislative Committees on Transportation, Highways, and Public Works and in accordance with Acts 451 and 452 of the 1989 Regular Session of the Louisiana Legislature by the House and Senate Legislative Committees on Transportation, Highways and Public Works and in accordance with Act 222 of the 2019 Regular Session of the Louisiana Legislature by the House and Senate Legislative Committees on Transportation, Highways and Public Works.
The purpose of these Public Hearings is to review the Statewide Flood Control Program, the Airport Construction and Development Priority Program, the Port Construction and Development Priority Program, and the Short Line Railroad Infrastructure Improvement Program for Fiscal Year 2024 and 2025. All interested persons are invited to be present.
Oral testimony will be received. However, so that all persons desiring to speak have an equal opportunity to do so, it is requested that every effort be made to complete individual testimony as quickly as possible. Oral testimony may be supplemented by presenting written statements and comments to the Committee by mailing the same postmarked within ten (10) calendar days following the hearing to the above address. If you have any questions, please contact Ms. Elizabeth Eastwood, Department of Transportation and Development, phone (225) 379-3038.
s/Terrence J. Donahue
Terrence J. Donahue, Secretary
St. Joseph, Louisiana
January 18, 2024
The Tensas Parish School Board met in a regular meeting at the Tensas Parish Material Center, St. Joseph, Louisiana, at 6:00 p.m., January 18, 2024, with the following members present with a quorum:
Mrs. Jennifer Burnside, Mr. George Matthews, Mr. John Turner, Mr. Joseph Tarver, Mrs. Annice Miller, & Mr. Esaw Turner
Absent: Mrs. Knola Ransome
Superintendent Joyce M. Russ called the meeting to order. Mr. Esaw Turner led an invocation, and Superintendent Russ led the Pledge of Allegiance.
Superintendent Russ opened the floor for nominations for Board President and Vice-President. On motion offered by Mrs. Miller, seconded by Mr. Matthews, the Board approved keeping the same officers for 2024. Mr. John Turner, President and Mr. Esaw Turner, Vice-President. Motion passed.
President Turner then assigned Mr. Turner, Mrs. Miller, and Mr. Matthews to be Finance Committee members. Mr. Tarver will serve as an alternate. They will be held at 1 pm at the Central Office on the Wednesday prior to the regular board meeting. Mr. Matthews motioned, seconded by Mr. Tarver, to accept this committee assignment. Motion passed.
On motion by Mr. Turner, seconded by Mrs. Burnside, the Board approved the minutes from the special board meeting held December 7 , 2023, and regular board meeting held on December 14, 2023. Motion passed.
On motion by Mr. Turner, seconded by Mr. Matthews, the Board approved the minutes and actions taken at the EFID Board meeting held on December 14, 2023. Motion passed.
Mr. Miller motioned, seconded by Mrs. Burnside, to approve the second reading of the following policy revisions:
FILE: CN - Administrative Records
FILE: DFK - Gifts & Donations
FILE: EBBH - Use of Automated External Defibrillator (AED) &
Cf: JGFG Cardiac Emergency Plan
FILE: GBG - Probation
FILE: IHAD - Parent Conferences
FILE: JGB - School Wellness
Cf: EE
FILE: JGC - Student Health Services
Motion passed.
On motion by Mr. Turner, seconded by Mr. Matthews, the Board accepted the 2022-23 school system audit. Motion passed.
On motion by Mrs. Miller, seconded by Mr. Turner, the Board approved the annual sexual harassment report for the 2023 calendar year. Motion passed.
Mr. Turner motioned, seconded by Mrs. Miller, to approve the School Board Member Training Resolution for the 2023 calendar year. Motion passed.
On motion by Mr. Matthews, seconded by Mrs. Miller, the Board received the November financial statement and budget to actual update from Mrs. Eryn Rimmey, Business Manager. Motion passed.
Mr. Matthews motioned, seconded by Mr. Turner, to receive proclamation recognizing January as “School Board Recognition Month.” Motion passed.
Superintendent Russ thanked the Board for their time and effort they dedicate to the Tensas Parish School System, and she presented each with a framed certificate.
Superintendent Russ made the following announcements:
NES gym floor is taking longer than expected.
The basketball game tomorrow will be at Delhi (boys only).
We have heaters being fixed in the jr. high wing.
Thank you again to each Board member for all of your hard work.
There being no further business before the Board, on the motion offered by Mr. Turner, seconded by Mrs. Miller, the meeting was adjourned.
/s/ John Turner
John Turner, President
/s/ Joyce M. Russ
Village of Newellton
Gas System Public Awareness Notice
Please read the following gas system safety information. It is provided to promote public awareness and damage prevention awareness.
The Village of Newellton owns and operates a natural gas distribution system. The gas system consists of an underground network of pipelines throughout the Village and in areas adjacent to the Village limits. The purpose of the gas system is to provide a reliable and safe economical source of energy for heating purposes to the homes and businesses adjacent to the underground gas pipelines. The pipeline system has the capacity to reliably deliver natural gas to the customers.
The hazards of natural gas are that it is: odorless, colorless, tasteless, lighter than air and can ignite and/or explode with tremendous force when mixed with the right amount of air.
Prevention measures taken include:
• Adding odorant to the gas to give it that distinctive smell, similar to rotten eggs, to warn us of its presence
• Testing the odorant level each calendar quarter
• Performing annual gas leakage surveys
• Conducting periodic pipeline patrols
The following are signs that may indicate a gas leak:
• A hissing or roaring sound (caused by escaping gas)
• A patch of dead or discolored vegetation in an otherwise green setting along a pipeline route
• Blowing dirt, grass or leaves near a pipeline
• Continuous bubbling in wet, flooded areas
• A “gas smell,” similar to rotten eggs
Safety Procedure:
Anyone who may smell this odor or notice any unusual conditions on or near gas mains, vents, service lines, meter sets, or especially inside of a building should call the Village immediately. If you smell a strong gas odor inside a building, notify everyone in the building to leave. Do not operate any switches or use the phone. Go a safe distance away upwind of the gas smell and call the Village of Newellton. With any gas leak protect life first then property, then notify the Village of Newellton.
Excavator Procedure:
Pipeline markers are maintained to inform the public of the gas line location. State and federal laws require excavators to notify LA One-Call two (2) full working days before digging. If any excavation is planned, you must notify LA One-Call which will notify the Village to locate the gas lines. The Village of Newellton maintains membership in the LA One-Call program.
Emergency Contact Information:
To obtain additional information or report a gas-related issue call the Village of Newellton phone numbers are 318-467-5050 open monthly 1st_15th Mon-Thurs 8am-12pm, closed on Fridays, the 16th until last day of the month only open on Wednesdays 8am-12pm.After hours call 318-467-5179. LA One-Call Center phone number is 811. This information and the pipeline signs are provided as public awareness and damage prevention awareness notices.
Public Notice
Anyone knowing the whereabouts of Michael Joseph Hummel, Sr. and/or his heirs or legatees, please contact court appointed curator, Pamela Netterville Grady, Esquire, of CREWS GRADY PLLC, at 318-417-7450 regarding Monroe Telco Federal Credit Union vs. Cheryl Ann Hummel AKA Cheryl A. Hummel NKA Cheryl Ann Hummel Lewis and the Unopened Succession of Michael Joseph Hummel AKA Michael Joseph Hummel, Sr., (pending in Tensas Parish, 6th JDC, Cause Number 24,760) Important legal rights to be determined.
3/6, 3/13