January 9, 2024
10:00 AM
The Tensas Parish Police Jury met this day in regular session convened. There were present the following officers and members to-wit:
Bubba Rushing, President
Pauline Doyle, Secretary/Treasurer
Members: Billy Joe Arceneaux, Robert Clark, Bill Sid Crigler, Clay Foster, Terrence South, and Alex Watson.
Clay Foster, Invocation
Robert Clark, Pledge of Allegiance
Guest present were: Todd Merriett, Derrick Wilhite, Wade Becker, Doug Atkins, Kiley Sanders, K.E. LaBlanc, MD, John Hogue, Edward Dicks, Christy Lee, Heath Herring, Dannie P Garrett, and Jolene Johnson.
Upon a motion by Bill Crigler, duly seconded by Terrence South, it was unanimously agreed to open the floor for nominations for the 2024 fiscal year for President. Ayes have it. Motion carried.
Billy Joe Arceneaux nominated Bubba Rushing.
Upon a motion by Robert Clark, duly seconded by Terrence South, it was unanimously agreed to close the floor for nominations for President and elect Bubba Rushing as President for 2024. Ayes have it. Motion carried.
Upon a motion by Terrence South, duly seconded by Alex Watson, it was unanimously agreed to open the floor for nominations for Vice-President for 2024. Ayes have it. Motion carried.
Terrence South nominated Robert Clark. Billy Joe Arceneaux nominated Terrence South. Terrence South removed his nomination.
Upon a motion by Bill Crigler, duly seconded by Alex Watson, it was unanimously agreed to close the floor for the nominations for Vice-President. Ayes have it. Motion carried.
Upon a motion by Terrence South, duly seconded by Bill Crigler, it was unanimously agreed to elect Robert Clark as Vice-President for 2024.
There were no comments from the general public regarding the agenda item(s).
Upon a motion by Bill Crigler, seconded by Billy Joe Arceneaux, it was agreed to approve amending the agenda adding item #36-A to discuss and take action on buying shirts for the Jurors attending the Police Jury Association Convention in Lake Charles and the correction to item #20 changing the year to 2023. Roll call vote taken: Billy Joe Arceneaux-yes, Robert Clark-yes, Bill Crigler-yes, Clay Foster-yes, Bubba Rushing-yes, Terrence South-yes, Alex Watson-yes. Ayes have it. Motion carried.
Upon a motion by Robert Clark, duly seconded by Bill Crigler, it was unanimously agreed to approve the agenda as printed with the addition of item 36-A and the correction of item 20. Ayes have it. Motion carried.
Upon a motion by Terrence South, duly seconded by Bill Crigler it was unanimously agreed to set the dates and times for the Regular Police Jury meetings for 2024 as the second and fourth Tuesdays of the month at 10:00 A.M. Ayes have it. Motion carried.
Upon a motion by Bill Crigler, duly seconded by Billy Joe Arceneaux, it was unanimously agreed to approve the renewal of the Secretary-Treasurer’s contract for two years. Ayes have it. Motion carried.
Upon a motion by Terrence South, duly seconded by Bill Crigler, it was agreed to approve a motion for a Resolution giving Claudia Doyle authority to sign checks and all financial documents for 2024. Roll call vote taken: Billy Joe Arceneaux-yes, Robert Clark-yes, Bill Crigler-yes, Clay Foster-yes, Bubba Rushing-yes, Terrence South-yes, Alex Watson-yes. Ayes have it. Motion carried.
WHEREAS, the Police Jury has proclaimed a Secretary/Treasurer being Mrs. Claudia Doyle, effective by the Louisiana Constitution as of January 9, 2024; WHEREAS, the Police Jury must establish and give authority to this position to appropriately sign and execute all financial documents on a local, state, and federal level to maintain stability of parish operations;
BE IT RESOLVED, by the Tensas Parish Police Jury, in regular session, convened to authorize the Secretary/Treasurer to sign bank cards and all necessary financial documents on a local, state, and federal level to continue the operations of the Parish;
BE IT FURTHER RESOLVED, the Secretary/Treasurer shall obtain and be appropriately bonded in the amount as required by law;
BE IT RESOLVED AND ADOPTED, on a motion made by Terrence South and seconded by Bill Crigler on this 9th of January 2024, in regular session, and the votes were recorded as follows:
Yeas: 7 Nays: 0 Absent: 0 Abstain: 0
Passed: X Failed: ___
I, Claudia Doyle, Secretary/Treasurer of the Tensas Parish Police Jury do hereby certify that the above and foregoing is a true and correct copy of a resolution adopted at a meeting of the Tensas Parish Police Jury at which a quorum was present and participating on the 9th day of January, 2024.
/s/ Claudia Doyle
Claudia Doyle, Secretary/Treasurer
Upon a motion by Bill Crigler, duly seconded by Robert Clark, it was agreed to approve a a motion for a Resolution giving the President, Bubba Rushing, the authority to sign all financial documents for 2024. Roll call vote taken: Billy Joe Arceneaux-yes, Robert Clark-yes, Bill Crigler-yes, Clay Foster-yes, Bubba Rushing-yes, Terrence South-yes, Alex Watson-yes. Ayes have it. Motion carried.
WHEREAS, the Police Jury has proclaimed a President being Robert J. Rushing, effective by the Louisiana Constitution as of January 9, 2024;
WHEREAS, the Police Jury must establish and give authority to this position to appropriately sign and execute all financial documents on a local, state, and federal level to maintain stability of parish operations;
BE IT RESOLVED, by the Tensas Parish Police Jury, in regular session, convened to authorize the President to sign all necessary financial documents on a local, state, and federal level to continue the operations of the Parish;
BE IT RESOLVED AND ADOPTED, on a motion made by Bill Crigler and seconded by Robert Clark on this 9th of January 2024, in regular session, and the votes were recorded as follows:
Yeas: 7 Nays: 0 Absent: 0 Abstain: 0
Passed: 7 Failed: ___
I, Pauline Doyle, Secretary/Treasurer of the Tensas Parish Police Jury do hereby certify that the above and foregoing is a true and correct copy of a resolution adopted at a meeting of the Tensas Parish Police Jury at which a quorum was present and participating on the 9th day of January, 2024.
/s/ Pauline Doyle
Pauline Doyle, Secretary/Treasurer
Upon a motion by Terrence South, duly seconded by Billy Joe Arceneaux, it was unanimously agreed to approve removing Rod Webb from all checking accounts as a signatory. Ayes have it. Motion carried.
Upon a motion by Terrence South, duly seconded by Billy Joe Arceneaux, it was agreed to approve a Resolution adding Cash “Clay” Foster to all checking accounts as a signatory. Roll call vote taken: Billy Joe Arceneaux-yes, Robert Clark-yes, Bill Crigler-yes, Clay Foster-yes, Bubba Rushing-yes, Terrence South-yes, Alex Watson-yes. Ayes have it. Motion carried.
WHEREAS, the Police Jury must establish and give authority to its Jurors to appropriately sign and execute all financial documents to maintain the stability of parish operations;
BE IT RESOLVED, that the Tensas Parish Police Jury, in regular session, convened to authorize Pauline Doyle, Billy Joe Arceneaux, Robert Clark, Bill Crigler, Cash “Clay” Foster, Robert Rushing, Terrence South and Alex Watson be added to the signature cards of all checking accounts at Tensas State Bank and Cross Keys Bank as authorized signers on those checking accounts.
BE IT RESOLVED AND ADOPTED, on a motion made by Terrence South, and seconded by Billy Joe Arceneaux on the 9th day of January, 2024, in regular session, and the votes were recorded as follows:
Yeas: 7 Nays: 0 Absent: 0 Abstain: 0
Passed: 7 Failed: ___
I, Pauline Doyle, Secretary/Treasurer of the Tensas Parish Police Jury do hereby certify that the above and foregoing is a true and correct copy of a resolution adopted at a meeting of the Tensas Parish Police Jury at which a quorum was present and participating on the 9th day of January, 2024.
/s/ Pauline Doyle
Pauline Doyle, Secretary/Treasurer
Upon a motion by Robert Clark, duly seconded by Bill Crigler, it was unanimously agreed to approve furnishing Cash “Clay” Foster a Police Jury credit card. Ayes have it. Motion carried.
Upon a motion by Terrence South, duly seconded by Bill Crigler, it was unanimously agreed to approve the holiday schedule for 2024. Ayes have it. Motion carried.
Upon a motion by Terrence South, duly seconded by Bill Crigler, it was unanimously agreed to approve Bryant Hammett & Associates as the Parish engineer for 2024. Ayes have it. Motion carried.
Upon a motion by Robert Clark, duly seconded by Billy Joe Arceneaux, it was unanimously agreed to approve the minutes of the Regular Meeting held on December 12, 2023. Ayes have it. Motion carried.
Upon a motion by Alex Watson, duly seconded by Bill Crigler, it was unanimously agreed to approve the payment of bills as authorized by the Finance Committee. Ayes have it. Motion carried.
Upon a motion by Bill Crigler, duly seconded by Alex Watson, it was unanimously agreed to approve the Budget vs. Actual Financial Statements for the period ending December 31, 2023. Ayes have it. Motion carried.
Upon a motion by Bill Crigler, duly seconded by Robert Clark, it was unanimously agreed to approve the absence of Rod Webb from the Regular meeting held on December 12, 2023. Ayes have it. Motion carried.
Seal bids were opened for 2024 Maintenance Unit Materials and read aloud.
Diamond B. Construction Co., LLC ONLY BIDDER
P. O. Box 7618
Alexandria, LA 71306
Telephone (318)427-1381 - Jeffery Davis
Price per ton delivered to the Parish Maintenance Unit $140.50/ton
Price per ton delivered to the Parish Maintenance Unit $0.00/ton
Price per ton/mile delivered from source to Parish Maintenance Unit: $0.00
Distance from source to Parish Maintenance Unit: 00.0miles
Price at source:
Coarse Sand, Clay Gravel $0.00/Ton
Washed Maintenance Gravel $0.00/Ton
Washed #57 Concrete Gravel $0.00/Ton
Washed Oversized Rocks No. 2 $0.00/Ton
Price delivered to Tensas Parish Maintenance Unit:
Coarse Sand, Clay Gravel $0.00 + $0.00 delivery $0.00/Ton
Washed Maintenance Gravel $0.00 + $0.00 delivery $0.00/Ton
Washed #57 Concrete Gravel $0.00 + $0.00 delivery $0.00/Ton
Washed Oversized Rocks No. 2 $0.00 + $0.00 delivery $0.00/Ton
Scott Petroleum ONLY BIDDER
1315 Plank Road
Saint Joseph, LA 71366 Phone (318)766-3981 - Ben Hopkins
Prices shown are freight, margin, profit and overhead calculated per gallon to be added to the rack price at the time of delivery. Prices include applicable taxes.
No. 2 Bulk Highway Diesel (clear) $0.139/gal. ONLY BID
No. 2 Off-Road Diesel (dyed) $0.139/gal. ONLY BID
87 Octane Gasoline (Non ethanol) $0.139/gal. ONLY BID
Scott Petroleum ONLY BIDDER
6923 Hwy. 84
Ferriday, LA 71334 Phone (318) 757-3975 - Ben Hopkins
Chevron Delo 400 SDE 15w-40 (CK-4 spec.) (55 gal.) $768.90 ea.
Shell Rotella-T 15W-40 (CK-4 spec.) (55 gal.) $780.80 ea.
Diesel engine oil -SAE 30w (55 gal.) $710.88 ea.
Chevron Delo 400 XLE 10w-30 (55 gal.) $842.00 ea.
Diesel Exhaust Fluid (DEF) (55 gal.) $199.00 ea.
Diesel Exhaust Fluid (DEF) bulk (per gal.) $2.37/gal.
Transmission/Drivetrain oil –SAE 30w (TO-4 spec.) (55 gal.) $623.04 ea.
Bulk Hydraulic Oil -SAE 30w i.e. Chevron THF (per gal.) $ 11.51/gal.
TriState Culverts, LLC
553 US Hwy. 65 N
Lake Village, AR 71653 Phone (870)265-2339 - Wade Becker
Average pplf for (6) sizes marked, quoted: Galvanized $46.34/lft.
Average pplf for (6) sizes marked, quoted: Asphalt Coated $------/lft. NO BID
Coastal Culvert & Supply, Inc.
PO Box 1145
Eunice, LA 70535 Phone (337) 546-6887 -Terry Brown
Average pplf for (6) sizes marked, quoted: Galvanized $50.34/lft.
Average pplf for (6) sizes marked, quoted: Asphalt Coated $73.59/lft.
Terral RiverService
10100 Hwy. 65 S
Lake Providence, LA 71254 Telephone 318-559-1500 - Jimmy Gunter
Grade Price at Source $ per ton
Delivery/Ton = 46 miles x $0.26 Total Price Parish Acceptance
DGA NO BID $11.96
SB-2 NO BID $11.96
#7 $44.00 $11.96 $55.96 X
#8 $43.00 $11.96 $54.96 X
#57 $39.50 $11.96 $51.46 X
610 Base $38.50 $11.96 $50.46 X
2” Oversized $39.50 $11.96 $51.46 X
4” $39.50 $11.96 $51.46 X
R-200 $45.00 $11.96 $56.96 X
Upon a motion by Bill Crigler, duly seconded by Robert Clark, it was unanimously agreed to take bids for the 2024 Maintenance unit under the advisement of the Parish Superintendent. Ayes have it. Motion carried.
Sealed bids were opened for the 2024 Parish Trash Collection.
Upon a motion by Billy Joe Arceneaux, duly seconded by Bill Crigler, it was unanimously agreed to take the trash collection bids under the advisement of the Solid Waste Committee. Ayes have it. Motion carried.
Upon a motion by Bill Crigler, duly seconded by Terrence South, it was unanimously agreed to allow Cash Foster to attend the new jurors meeting in Baton Rouge on January 17, 2024. Ayes have it. Motion carried.
Upon a motion by Robert Clark, duly seconded by Bill Crigler, it was unanimously agreed to approve the proposal from Franklin Engineers for Air Reporting Assistance for the Tensas Landfill for 2024. Ayes have it. Motion carried.
Upon a motion by Terrence South, duly seconded by Bill Crigler, it was unanimously agreed to defer items 25, 26, 27, and 28. Ayes have it. Motion carried.
Upon a motion by Terrence South, duly seconded by Robert Clark, it was unanimously agreed to approve purchasing iPads for the Jurors to use during the Jury meetings. Ayes have it. Motion carried.
Upon a motion by Robert Clark, duly seconded by Bill Crigler, it was unanimously agreed to approve the CWEF application for Tensas Water for 2023-2024. Ayes have it. Motion carried.
WHEREAS, the Tensas Parish Police Jury has been informed that the State of Louisiana, Division of Administration, Office of Community Development will be accepting applications for FY 2023/2024 Water Enrichment Fund (CWEF);
NOW THEREFORE BE IT RESOLVED, that the President is hereby authorized to submit a CWEF Application for the purchase and installation of radio read water meters and to execute all assurances and certifications required for the application; and,
BE IT FURTHER RESOLVED, that the President is hereby authorized to work with Tensas Water Distribution Association and Pan American Engineers, LLC on the development of the CWEF Application.
Passed, approved and adopted this 9th day of January, 2024.
/s/ Bubba Rushing /s/ Pauline Doyle
Bubba Rushing, President Pauline Doyle, Secretary-Treasurer
Upon a motion by Bill Crigler, duly seconded by Billy Joe Arceneaux, it was unanimously agreed to approve the North LA Criminalistics Laboratory amended 2023 Budget and the proposed 2024 Budget. Ayes have it. Motion carried.
Upon a motion by Bill Crigler, duly seconded by Billy Joe Arceneaux, it was unanimously agreed to approve a Resolution of Appreciation and Dedication for Rod Webb. Ayes have it. Motion carried.
WHEREAS, the Tensas Parish Police Jury adopted a Resolution of Appreciation and Dedication for Roderick “Rod” Webb during their Regular Session held on the 9th day of January 2024, and
WHEREAS, Mr. Webb worked as the District 5 Juror from 2004 until 2024 for the Tensas Parish Police Jury, and
WHEREAS, Roderick “Rod” Webb’s integrity has earned him the admiration and fondness of all those that worked with him, and
LET IT BE RESOLVED that the Tensas Parish Police Jury go on record in proclaiming Roderick “Rod” Webb’s outstanding virtues as a Juror to the Tensas Parish Police Jury, and
NOW THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED that this Body herewith expresses its admiration and appreciation for the twenty years of faithful, loyal and dedicated service to the Parish, and
BE IT FURTHER RESOLVED that the original of this Resolution is to be tendered to Roderick “Rod” Webb as an expression of the Tensas Parish Police Jury’s sincerest thankfulness, and
ALSO, BE IT FURTHER RESOLVED that this Resolution be made a permanent part of the archives of the Tensas Parish Police Jury by incorporating the same in the minutes of this meeting.
THUS DONE AND SIGNED, on the 9th of January 2024
/s/ Bubba Rushing
Bubba Rushing, President
/s/ Robert Clark
Robert Clark, Vice President
/s/ Alex Watson
Juror, Alex Watson
/s/ Bill Crigler
Juror, Bill Crigler
/s/ Billy Joe Arceneaux
Juror, Billy Joe Arceneaux
/s/ Terrence South
Juror, Terrence South
/s/ Clay Foster
Juror, Clay Foster
I, Pauline Doyle, Secretary/Treasurer of the Tensas Parish Police Jury, do hereby certify that the foregoing is a true and correct copy of a Resolution adopted by the Tensas Parish Police Jury at its Regular Meeting held on the 9th day of January 2024.
/s/ Pauline Doyle
Pauline Doyle, Secretary/Treasurer
Upon a motion by Bill Crigler, duly seconded by Robert Clark, it was unanimously agreed to approve a Resolution of Appreciation and Dedication for Rick Foster. Ayes have it. Motion carried.
WHEREAS, the Tensas Parish Police Jury adopted a Resolution of Appreciation and Dedication for William “Rick” Foster during their Regular Session held on the 9th Day of January, 2024, and
WHEREAS, Mr. Foster worked as the Director of the Office Of Emergency Preparedness from 1991 until 2023 for the Tensas Parish Police Jury, and
WHEREAS, William “Rick” Foster’s integrity has earned him the admiration and fondness of all those that worked with him, and
LET IT BE RESOLVED that the Tensas Parish Police Jury go on record in proclaiming William “Rick” Foster’s outstanding virtues as a Director to the Tensas Parish Office of Emergency Preparedness, and
NOW THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED that this Body herewith expresses its admiration and appreciation for the thirty- two years of faithful, loyal and dedicated service to the Parish, and
BE IT FURTHER RESOLVED that the original of this Resolution is to be tendered to William “Rick” Foster as an expression of the Tensas Parish Police Jury’s sincerest thankfulness, and
ALSO, BE IT FURTHER RESOLVED that this Resolution be made a permanent part of the archives of the Tensas Parish Police Jury by incorporating the same in the minutes of this meeting.
THUS DONE AND SIGNED, on the 9th day of January 2024
/s/ Bubba Rushing
Bubba Rushing, President
/s/ Robert Clark
Robert Clark, Vice President
/s/ Alex Watson
Juror, Alex Watson
/s/ Bill Crigler
Juror, Bill Crigler
/s/ Billy Joe Arceneaux
Juror, Billy Joe Arceneaux
/s/ Terrence South
Juror, Terrence South
/s/ Clay Foster Juror, Clay Foster
I, Pauline Doyle, Secretary/Treasurer of the Tensas Parish Police Jury, do hereby certify that the foregoing is a true and correct copy of a Resolution adopted by the Tensas Parish Police Jury at its Regular Meeting held on the 9th day of January 2024.
/s/ Pauline Doyle
Pauline Doyle Secretary/Treasurer
Upon a motion by Bill Crigler, duly seconded by Billy Joe Arceneaux, it was unanimously agreed to approve the sale of the lot between the meat market and JBB Construction in the Industrial Park to Chip Bunch. Ayes have it. Motion carried.
Upon a motion by Billy Joe Arceneaux, duly seconded by Bill Crigler, it was unanimously agreed to approve a request from the LSU Extension Program in the amount of $7500.00. Ayes have it. Motion carried.
A presentation on open meeting rules and parliamentary procedures was presented by Dan Garrett.
Upon a motion by Terrence South, duly seconded by Robert Clark, it was agreed to purchase three shirts for the Jurors attending the 2024 Police Jury Association Convention in Lake Charles with Billy Joe Arceneaux voting no. Ayes have it. Motion carried.
Upon a motion by Terrence South, duly seconded by Bill Crigler, it was unanimously agreed to adjourn the meeting. Ayes have it. Motion carried.
Public notice is hereby given, as provided by Section 13, Article III of the Constitution of Louisiana, that there will be introduced at the forthcoming session of the Legislature of Louisiana, to be convened on March 11, 2024, a bill relative to the domicile of the Delta Agriculture Research and Sustainability District; and to provide for related matters.
1/31, 2/7
Separate sealed bids for the TENSAS WATER DISTRIBUTION ASSOCIATION, INC., CONSOLIDATION WITH THE TOWN OF NEWELLTON WATER SYSTEM, CONTRACT 4 will be received by Tensas Water Distribution Association, Inc. at the office of Pan American Engineers, LLC, 1717 Jackson Street, Alexandria, Louisiana 71301 until 2:00 P.M. on Wednesday, February 21, 2024 and then at said office publicly opened and read aloud. Any bid received after the specified time and date will not be considered.
The Instructions to Bidders, Bid Form, Agreement Between Owner and Contractor, Forms of Bid Bond, Performance and Payment Bonds, Drawings and Specifications, and other Contract Documents may be examined at the following location:
(Design Professional)
1717 JACKSON STREET (71301)
P. O. BOX 8599 (71306)
(318) 473-2100
The work is generally described as follows: The purchase and installation of approximately 1,420 automated water meters throughout the Tensas Water Distribution Association and the Town of Newellton.
Copies of the bidding documents shall be obtained from the office of Pan American Engineers, LLC upon deposit of $150.00 for each set of documents. The deposit on the first set of documents furnished to bonafide prime bidders will be fully refunded upon return of the documents, in good condition, no later than ten (10) days after receipt of bids. On other sets of documents furnished to bidders, the deposit less actual cost of reproduction will be refunded upon return of the documents, in good condition, no later than ten (10) days after receipt of bids.
The OWNER reserves the right to reject any or all bids for just cause. Such actions will be in accordance with Title 38 of Public Bid Law.
In accordance with L.R.S. 38:2212.B.(1), the provisions and requirements stated in the Bidding Documents shall not be considered as informalities and shall not be waived.
Each Bidder must deposit with the bid, security in the amount of at least five percent (5%) of the total bid price, as described in the Instructions to Bidders. Bid bonds shall be written by a surety or insurance company meeting the requirements noted in L.R.S. 38:2218.
The successful Bidder shall be required to furnish a Performance Bond and Payment Bond, in an amount equal to 100% of the Contract amount, written by a surety or insurance company meeting the requirements noted in L.R.S. 38:2219 A.(1)(a), (b) and (c), or for Federally funded projects, must be listed as acceptable on the U.S. Department of Treasury Circular 570.
Tensas Water Distribution Association, Inc. is an equal opportunity employer.
Tensas Water Distribution Association, Inc. encourages all small and minority-owned firms and women’s business enterprises to apply.
Any person with disabilities required special accommodations must contact the Tensas Water Distribution Association, Inc. no later than seven (7) days prior to bid opening.
The successful bidder must have an active Unique Entity ID (UEI) and be registered with the Federal System of Award (SAM) Registration Program prior to award of contract.
Tensas Water DistributionAssociation, Inc.
120 Walker Road
St. Joseph, LA 71366
Mike Thompson, President
1/24, 1/31, 2/7
VS. NO. 24,760
By virtue of a WRIT OF SEIZURE AND SALE, to me directed, from the Honorable Sixth Judicial District Court for the Parish of Tensas, aforesaid, in the above entitled cause, I will proceed to sale, at public auction, at the principal front door of the Courthouse in the City of St. Joseph, in Tensas Parish, Louisiana, on WEDNESDAY, the 31st day of JANUARY, 2024, between the hours prescribed by law, beginning at 10:00 a.m., the following described
TERMS OF SALE: For cash to the highest bidder WITH the benefit of appraisement.
In accordance with the provisions of Act 366 of the 2023 Session of the Louisiana Legislature, notice is given that Tensas Parish Assessor, Donna R. Ratcliff, intends to increase her compensation by an amount not to exceed five percent for the term beginning January 1, 2025.
Donna R. Ratcliff
Tensas Parish Assessor
1/31, 2/7