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Friday, January 31, 2025 at 6:37 AM
Luisiana State

Public Notices for Dec. 14, 2023


Sealed bid proposals for software services are invited and will be received by the Richland Parish Hospital in the office of Michael Carroll, CEO until 12:00 pm the 21st day of December applicable to the following: Electronic Health Record System.  Contact Alex Jackson for details at (601) 748-1560 or [email protected]. The proposals received up to that hour shall be publicly opened and read aloud at 12:30 pm, 21st day of December. Any bid received after the closing time above stated will be returned unopened.  The Board of Commissioners reserves the right to reject any and all bids and waive informalities. 

Michael W. Carroll, P.D., N.H.A.


Hospital Service District No. 1A of the Parish of Richland

On behalf of Delhi Community Health Center

12/7, 12/14


Re-advertisement for Bids

Project No. 22-06-702E (LCDBG NO. 2000720266, 

FY 2022)


Town of Rayville


109 Benedette Street


Rayville, LA 71269

Sealed bids marked “Sealed Bid -Town of Rayville Community Development Block Grant Project for Fiscal Year 2022 to be financed by the State of Louisiana CDBG Program” will be received by the Owner for the construction of the project described as follows: Rehabilitate existing Water Treatment Plant, rehab existing filters and softeners, and related work.

Proposals shall be addressed to the Town of Rayville, and delivered to the Office of the Mayor located at (address) 109 Benedette Street, Rayville, LA 71269 not later than 10:00 A.M. (local time), on the day of Thursday, January 4, 2024. Sealed bids to be marked “Sealed Bid -Town of Rayville Community Development Block Grant Project for Fiscal Year 2022 to be financed by the State of Louisiana CDBG Program” Any bid received after the specified time and date will not be considered. The sealed bids will be publicly opened and read aloud at 10:00 A.M. (local time) on the day of Thursday, January 4, 2024, at Town of Rayville, located at 109 Benedette Street, Rayville, LA 71269. The information for Bidders, Form of Bid Proposal, Form of Contract, Plans, Specifications, and Forms ofBid Bond, Performance Bond and Payment Bond, and other contract documents may be examined at the following locations:

Town of Rayville

109 Benedette Street

Rayville, Louisiana 71269

(318) 728-2011

McManus Consulting Engineers, Inc.

116 Smelser Road

Monroe, Louisiana 71202

(318) 343-5600

Copies may be obtained at this office upon payment of a deposit of $150. This deposit will be refunded upon request in accordance with R.S. 38:2212. A CD ofthe Plans and Specifications may also be obtained upon payment of $25.00 which will be nonrefundable. The Contractor must pay shipping costs.

The Owner reserves the right to reject any and all bids for just cause; such actions will be in accordance with Title 38 of the Louisiana Revised Statutes.

Each bidder must be registered and have must have an active Unique Entity ID (SAM), as verified on www.sam.gov, prior to the beginning of construction.

Each Bidder must deposit with his/her bid, security in the amount, form, and subject to the conditions provided in the Information for Bidders. Sureties used for obtaining bonds must appear as acceptable on the U.S. Department of Treasury Circular 570.

No bidder may withdraw his/her bid within forty-five (45) days after the actual date of the opening thereof.

The Contractor shall begin mobilization and procurement of materials within ten (10) working days of the receipt of the Notice to Proceed.

The Attention of Bidders is called particularly to the requirements for conditions of employment to be observed and minimum wage rates to be paid under the Contract, Section 3, Segregated Facilities, Executive Order 11246, and all applicable laws and regulations ofthe Federal government and State of Louisiana and bonding and insurance requirements.

Equal Opportunity in Employment: All qualified applicants will receive consideration for employment without regard for race, color, religion, sex, or national origin. Bidders on this work will be required to comply with the President’s Executive Order No. 11246, as amended. The requirements for bidders and contractors under this order are explained in the specifications.

Any person with disabilities requiring special accommodations must contact the Town of Rayville of no later than seven (7) days prior to bid opening.


Owner encourages Section 3 and minority owned businesses to submit bid proposals.

The Contractor shall be licensed with the Louisiana State Licensing Board in: Municipal and Public Works Construction

Project No. 22-06-702E

Estimated Cost: $800,000 (LA R.S. 38:2212(H))

Town of Rayville

Harry J. Lewis, Mayor

November 22,2023


11/30, 12/7, 12/14







1032 HIGHWAY 80

DELHI, LA. 71232

Meeting minutes for December 5th 2023

The East Richland Water Works Board of Directors met for a rescheduled quarterly meeting. It was held at the office located at 1032 Highway 80 in Delhi, La. 71232 at 6:00 p.m. on March 14th 2023. Those present were Board members: Mary Jo Clack, Clarence McCall, Shane Lester, and Rolanda Robinson. Also present were Sean Sikes: Operator, Stacy Ratcliff: Manager, Ken McManus, and Charles Clack

After calling the meeting to order and taking a moment of prayer for the needs of the community, President Clack called for the first item of new business which was the Poverty Point Water Main information on costs, additional funding, change orders, and construction given by Mr. Ken McManus. After a discussion and explanation, Mr. Lester made a motion to accept the information on all costs and any construction of Poverty Point Water Main, and Mr. Hosea seconded that motion. It was voted for unanimously. Mr. McManus also requested a vote for awarding the Carson Road repairs to Womack and Sons. Mr. McCall made the motion and Mr. Lester seconded that motion. All were in favor.


Now, therefore, be it resolved that the Board of Directors accept all costs, change orders, and construction on the Poverty Point Water Main. Let it also be resolved that the Board of Directors awards the Carson Road water repairs to Womack and Sons.

The second item for business was the bad debts. Mrs. Ratcliff presented the Board member with the figures. Mr. Hosea made the motion to accept the bad debts and charge them off while still attempting to collect on them and refusing service to bad debtors. Mr. McCall seconded the motion, and it was voted for unanimously.


Now, therefore, be it resolved, that the Board of Directors do give permission to charge off all bad debts while still attempting to collect and refusing service to all bad debtors that do not pay on their accounts.

Stacy Ratcliff


Mary Jo Clack


The third order of business was the budget for 2024. Mrs. Ratcliff presented the information. Mrs. Robinson then made the motion to accept the budget, and Mr. Lester seconded that motion. All were in favor.


Now, therefore, be it resolved, that the Board of Directors do accept the budget as presented for 2024.

Stacy Ratcliff


Mary Jo Clack


The third order of business was the Policies and Procedures booklet to be made for the office. Mrs. Ratcliff presented the information on what needed to be done. Mr. Lester made the motion to accept forming the Policies and Procedures booklet, and Mr. Hosea seconded with all in favor.


Now, therefore, be it resolved, that a booklet on Policies and Procedures will be made, and is accepted by the Board of Directors.

Stacy Ratcliff


Mary Jo Clack


Mrs. Clack called for any open business to be discussed. Mr. Lester asked to go into an executive session to discuss salaries and payroll for the year. This was a closed session.


Now, therefore, be it resolved, that there will be a salary and/or payroll change started immediately.

Since there was no further business to discuss, Mr. Lester made a motion to adjourn the meeting, and it was seconded by Mr. McCall. Adjournment was voted for unanimously.


Now, therefore, be it resolved, as there is no further business to come before the East Richland Water Works Board of Directors at this time, the meeting is adjourned until the regularly scheduled meeting time on the first Tuesday of the last month of each quarter. That date will be March 5th 2024 at 6:00 p.m. The location will be at the East Richland Water Works office at 1032 Highway 80 Delhi, La. 71232.

Stacy Ratcliff


Mary Jo Clack


East Richland Water Works Board Member






NO: 9467


FILED: December 11, 2023

By /s/ Lisa R. Hampton

Deputy Clerk of Court


The Administrator of the above estate has made application to the court for the disbursement of $116,900.00 to each heir in accordance with the provisions of Louisiana Code of Civil Procedure Article 3321.

Notice is now given to all parties whom it may concern, including the heirs and creditors of decedent, and of this estate, that they be ordered to make any opposition which they have or may have to such application, at any time, prior to the issuance of the order or judgment authorizing, approving and homologating that application and that such order or judgment may be issued after the expiration of ten days from the date of the publication of such notice, all in accordance with law.

By order of the court,

/s/ Lisa R. Hampton

Deputy Clerk of Court






If your name appears on the list below, your voter registration status is inactive because your registration address was not able to be verified by your parish registrar of voters during the annual canvass or correspondence sent to the address on file has been returned undeliverable. If your residential address or the address where you receive mail has changed from the address used when you registered to vote or last changed your voter registration record, please update your residential address on your voter registration record online at www.GeauxVote.com. You may also change it by mail or in person at your parish registrar of voters.

If you have not changed your address, you are currently eligible to vote but will be required to confirm your address when voting. If you do not confirm your address and you do not vote in any election between the time your name was added to the list and the day after the second regularly scheduled general election for federal office held after such date, your name may be removed from the voter registration list.

A list of inactive voters is available 24 hours a day, seven days per week online at www.GeauxVote.com.

------ Archibald ------

Busby, George C, 26 Long St

Elliott, Stephen Ian, 132 Long St

Fletcher, Delonzia Von Quay, 6 Minnow Farm Rd

Fletcher, Sherry Denise, 6 Minnow Farm Rd

Fowler, Tara Sophia, 17 Lynn Cemetery Rd

Green, Lakeiyra Patricia, 3710 Hwy 15

Green, Leonard, 3710 Hwy 15

Hodge, Lonzo Clinton, 3615 Hwy 15

Jacobs, Esther Turpin, 21 Prewitt Ln

Maldonado III, Rafael, 504 Carey Smith Rd

Maldonado, Amanda Lynn, 504 Carey Smith Rd

Maldonado, Jonathan David, 504 Carey Smith Rd

Maldonado, Nathan Daniel, 504 Carey Smith Rd

McCain, Logan Scott, 531 Carey Smith Rd

Morris, Rebecca Gwin, 16 Long St

O’neal, Jesse Thomas, 92 Lynn Cemetery Rd

Punchard, Kayla M, 46 Lynn Cemetery Rd

Smart, Charles Daniel, 64 Lynn Cemetery Rd

Spillers, Sarah Danielle, 66 Burgess Lp

Turk, Sarah Elizabeth, 135 Long St

Uchtmann, Gregory Alan, 135 Long St

Williams, Johnny Thomas, 210 Hayes Lake Rd

Williams, Taylor Nicole, 17 Lynn Cemetery Rd

Wright Jr, John David, 4 Burgess Lp

------ Columbia ------

Benson, Eric Dewayne, 457 Wheeler Bend Rd

Brice, Sherry Dianne, 16 Catfish Dr

Brown, Lea Anna, 14 Minnow Ln

Brown, Robert Allen, 214 Roddy Fluitt Rd

Bruce Jr, Robert Wesley, 221 Roddy Fluitt Rd

Bueltel, Melissa Dawn, 1992 Hwy 561

Caraway, Jenna Mills, 2574 Hwy 561

Carter, Christopher Shane, 594 White Perch Dr

Coats, Dana Gabrielle, 215 Roddy Fluitt Rd

Ebarb, Erin Taylor, 28 Bass Ln

Floyes, Nealy Necole, 359 Jinks Rd

Floyes, Robin Mullenix, 359 Jinks Rd

Fowler, Tiffany Nacole, 221 Roddy Fluitt Rd

Freeman, Carrie Lee, 457 Wheeler Bend Rd

Freeman, Ronald Douglas, 457 Wheeler Bend Rd

Hogg, Joshua Steven, 605 Peckerwood Rd

Humphries, Kelvin W, 1992 Hwy 561

Massey Jr, Billie Richard, 730 White Perch Dr

Meadows, Stephanie Lee Anne, 238 Woolen Lake Rd

Moore, Khaylin Marie, 632 White Perch Dr

Nivans Jr, Herbert F, 21 Smart Dr

Parker, James D, 88 Wheeler Bend Rd

Poole, Rene, 495 Wheeler Bend Rd

Robertson, Theresa B, 594 White Perch Dr

Simmons, Ryan Keith, 2755 Hwy 561

Strickland, Anne Elizabeth, 208 Bradberry Rd

Strickland, Holli Nicole, 208 Bradberry Rd

Strickland, Joel H, 208 Bradberry Rd

Tatum, Amy Marie, 182 Wheeler Bend Rd

Tatum, John Brad, 182 Wheeler Bend Rd

Trichell, Joshua Logan, 25 Roddy Fluitt Rd

Wallace, Mark Wayne, 620 Peckerwood Rd

Wallis, Joann, 155 Roddy Fluitt Rd

Wheeler, Sandra Leigh, 484 Wheeler Bend Rd

Woodward, Patricia Oliveaux, 288 Wheeler Bend Rd

Wright III, William Joesoph, 590 Woolen Lake Rd

------ Delhi ------

Albritton, Benjamin Seth, 119 Greenwood Pl

Allen, Zoemyya Lekeyya, 118 Charter St

Alvarez, Jennifer Jane, 709 Florida St

Anderson, Lakevia Monique, 30 Light Plant Rd

Anderson, Xavia Deann, 510 Second St

Armstrong, Alysha Kiauna, 224 Robinhood Ln

Bailey, Precious Kiante’, 14 Andover Way

Banks, Linda M, 39 King Rd

Banks, Rickey Dawaylon, 118 School St

Best, Evelyn Allen, 104 Utah St

Bonner, Madison Aleece, 135 Shady Ln

Brown III, Herman, 26 Bedford St

Bryant, Dorothy Fay, 218 Foster Rd

Bryant, Tammy Renee, 108 Scurria Dr

Burgess-Levine, Stephanie Lynn, 185 College Rd

Cagle, James Ray, 404 Little John Dr

Cantin, Benjamin Gage, 36 Perry Rd

Carroll, Victor Devonta, 502 Chicago St

Carter, Lorraine Calhoun, 194 Ringle Rd

Cencer, Patrick Ryne, 120 Michigan St

Chapman, Michelle Leigh, 6 Fallen Rd

Cheramie, Christy Michelle, 1744 Hwy 80

Cleveland, Ladaysia L, 101 Pittsburg St

Cleveland, Myra C, 101 Valley St

Cobb, Jenna Nicole, 338 Little Rd

Cook, Kyle Alexander, 506 Little John Dr

Cooper Jr, Benjamin L, 122 Chatham St

Crews, Bridgette Nicole, 763 Hwy 854

Crews, Sonja Wiggins, 124 St Louis St #20

Culverson, Machelle Denise, 118 Charter St

Dexter, Robert Earl, 307 Church Dr

Dickson, Linda W, 50 Docs Rd

Eldridge, Debbie C, 5200 Hwy 17

Elliott, Rosemary Jean, 152 John Mcpherson Rd

Ellis, James Henry, 707 Main St

Ester Jr, James Ray, 211 School St

Ester, Zelene Ja’mere, 211 School St

Evans, William L., 24 Perry Rd

Foote, Caroline Windham, 119 Judy Beth Ln

Foster, Damien Elson, 206 Mississippi St

Garrett, Joyce Davis, 509 Tennessee St

Garrett, Tabithia Deeann, 509 Tennessee St

George, Courtney Andre’ Hupperich, 121 College Rd

Goodman, Hannah Kate, 75 Birdwell Ln

Graham, Barbara Sue, 502 Little John Dr

Gray, Debra Fritz, 107 Baker Dr

Green, Antrice D, 704 Martin Luther King Drive

Gunter, Zachary Dewayne, 57 Sheppard Rd

Hankins, Dollie Hull, 6012 Hwy 17

Hardee, Nellwyn Sandifer, 414 First St

Harrell, Jeremy Ashley, 338 Little Rd

Harrington, Melissa Denise, 208 Pittsburg St

Harrison, Clennon F, 134 Coats St

Harrison, Rhonda Williamson, 77 Donahoe Rd

Hemmert, Debra Lou, 198 Rundell Lp

Hemmert, Kirk L, 198 Rundell Lp

Herring, Jarod Mycheal, 209 Richmond St

Herring, Ladarius Davontay, 209 Richmond St

Hester, Lashanda M, 205 May St

Higdon, Magan Alysa, 123 Sycamore Ln

Holloway, Minnie Fae, 1280 Dearman Rd

Holmes, Shelia Jones, 17 Patrick Rd

Hopson, Daniel B, 554 Collins Dr

Horne, Nicholas, 409 First St

Hutchinson, Kay Durr, 732 Hwy 854

Hutchinson, Mark O, 732 Hwy 854

Jackson, Adrianna Nicole, 218 Rundell St

Jackson, Bianca Chanell, 402 Broadway St

Jackson, Bradford D, 137 Edgar St

Jackson, Christopher Eugene, 402 Broadway St

Jackson, Fannie Bell, 218 Rundell St

Jackson, Juan Bernard, 239 Charlie Kie Rd

Jackson, Ladarrius Duran, 116 School St

Jackson, Sasha, 218 Rundell St

Jackson, Stephanie Diane, 239 Charlie Kie Rd

Johnson, Delashundra Shanta, 9 Andover Way

Johnson, Jimmy Lee, 104 Edgar St

Jones, Amy Williams, 102 Mississippi St

Jones, Daniel Earl, 34 Nicholas Rd

Jones, Halana Jessica, 34 Nicholas Rd

Jones, Sara Elizabeth, 107 Holly Ln

Kelly Jr, James Ray, 502 McHand Dr

Kelly, Nakia, 302 Edgar St

Kline, Latrina, 111 Teer St

Kyles, La’keisha Denise, 404 Broadway St

Kyles, Shanice Lashay, 404 Broadway St

Leggins, Carrie Lee, 173 Leggins Rd

Lewis, Andrew Colin, 129 Macon Dr

Lewis, Latrena Rashaun, 1110 Florida St

Lutiker, Justy Danielle, 106 Hwy 855

Lynch Jr, Michael Lavelle, 480 McHand Dr

Marshall, Starnasia Reshay, 625 Main St

Martin, Rodney Allen, 607 Louisiana St

Martinez III, Daniel Michael, 52 Xl Rd

Martinez, Taylor Bradshaw, 52 Xl Rd

May, Ashley Keyarrow, 91 Cook Rd #7

May, Theotis, 107 Claxton St

McClodden, Kalyia Desean, 524 Weems Rd

McDade, Mrs Lillie W, 117 Toombs St

McDowell, Cedric Lashawn, 410 Church Dr

McDowell, Cheryllynn Lavall Lee, 138 Robinson Ln

McDowell, Kristen Shenell George, 109 Alabama St

McDowell, Shanfancesa Veona Shaquette, 314 Hall St #B

McKinley, Jan, 1126 Hwy 854

McPherson III, Charles C, 37 Perry Rd

McPherson, Charles Jacob, 37 Perry Rd

McPherson, Madison Taylor, 37 Perry Rd

Mercer, Christina M, 243 Main St

Miller, Lakeshia, 5 Bedford St

Miller, Rebecca Evelyn, 61 Victor Travis Rd

Montgomery, Maggie Beatrice, 15 Cook Rd #38

Myers, Shanda Lynn, 124 St Louis St #11

Nalls Jr, Melvin, 232 Third St #4

Neathery, Kyeasa La Rhone, 89 Boyd Rd

Neathery, Steven Lee, 89 Boyd Rd

Nielsen, Tiffany, 218 Foster Rd

Oliver, Daphne Renae, 404 Little John Dr

Parker, Dezire Quinsauna Sole, 130 Tweddle St

Parker, Kenya N, 209 Richmond St

Pearson, Malinda Marie, 243 Main St

Perry, Ashley Murphy, 30 Clarkson Rd

Perry, Brad Neal, 30 Clarkson Rd

Polly, Bridgette Tanielle, 113 Oklahoma St

Puckett, Parris Ramon, 213 Second St #A

Roberts, Cynthia L, 202 Detroit St

Roberts, Jakerra Jontae Lenora, 202 Detroit St

Rockett, Justin, 1696 Hwy 854

Rodriguez-Sanchez, Marc Anthony, 206 Edgar St

Russell, Barbara W, 138 Little Rd

Savage, Tiffani Lynn, 156 Section Rd

Scurria, Mrs Joyce K, 126 Macon Dr

Sims, Kristin Danielle, 19 Purvis Ln

Sims, Terry Daniel, 19 Purvis Ln

Smith, Ieesha, 402 Broadway St

Smith, Joshua Matthew, 483 Cooper Rd

Southern, Thomas Ray, 57 Green Rd

Speight, Tomika Rochelle, 314 Baker Dr

Stapleton, Leroy, 110 Second St

Stapleton, Linda Faye, 110 Second St

Steele Jr, Ricky Lee, 4539 Hwy 17

Steele, Audrey L, 4539 Hwy 17

Steele, Ricky Lee, 4539 Hwy 17

Sullivan, Lisa Nicole, 305 Robinhood Ln

Sutton, Tanner Lee, 6109 Hwy 17

Taylor, Mrs Joan, 532 Collins Dr

Tebelius, Celeste Nacole, 17 Best St

Tillery, Passion Lafaye, 232 Chatham St

Tribble, Candace Ann, 18 Andover Way

Turner, Laquintin Deshun, 321 Clarice St #1

Turner, Larrale Sha’tanya, 213 Second St #APT A

Vail, Kimberly Renee, 177 College St

Vail, Steven G, 607 Louisiana St

Vaughn, Shanel Chonta, 237 Main St

Watson, Jabari De’vonte, 609 Florida St

Welch, Thedora, 222 Charter St

White, Jessica Rochelle, 30 Light Plant Rd

White, Keith Russell, 122 Walnut Ln

Williams, Dekeia Passionque, 697 McHand Dr

Williams, Dynesha Mo’nique, 108 Missouri St

Williams, Keisha Diane, 107 Holly Ln

Williams, Kevin Dontae, 404 Broadway St

Williams, Malik O’bryan, 228 Mississippi St

Williams, Roselyn Roshell, 514 Hwy 80 #14B

Williams, Serra Renee, 206 Valley St

Williams, Teaire S, 112 Martin Luther King Drive

Williamson, Pearlie B, 617 Main St

Wilson, Dershomanittra Janae, 411 Florida St

Wilson, Glenda P, 49 Birdwell Ln

Wilson, Lederrick Darvell, 314 Hall St

Wilson, Mark E, 140 Apache Trail

Wright, Charlette J, 752 Hwy 854

Wright, Tamekia Monique, 125 Edgar St

York, Madison Rose, 483 Cooper Rd

------ Mangham ------

Anderson, Danier D, 23 L.c. Dr

Anderson, Emily Renae-Williams, 23 L.c. Dr

Ausberry, Derrick Donell, 213 Tibbs St

Barmore, Julia Leigh, 22 Edward Lee Ln

Bell, Ieshia Kianna Lashay, 9 Mack Smith Rd

Bell, John Henry, 9 Mack Smith Rd

Bell, Judie Camille, 719 Hwy 132

Bell, Larilyn Suzun Teariel, 9 Mack Smith Rd

Bell, Mary Sue, 9 Mack Smith Rd

Binkley, Tyler Clint, 3595 Hwy 135

Bullock, Veronica Robinson, 53 Lonzo Thomas Rd

Carter, Tracy Daniel, 107 Oak St

Chapman, Wyatt Storm, 186 Egypt St #LOT 16

Clardy, Kayli Genevieve, 202 Emma St

Clarkston, Lance James, 37 Cooper Ln

Davidson, Alexis Hefner, 186 Egypt St #LOT 3

Fleming, Charissa Warlow, 146 Egypt St

Gordon, Patricia Smith, 683 Sugar Hill Rd

Gray, Georgia Mae, 206 Emma St

Hardman, Ladiedra Shontae, 610 Main St

Harrell, Lennard, 133 Egypt St

Harris, Deremy Desmund, 103 Fleming St

Head, Candice Siera, 679 Sugar Hill Rd

Heisler, Ridge Landry, 779 Whitehall Rd

Hollis, Charles Maxwell, 28 Thomason Ln

Holloway, Matthew Connor, 222 Brown Rd

Holmes, Kejunna Olaya, 107 Fleming St

Howard, William Seth, 100 Tarver Rd

Jackson, Labreeska Dawn, 1809 Hwy 576

Johnson, Regina Rena, 212 South St #7

Jones Sr, Daniel Antone, 205 Eunice St

Jones, Ashley Monique, 204 Middle St #13

Jones, Thomas Demario, 128 Broadway St #LOT 10

Jones, Tiffany Breana, 222 Spears Rd

Keller, Jon Duane, 175 Middle Rd

Lively, Samantha Paige, 41 Womack Rd

Mathis, Latasha, 307 Eunice St

McFarland, Dawana Haynes, 205 Eunice St

Mckay, Jan C, 221 Emma St

McMillan, Mistey Gill, 446 Hixon St

Mizell, Sierra Paige, 205 Emma St

Mock, Monques Deshon, 102 Main St

Moffitt, Summer, 213 Tibbs St

Mooney, Joel E, 222 Emma St

Natt, Adrion D’ante, 104 Fleming St

Newman, Tammy W, 265 Gandy Rd

Nichols, Gerald, 101 Sugar Hill Rd

Oliver, Destiny Sevanna, 372 Hwy 576

Parker, Annie Quinn, 3725 Hwy 576

Reinninger, Kenneth E, 186 Egypt St #4

Smiley, Yasmine, 111 Fleming St

Stansbury, Erica Bailey, 746 Hwy 576

Stansbury, Jakob Oneal, 746 Hwy 576

Stogner, Linda D, 186 Egypt St #2

Strickland IV, Walter Raleigh, 191 Gandy Rd

Strickland, Brittany H, 191 Gandy Rd

Tate, Lauren Terria, 115 Fleming St

Williams, Carla Renae, 107 Fleming St

Williams, Eliza H, 107 Fleming St

Williams, Henretta Lashay, 159 Sartor Rd

Williams, Julie R, 126 Egypt St

Williams, Merit E, 126 Egypt St

Wilmore, Amanda Faye, 146 Broadway St #B

Wilson, Gracie Noelle, 265 Gandy Rd

Womack, Benjamin Taylor, 135 Thomason Ln

Womack, Tory D, 135 Thomason Ln

------ Oak Ridge ------

Gauthier, Kimberly A, 74 Cooper Ln

Maronge, Kip Riley, 488 Charleston Dr

Smith, Heather Paige, 74 Cooper Ln

Weems, Christopher Adam, 1023 Girard Rd

Wren, John Edward, 12 Kent Rd

Wren, Samuel Lewis, 12 Kent Rd

Wren, Stacy Henderson, 12 Kent Rd

------ Rayville ------

Adams, James Jeffrey, 5 Lee Ann St

Adams, Michelle, 5 Lee Ann St

Adcock, Larkin Banks, 912 Julia St

Alderman, George Brandon, 64 Lane Ranch Rd

Alderman, Josie Marie, 64 Lane Ranch Rd

Allen, Dustin Scott, 58 Hill Rd

Allums, Kathryn S, 1007 Julia St

Ardoin, Joseph Michael, 70 Pecan Dr

Austin, Abbagail Breann, 58 Barefield Rd

Austin, Daniel Glenn, 58 Barefield Rd

Austin, Victoria Burgess, 58 Barefield Rd

Baker, Mrs Betty Jean, 130 Diane St

Banks, Gaylin A, 43 Plum Tree Dr

Barrow, Joseph Glenn, 1255 Hwy 134

Bass, Linda Jackson, 216 Russell St

Beach, Savannah Rayne, 760 Burke Rd

Bennett, Althea Mae, 21 Frost Rd #1

Bennett, Mark A, 1043 Fragala St

Berry, Raeann Elise, 501 Louisa St

Bias, Takail, 33 Trio Rd

Bible, Christina, 2337 Hwy 15

Bigham, Marjorie Ann, 214 Boles St

Birden, Mierra Simone, 201 William Robert Dr #A

Blaylock, Alicia Renee, 127 Caston Rd

Bolden, Sonia Denise, 400 Harrison St #1

Borden, Cassandra, 128 Comeaux Rd

Brakefield, Garrett Miller, 915 Foster St

Briggs, Nakendra Adrion, 229 Russell St

Brown, Bobby Ray, 101 Walnut St

Brown, Jordane Annemarie, 180 Carol Ln

Brown, Marsha Alane Atkins, 15 Plum Rd

Brown, Michelle Marie, 310 Wood St

Bullock, Phyllesia, 25 J.l. Hill Rd

Bunnitt, Ricky, 1739 Louisa St

Burgess, Sandra Denise, 5354 Federal 80

Burns, Tiffani Liane, 769 Pony Greer Rd

Byrd, Shelita R, 703 Spruce St

Calloway, Gabriel Luther, 2604 Hwy 80

Camp, John Robert, 483 Hwy 584

Cannon, Toni Michelle, 82 Bayou Rd

Case, Joe Gilbert, 11 Cox Rd

Chaisson, Whitney Erin, 1007 Julia St

Chenevert, Brittney Faith, 23 Hwy 585

Coleman, Kenneth Dekeva Dewayne, 14 Genet Dr

Collins, Daniel Edward, 89 Templeton Lp

Condrey, Angela Maxwell, 51 River’s Edge Rd

Conley II, Leonard Charles, 2235 Hwy 15

Cooper, Ashley Ann, 1166 Fragala St

Cooper, Debra Bowman, 1166 Fragala St

Cooper, Justin Todd, 1166 Fragala St

Copes, Sarah Elizabeth, 6097 Federal 80 #1

Corley, Brandy Elizabeth Toney, 76 Bayou Rd

Corley, Clayton Eric, 76 Bayou Rd

Couch, Crestine Gulley, 6095 Federal 80 #1

Cowart, Alyssa Claire, 836 Hwy 3048

Cowart, Ronda Marie, 74 Cooper Ln

Crawford, Avery Caroline, 113 Buckles Rd

Creach, Ronald F, 554 Summers Rd

Crossley, Patrick Marrice, 123 Keener St

Croxton, Chelsea Marie, 528 McClanahan Rd

Croxton, James Austin, 528 McClanahan Rd

Cupp, Wesley, 1534 Hwy 3048

Daniels, Donna Denise, 208 Coenen Dr #A

Davis, Joyce Logue, 272 Comeaux Rd

Dean, Shkita Lanette, 304 Merrick St

Dear, Pamela Elaine, 10 Kathy Ln

Dorsey, Jovonte Deondre, 121 Keener St

Dorsey, Sierra Cherelle, 113 South Circle Dr #APT A

Dosson, Sarah Anita, 69 Horn Rd

Dosson, Tamia A’mya Renee, 69 Horn Rd

Driskill, Carol Ann, 565 Overlan Stage Rd

Driskill, Donald Joe, 565 Overlan Stage Rd

Driskill, Wendy, 565 Overlan Stage Rd

Drummer, Shatericka Lashay, 110 Brown St

Eason, Jennifer Purcell, 404 Smith St

Edwards, Carolyn J, 339 Hill Rd

Ellerbe, Damon Wyatt, 1883 Hwy 583

Ellerbe, Victoria Danielle, 1883 Hwy 583

Ellis, Anna England, 128 Hulen Allen Rd

Ellis, Cameron Reese, 129 Hales Rd

Eppinette, Leighton Parker, 1074 Allie Silk Rd

Evans, Wana Hawthorne, 12 Eagle Dr

Fenceroy, Donald R, 113 Fenceroy St

Feroben, Christian, 2253 Hwy 183

Forrest, Gregory William, 205 Blackmon St

Fox, Linda K, 27 Summers Rd

Franklin, Talisha Brooke, 1240 Bee Bayou Rd

Franks, Holly Raynette, 1274 Hwy 584

Frey, Heath, 596 Bee Bayou Rd

Fruge, Kathleen Ann, 66 Trisler Rd #1A

Garcia, Christopher Bryen, 461 Crewlake Lp

Gayden, Jacqueline Gwen, 179 Hatch Bend Rd

Gee, Charlotte Latasha, 789 Barefield Rd

Gibson, Vicki Templeton, 245 Bess Lake Rd

Gill, Angela Clark, 1419 Hwy 3048

Gill, Gabbriella Ruth, 1419 Hwy 3048

Gill, Perry Natasha, 182 Hill Rd

Gilmore, Joy Kathleen, 703 Smalling Rd

Gipson, Shakenna Rashell, 107 Tulip St

Givens, Jennifer Bedenbender, 664 Mengel Rd

Grace, Trumaine L, 124 Alabama St

Graham, Shanna Nichole, 61 Trish Ln

Graham, Summer Mackenzie, 160 Caston Rd

Grantham, Jason Lavon, 99 Gladney Lp

Gray, Kyuna C, 809 Madeline St

Greer, Sammie Lee, 307 Foster St #412

Griffin, Angelia Denise, 122 South Circle Dr #D

Griffin, Desiree Alissa Natalie, 2338 Hwy 583

Griffin, Kenneth Bryan, 121 Keener St

Hall Cupp, Lauren Ashley, 65 Gunner Ridge Rd

Hardy, Chanterian, 69 Horn Rd

Harper, Chlotile, 497 Smalling Rd

Harrell, Martha Tooke, 272 Johnny Walker Rd

Harris, Charlotte E, 297 Crawford Rd

Harris, Yolanda Johnson, 104 Willis St

Hart Sr, Earl Ray, 541 Johnny Walker Rd

Hart, Crystal, 500 Spruce St

Hart, Makayla, 541 Johnny Walker Rd

Hayden, Jonathan Richard, 350 Hwy 856

Haynes, Frederick L, 63 Clark Rd

Haynes, Johnathan Q, 966 Sugar Hill Rd

Haynes, Vickie Diane, 2542 Hwy 132

Henning, Daniel Lovejoy, 304 Ashley Ave #18

Herrington, Amanda Luz Siegle, 13 Trisler Rd

Hill Jr, Elbert E, 55 Hill Rd

Hill, Andries Terrell, 108 Robinson St

Hinton, Levi Shows, 742 Bee Bayou Rd

Holmes, Rachel Michele, 3966 Hwy 80

Howard, Annette S, 411 Madeline St #209

Howard, William E, 146 John Sturgeon Rd

Hudson, Yvonne Lamadison, 147 Legacy Dr

Hughes, Alisha Dawn, 324 Bess Lake Rd

Hunter, Raeleigh Nikole, 204 Elm St #1

Island, Charles Lavell, 118 Massey Dr

Ivy, Cory Allen, 570 Summers Rd

Jackson, Adrienne Antoinette, 219 Russell St

James, David Lee, 66 Hwy 856

James, Dianne, 202 Coenen Dr

James, Frances Marie, 123 Keener St

Jenkins, Latoya Denise, 27 Ruff Rd

Jinks, Dexter R, 198 Norman Rd

Jinks, Misty Annette, 46 Baker Ln

Jinks, Robert Ferry, 46 Baker Ln

Jobe, Joshua Dave, 36 Hales Rd

Johns, Antonio Nathaniel, 161 Comeaux Rd #CABIN #2

Johnson, Abbigale Michelle, 2056 Hwy 425

Johnson, Alexiana K, 113 Leo St

Johnson, Chong Cha, 3876 Hwy 80

Johnson, David Ronald, 596 Bee Bayou Rd

Johnson, Eddie Devon, 18 Jc Wright Rd

Johnson, Elizabeth Inge, 3876 Hwy 80

Johnson, Hannah Laurin, 612 Mulberry St

Johnson, Madison Alyssa, 612 Mulberry St

Johnson, Maketha Lorraine, 5 Cherry St

Johnson, Mrs Shirley A, 31 Elaine St

Johnson, Shaterica Denell, 413 Martin Luther King Dr

Jones, Chandalier, 1739 Louisa St

Jones, Kaleb Daniel, 701 Pine St

Jones, Kiyan, 114 Traylor St

Jones, Lametress Lashay, 820 Scales Rd

Jones, Latrecia Michelle, 701 Pine St

Jones, Michael O’neal, 308 Spruce St

Jones, Niles O, 701 Pine St

Jones, Susie Beatrice, 201 Blackmon St

Jones, Timothy, 116 Russell St

Jones, Vivian Diane, 95 Midway Church Rd

Jordan, Aaron Taylor, 126 Sweet Potato Rd

Jordan, Austin Slade, 126 Sweet Potato Rd

Katzenmeyer, Laura Hogan, 298 South Ridge Rd

Kelly, Desedrick Lewis, 203 Russell St

Kelly, Shirley Ann Williams, 411 Linda St

Keys, Cadell Roberson, 31 Mathis Rd

Keys, Carolyn Hardman, 31 Mathis Rd

Keys, Kendra Cadrielle, 31 Mathis Rd

Kilcrease, John David, 46 Mason Rd

Killen, Mary Jeane, 703 Smalling Rd

King, David Dewayne, 528 McClanahan Rd

King, Donna S, 111 Russell St

King, Dustin Ray, 2085 Hwy 583

King, Lara Lynn, 317 Scales Rd

Kyle, Latricia Lynette, 176 Boykin Rd

Larkin, Allen C, 325 Smalling Rd

Lary, Renee Michelle, 1507 Louisa St

Lawson, Charlene Harris, 209 Leo St

Lawson, Cora Denise, 114 Donna St

Lawson, Dominique Montreal, 114 Donna St

Lawson, Melanie Kiara, 114 Donna St

Lawson, Vincent, 114 Donna St

Lingefelt, Brian A, 522 McManus Rd

Lingefelt, Jennifer Starnes, 522 McManus Rd

Lockwood, Dylan Andrew, 2342 Hwy 583

Loftin, Roger D, 316 Russell St #47

Lofton II, Keith Alan, 1429 Hwy 183

Lofton, Dakota Vohn, 249 Bess Lake Rd

Lord, Kimberly Leighann, 33 Bennett Ln

Lovaas Jr, James Micheal, 315 Crawford Rd

Lowery Jr, James Terry, 51 Cartlidge Rd

Lowery, Katie Anne, 51 Cartlidge Rd

Lucas, Elizabeth Michelle, 570 Summers Rd

Marshall, Carla R, 117 Marshall St

Marshall, Caroline Evette, 117 Marshall St

Martin, Camryn Leanna, 304 Ashley Ave #5

Martin, Robert Dewain, 962 Hwy 561

Martinez, Matthew Joseph, 1255 Hwy 134

Masters, William David, 115 Mengel Rd

Matthews Jr, Willie John, 319 Rescue St

Matthews, Virgie Cole, 319 Rescue St

Maxwell, Elizabeth Nicole, 6125 Federal 80

McBroom, Bennie L, 21 Trisler Rd

McClain, Jonathan Marquise, 126 Legacy Dr

McCray, Tamika, 316 Russell St #42

McDonnell, Eric Mark, 206 Rhymes St

McDowell, Renee Kennedy, 103 Texas St

McFarland, Kenneth James, 16 M J Johnson Rd

McFarland, Quiaria Marie, 117 Brown St

McKenzie, Jennifer Blaylock, 3 Amy Ln

McKinney, Johnnie R, 230 Wanda St

McManus, Tricha Dawn, 209 Myrtle St

McMiller, Glenn Ray, 112 Camille St #A

McMurray, Mindy Kate, 23 Shallow Creek Ln

Meadows, Devion Demaria, 8 M J Johnson Rd

Meloche, Hannah Merrell, 272 Comeaux Rd

Middleton, Taylor Tam Nguyen, 128 Norris Rd

Miles, A B, 10 Wilhite Rd

Miles, Lucy Mae, 109 Coenen Dr

Miles, Mylahia R, 105 Meadowlark St

Miles, Patrice Monique, 10 Wilhite Rd

Miles, Savannah Kearsha, 8 Pettit Rd

Miles, Shirley Mae, 10 Wilhite Rd

Miller I, Mitchell Justin, 949 Scales Rd

Miller, Erica Maria, 2598 Hwy 132

Miller, Hilliary Marie, 56 Graves Trail

Miller, Shanna Nicole, 1224 Bee Bayou Rd

Mills, Angela Maria, 612 Mulberry St

Minor Jr, Thomas James, 85 Barefield Rd

Mize, Jeremia Brandon, 638 Hwy 183

Montgomery, Cynthia, 411 Madeline St #109

Moore, Hazel Renee, 267 Hwy 584

Morris, Mitchell Shea, 221 James Brown Rd

Myers, Camren Alece, 2253 Hwy 183

Natt, Gregory Neal, 280 Frank Walker Rd

Natt, Lula Mae, 755 Sugar Hill Rd

Neal, Jodicia Nicole, 1680 Girard Rd

Neathery, Christopher Logan, 1273 Hwy 135

Nielsen II, Jason Scott, 329 McClanahan Rd

Nielsen, Dakota Wallingsford, 329 McClanahan Rd

Nobles, Wendy Renee, 5 McWilliams Rd

Nylander, Michelle Dawn, 189 Hendrix Rd

Nylander, Trinity Mae, 189 Hendrix Rd

O’neal, Dakota Dye, 986 Hwy 583

Oneal, Amanda Juanice, 986 Hwy 583

Oneal, Christopher Micah, 2253 Hwy 183

Oneal, Connie Morgan, 187 Beach Rd

Oswald, Tristan Jacob, 261 James Brown Rd

Page, Joseph Con, 315 Crawford Rd

Parker, Brianaashanti Demetria, 133 Legacy Dr

Parker, Danahdia Trishsean, 110 Ashley Ave

Parker, Felicia Nicole, 110 Keener St

Parker, Stephanie Jean, 110 Keener St

Pate, Christopher Glyn, 530 Little Rd

Perry, Allen R, 276 Hwy 561

Peterson, Joe Earl, 1317 Hwy 3048

Petit, Matthew, 32 Willow Ln

Pipes, Susan Greer, 207 Hwy 135

Porter, Jamar Jamell, 27 Tuscany Way

Powell, Anthony Dewayne, 226 Russell St

Powell, Heather Nicole Pentico, 1166 Fragala St

Price, Barry, 104 Camille St #B

Price, Shirley A, 224 Frank Walker Rd

Pugh, Vera Dawn, 6425 Hwy 133

Purvis, Christian Tyler, 17 Blaylock Rd

Purvis, Kimberly, 17 Blaylock Rd

Qualls, Andre Deshun, 110 Brown St

Rainbolt, Kelsey Michelle, 329 McClanahan Rd

Raney, Leanna Maria, 1927 Hwy 583

Reimer Jr, Marc Anthony, 1603 Louisa St

Reimer Sr, Marc Anthony, 2199 Hwy 183

Reimer, Anna Maria, 2199 Hwy 183

Reimer, Nathan Michael, 2199 Hwy 183

Reynolds, Denisha Lafaye, 118 Pearl St

Reynolds, Jasmine Cheyenne Renee, 221 Russell St

Reynolds, Jerome L, 118 Pearl St

Reynolds, Sarah Catherine Rose, 16 Willie Boies Rd

Reynolds, Taresa, 221 Russell St

Rhone, Bridzeik Belonde, 24 Tuscany Way

Richmond, John W, 98 Ford Ware Rd

Robertson, William, 12 Vineyard Lane

Robinson, Helen Louise, 139 Beach Rd

Robinson, Richard Earl, 139 Beach Rd

Rockhill, Cierra Lashay, 101 Massey Dr #A

Rogers, Jennifer Bain, 996 Hwy 856

Rogers, Nathaniel Louis, 176 Boykin Rd

Rogers, Shanrick Lamar, 2736 Hwy 425

Rogers, Terry Christian, 176 Boykin Rd

Romero, Nicholas Evan, 35 Trish Ln

Rose, Johnny Ray, 11 Oakmont Dr

Rose, Vera Mae, 562 Hwy 3048

Royals, Bruce Lee, 250 Hwy 585

Rundell, Brannon Kirk, 6148 Federal 80

Runnels, Latarsha Mashea, 1594 Hwy 584

Samuels, Jerry L, 7 Bailey Rd

Sanders, Shaquille, 510 Mulberry St

Schlesinger, Corey Avram, 21 Bailey Rd

Seals, Ranina Taccar, 72 Horn Rd #3

Searcy, Ashley Mcvay, 310 Johnny Walker Rd

Senn, Colby Craig, 299 Hwy 852

Severy, Julia Neal, 697 Bee Bayou Rd

Shelburne Jr, Michael Allen, 24 Nawlins Ln

Shepherd, Kansas Rushell, 548 Summers Rd #LOT 3

Sherman, Latrell, 13 Pear St

Shuff, Arianna Grace, 2360 Hwy 583

Sibley, Terry Glenn, 160 McCormick Rd

Silk, Bryant Scott, 108 Caston Rd

Simms, Chris Dewayne, 289 Bess Lake Rd

Simms, Libby Blake, 289 Bess Lake Rd

Simms, Willie G, 110 McConnell Dr #412B

Slade, Carolyn Virginia, 411 Madeline St #109

Smiley, Destiny A, 403 Linda St

Smith, Dana Renea, 1982 Hwy 583

Smith, Erika Danielle, 2327 Hwy 15

Smith, Monica Lynn, 208 Oak Dr

Smith, Patsy Ann Adcock, 29 Dorsey Ford Rd

Smith, Volonda R, 109 Naylor St

Speight, Linda P, 1758 Hwy 583

Spencer, Edith Ross, 215 Bradley St

Spillers, Meagan Savannah, 18 Eagle Dr

Springfield, Nathaniel Eric, 5078 Federal 80

Stansell, Rebecca Hahn, 648 Bee Bayou Rd

Steele, Deborah Walker, 1673 Hwy 183

Steele, Matthew Maurice, 2237 Hwy 854

Steele, Michael Ray, 1673 Hwy 183

Stennett, Katie Elizabeth, 724 Robinson Dr

Stoffer, Christopher, 64 Oakmont Dr

Stoffer, Morgan Lynn, 64 Oakmont Dr

Stowe Sr, Richard Wayne, 179 Branch Crossing Rd

Sullivan, Christopher Scott, 146 Sullivan Lp

Sullivan, Kaleb Colby, 10 Kathy Ln

Sullivan, Sharlene Campbell, 146 Sullivan Lp

Taylor, Amanda Marie, 89 South Ridge Rd

Taylor, Mary Evelyn, 1007 Louisa St

Taylor, Stacey R, 160 McCormick Rd

Temple, Stephanie Bond, 5 Trish Ln

Templeton, Sandra Fay, 303 Spencer St

Theus Jr, Sheldon Ray, 35 Cumpton Rd

Theus, Donisha Hardmon, 35 Cumpton Rd

Thomas Jr, Lonzo, 367 Hill Rd

Tibbs, Shawn, 20 Bess Lake Rd

Timber, Laderean, 109 Kelsey St

Torrey Jr, Weldon Derwin, 664 Mengel Rd

Trisler, Katelyn Marie, 23 Trisler Rd

Tyson, Jessie, 641 Hwy 583

Walker, Lucille, 92 Tose Ln

Walker, Robert Jewell, 22 Hollis Rd

Waller, Gregory Dewayne, 13 C G Greer Rd

Ward, Lakendria Colleen, 411 Madeline St #203

Ward, Lisa Corine, 309 Mansfield St

Ward, Pamela Jo, 78 Sugar Hill Rd

Ward, Sarah Elizabeth, 78 Sugar Hill Rd

Ward, Solomon James, 78 Sugar Hill Rd

Ward, Tomeka Lashay, 78 Sugar Hill Rd

Ward, Willtaria Shanta, 78 Sugar Hill Rd

Washington, Reginald Alonzo, 24 Tuscany Way

Whatley, Amber Nicole, 187 Hwy 561

Whitaker, Jessica Renee, 5 Green St

White, Delanza Monique, 105 Kelsey St

White, Laterrius Quayshaun, 308 Spruce St

White, Michael Eugene, 44 Lewis Rd

Wiater, Kathryn Lonsberry, 92 South Ridge Rd

Wiater, Kevin Michael, 92 South Ridge Rd

Wilhite, Laquista Danielle, 20 Wilhite Rd

Wilhite, Lawson, 935 Hwy 3048

Wilhite, Lorenza Darrell, 22 Wilhite Rd

Wilhite, Shannon Michelle, 20 Wilhite Rd

Williams, Jamichael, 251 Glenda St

Williams, Trevor Robert, 839 Scales Rd

Williams, Yvette Caston, 251 Glenda St

Wilmore, Ishmael Lateef, 30 Wilhite Rd

Wilson, Ashanti Shaneice, 404 Oak Dr

Wilson, Demetris Renea, 110 Loy St

Wilson, Karen T, 710 Pine St #4

Wilson, Monesha Renee, 117 Brown St

Winn, Cadence Deshawn, 46 Trisler Rd

Woolsey, Crystal Lynn Herrington, 234 Hwy 584

Worthington, Lisa M, 6395 Federal 80

Young, Dow S., 2164 Hwy 854

Young, Niki Renee, 436 Hwy 561

Young, Victoria Hope, 2164 Hwy 854

------ Start ------

Adcock, Carl Edward, 1628 Girard Rd #1

Cain, Violet T, 3089 Magnolia Dr

Cowart, Thersa Maria, 847 Webb Hill Rd

Elliott, Joseph David, 72 Otto Rd

Hocutt, Don M, 2844 Magnolia Dr

Ingram, Stewart Hunter, 3209 Magnolia Dr #A

Jackson Jr, Christopher, 1628 Girard Rd #2

Johnson, Celor, 67 Simmons Rd

Jones, Tameka M, 1628 Girard Rd #2

Keith, Paula Odom, 6 Lafourche Rd

Lewis Jr, Lee Otis, 311 Henry Rd

Lewis, Brenda Joyce, 8 Apartment Lp

McKnight, Marissa Grace, 50 Webb Hill Rd

McKnight, Shonda Renee, 50 Webb Hill Rd

Olivo, Dakota Lynn, 8 Apartment Lp

Pippens, Brittney Breann, 12 Montgomery Rd

Roy Jr, Marshall, 2808 Magnolia Dr

Thomas, Taylor Kristen, 3103 Magnolia Dr

Townsend, Toni Marie, 197 Simmons Rd

Trahan, Percy J, 13 Montgomery Rd

Turner, Kelia Baker, 1632 Girard Rd #1





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