Holly Ridge Happenings

Satan cannot destroy the Gospel, so he does all he can to attack those who believe it. He temps, divides, he accuses, he schemes, he deceives, he lies, he stirs gossip, he provokes distrust, he feeds bitterness. But do not fear. Jesus is the Good Shepherd, He will guard us.

Well, people in the community move off and don’t show up for a few years. Yes that is what Cecil Reddick did. I had not seen him in years and he stopped by on Friday. I did not recognize him. Of course, he did have his mask on, but I don’t think I would have known him any way. Was good to see him.

My niece, Pat and her husband, Roger McGloflin, ran in for a minute on Friday. Always in a hurry but I did get a hug. Ha!

My, my. Greg and Jeanne had to leave the Kingsport Island another time. The Mighty Mississippi River is rising again. Well, thats life and it goes with the flow, but I don’t like it and that’s all I’ve got to say.

Oh Lord, when I grow weary please help me to remember each and every day: to count my blessings, not my crosses; to count my gains and not my losses; to count my joys and not my tears; to count my joys and not my fears; to count my health and not my wealth; and most of all, to count on God and not myself.

Happy Birthday this week to Teigan Thompson on March 18th, Stlla McLemore and Garan Whittington on March 20th, Daneille Hamm on March 21st, Sarah Milller, John Edge, Joey Payne on March 22nd, Erin Dove, Donnie Swain and Ashley Cheek on March 23rd, Amber Puckett on March 24th. May these celebrate many more happy ones.

Anniversary wishes to Donnie and Paula Hough on March 24th. I wish for these many more happy years together. Have a great weekend and a safe one!

Remember: The news says when you give blood, you save three lives. I know a man who gave His blood and is was powerful enough to save the world! Do you know Him, too?

Richland Today

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